Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/386

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SIXTY·SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 135. 1913. 1401 'I‘he name of James E. Ashwill, late of Company F, One hundred ’•¤• E- Mm and fortieth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and gayjiim a pension at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of that e 1s·n0w Thzuiigame of Torger Hanson, late of Company G, Fifth Regiment '*`°¤*F·¤=°¤ Minnesota pay 1um_ a_ pension at the rate of 24 eu 0 e is now recei . s Tgsrniiiiig oflgohn D. Saii1§n, late of K, One hundred ’°’“‘ ”· ““""‘°‘* and ninety-Erst Regment O Volunteer antry,_ and pay a pension at the rate 0 $30 per month in lieu of that he is now receivmg. P,,,,,,,,, The name of Julia A. Suver, former widow of Llewellyn J. Thacker, ¤¤1•¤ A- ¤¤v•r· late of Company K, N inelgfifth Refiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a nsion at e rate 0 $12 per month. _ _ P,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_L The name of Allen M. Gibbons, late 0 Company D, Nmth Regi- MMI ¤¤>¤¤n ment Indiana Vglunieer C?vd;ag'yL and pay a pension at the rate f $24 t ` _ e is now recenvmg. . _ 0 The 1Iim‘<i11Ma1t1hia@u(;lBlenni¤, late of Company li}, Seventh Regi- “""'“ °""'“"* ment Iowa Vttguntleer and pay a pension at the rate of ia n recei . ”i·1i°Zi.i$§ of §0s¢$.tta0Gra:ee L‘10ore(:`ivormer‘iirii]n§ovq of Daniel Graves, ;¢:£% Gum late of Company A, Second Re&menfWest Virgmia Volunteer Cav- Home. and pay herape n at erate of$12perm0nth.

  • 1*HG mmm of Max Sgilauck, yidow of George M. Shattuck, late of any emma

Company Izlgnth megggiigt Illinois golunteer Cavalry, and pay her e mon N S gghugliiiilrrie of ilirsilrcus D. Stlexreus, kw of 001¤P¤¤Y A» QM hundred in¤?·i¤¤ili¤¤¤::i·¤f» and first Re§im' ent Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pay a pension at the rate 0 $36 month in lieu of that he is now I:0(}81VlI1g._ The name of 1;:1291 Pope, IMA of C0mP¤¤Y G» Fifth R°8!m°¤l· °°““' P°’°‘ Pennsylvania Reserve I1;fgit;jyii°ai1;dng:vyr%£n;éem1on at en 0 a - miiiztiimggdgx W1¤Stah1, na of Comgany C,_Twenty-Eyst ¤······*· ¤··¤= “°$‘“°“° P‘}‘““"""“”i“ v§{‘*"‘i°.’€.°?‘2‘f.'Z€'t2“.. $3 .'?.L'ZE£..'§°”‘°“ in e o _ . _ at 'Fh: liilatiiig 0§2Cli:tToI:(SIl Palmer, late of Compan{._B, Thu·ty-tlnrd °“"'°' “· "“"· Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry and pay 1m_ a pensmn at the rate of $30 month in lieu of tha lie is now receiving. The name of girmes W. Cannon, late of Company G, Seventeenth 1¤¤·• W- ¤•¤¤¤¤. Regiment Kentucky Vozllxntefir C¤Prw’,h¤;¤i¢g $(::7 l}:c¤;i¤_P°¤¤°¤ ** eu 0 a **1118- _ th?I'i;nii;)1£i:3gfIl·;i.>rltiii)¢ih D1uHa , late of Campaugiuii, Fortyynmth ¥·¤¤¤¤¤ D- ¤•r• Regiment Missouri Volunteer {Entry, M14 P¤Y ,¤,P°'m°¤ °t the rate of $24 month in lieu of that he is now receivmi. hmm The name oF°'1‘homas Palmer, law of C0¤1P¤¤Kiu?» , ¤°d° ·ruom¤'r•¤m•. County Battalion Missouri Home Guards, md pey 8 P¤¤¤10¤ ¤t th'1‘l1i:tiis?rii: ig ;1VVi1dasin¤, late of Cvmpwy H, 0116 hundred i.¤¤a¤”°"°°° wm¤¤."' °°°°‘ me mmm Regiment Ohio Volunteer _I¤fg¤try, and 1ig_h¤¤ ¤ penqiqn at the rate of $36 per month ID lwu of dm ul ¤°W !'°°°"m8- · zaoopn P. Dana h p_ 1) , late of Com any H, ljlmeteenth RegT¥11xiie1l1:¤O°hi)<i Viisliiiiteer IHIZZY, N14 PW ism P .P°“°*°” “ tm rate of $40 per month in lieu of that he is now receivmg. _ mlm The nam, of Jenni, widow of Hewitt Harding, IMA of imno mana;. Company expat banana me ¤ii¤;og;¤;_9t:I:{¤ziig¤¤¢ 0:i;m£h¤*w - pension . P,,,.,,..,...; IDf1;·li14m Denton, late of C<>mpany§: Seventh Rex: on., p. ent., ment Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, PSY h¤¤,¤,P¤¤¤°¤ ** rate of$24permonthinlieu ofthatheianowrecenvmg.