Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/393

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1408 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sm. 111. Gu. iss. ms. and pay a pension at the rate of $20 permonth in lieu of that she §ii:#n 1. ram. is '.1l'h: beth J. Todd, former widow of Ephraim L. Webb, late of Com any E, Forty~fourth Regiment Missouri Volunteer Infantry, andp a here pension at the rate of 820 per month.

 The name Jim Charlotte Timberman, widow of _James C._'Hm—
  • ·¤¤¤~ berman, late of Com y D, One hundred and thirtyyenghth Regiment

` Ohio National anu·y and pay her a pension at the rate of $231per month in lieu of that she is now reeemvmg. _ _ °""””“°°" Rm- °.¤“2“v$ °{ $°"l‘*‘“"iz'i.‘§.¥‘gt;'Z,°’1}.‘f“ 2}',°Z.‘I2."“"’ »‘$1..T“““°""'”· es nrgnua o an pay a pemnon t tef$30 th' limnfththf recei° . Pwr G- ¤¤•*¢· a The Tame) of lat; of ;0g, Sevegxllegiment West Yirgmia Volunteer infantry, pay him_ a pension at yuh, therateof$2:fpermonthmlieuo§thatheisnowrece1 . · ·4¤•• "¤¤¤•*· ’l‘he name Agnes C. Wunderhgh, helpless and d ent child wt of Edward Wunderligh, late quartermaster sergeant th Regiment Unitalo States Cavalry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $12 pu- - mon ·

‘},'§‘?",,_§ »ClhenameofWilliamD.Reed,latoofOompm K,Onehundred

and forty-eighth Regiment New York Volunteer {nfantry - and pay _him_a pension at the rate of $36 per month in lieu of that he is now reeenvmg. ’·¤¤ °· ¤•*•*¤· The of John C. Babbs, late of Co F, Tlm·ty' -6rst B ’ ment Onhlilonlfolunteer Infantry, and pay l11Igu;1{)Bl18l0D at the ratecg? 83g_£er month in lieu of that he k now ¤•¤¤ Ek- { e name of Henry Ellar,_ late of Oomxzd igne hundred and ».",.'.E’;"°'°’*E.'§. £°3'§°?.“L‘ ?}‘§‘§}§¥3.°&.`n in at i‘?»."{’».""' "" _ P¤¤81 o a e is now Pension. YOGBIVIDQ. ‘ ’·°**°•‘··“°'° Thenam ofLoxinaL.R tf wid fJ bO. ""‘ ...,*‘~¤,.¤···e#..::·E;.s· :;a=.~.:.··:»···,...>· BZ,.· i? v:`E*··-· {·—·- S-·*°~ ° *****;**2 °* {mm Smi l•¢¤ <>f C¤¤¤v=¤y G. Fifrggriinglokgimn " ent Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry; and pay him a pension at e rate J mlmmn of$24permonthinlieu of that 0l8DOWl'0®lV'|.Il§' . ° The nnnig of Jghn Mcéiillen, late of Complznav , Twenty-giglph , R°5‘“.t .°;'.i¥. .§“£22{ "“'.2°J.“¤‘§“i.’Z..I.'i‘}““¤»..‘“t”1..i...*I.?."““ i * "°“‘°" lhry1.W•¤¤•|· 'lhe name of J. Weddel, h less and de denlzlxild pm of William P. Weddel, ate of Company 'Ihrelfth Begimmtllichigan

¢;l;!iti;Lteer Infantry, and pay he a pension at the rate of $12 per

Pemtona ·

  • 5% Th rn·m·Mntm, Som, ,1,,-,,,

mma 11. . la of Co -

 Volgteu Infantry, tsnd  pensiontat the

Gupwmn rateof836 monthinlieuofthatheisnowreoeivingi? · 'f!¤¤ ¤¤¤¤ of Gwzsgnw- Goglley. late of Gcmgmy B, orty-second Begummt Ilbno1sV tear antry andpay apemnon at the rateof$30 permonthinlieu of thatheisnowreeei . ’*°°° “**'*- The name of Jacob Shivier, late of Gompan Kwllgvmty-eighth R€nent Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry and pay him a pension at e rate of $30 per monthinlieu of thatlne know receiving. “°°""·“'•'¤*¥· The name of Jaeeb N. Eaterty, late of Company A, 'ihiyumth

Iowa   and pay hm a pemion at the

per mon m e is now - "'{""'*·°* '¤ianameofHarrh¤¤A.Gallo late bsavqty. therate ¤&p¤·m¤nthi|1lie¤ofthat:."h•iaow ° . ·’=‘•'·=·— ¤»¤··¤· J-we ¤·¤p¤····s '°°%..e¤~.q Banta, late of GT'l‘•vnty-lieu:-th United Stats