Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/396

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SIXTY·SECOND CONGRESS. Sus. III. Ch. 135. 1913. 1411 detem·mine:Andpmmd•d` {urlher Thatin theeventof thedeathof ¥’•¤*•¤•¤M•• Jane Fleming, the name said Roxanne shall be placed on “°°°‘°°°°°' the pension roll, subject to theprovbions limitations of the pensionlaws attherateof $12permonthfrom and after the death of and Jane The name of M. Temple late of Company KaOne hun- '“"""“""”"" dred and Eftesnth Regiment Ohio Vlolunteer Infantg, an .Company K, Onehundred th Regiment Ohio V unteer Infantry andpayhimapensnonat rateof830permonthi11lieuofthathe1s now receiving. . The name of Lavenia A. Drennen widow of George A. Drennen, ’*"""*·D""""* late of Company E, First Regiment West Virginia Volunteer Cavalsg, andpayherapensnonattherateof$20permonthin]ie11 of that e 18 now mcetvmf. _ _ P I '1`henameo EmmaC.Devor w1dowofRmhardDevor lateof m¤¤¤c.¤•m. Company D Seventy-seventh Regment Pennsylvania V'olunteer Infantry, and Pay her a Eznsion at _ e rate of $12 per month. fT&ena.meoA’ ifman, wl1d:i:h¢g1Tho1nuV&]IIoifman, late “"‘° '· H°"”‘“ o m an o undred an Regxmen ennylvama Volutxg-eg: Ixnhntry, and pay her a pension at the rate of 12 per mon . . T‘henam•ofElizabethJ.Lane,widowofJoaiah lateofCom· §T,§’°“§{"""f"· g;nyA,FintRe£nentIndiana andpay wh Ln gpensionat rateof$20permonthinlieuofthatsi1eisnow ThenameofMu·t.haDiokineon,widowofJamesD.Diokinson, ¤•·¢¤•¤¤=¤¤¤¤¤ lata of Com any D, Seventeenth Regiment Michigan Volunteer Infantry, and) pay her a pemion at the rate of $24 per month in lieu ofthatshaisnmrreeen :Provid¢d Thatin theeventof the {gn•*•.;”___°¤ death of Jennie and dependent child of said James um ol cme


termme. TI10DllB0fwI1ElmD.CfI*I0!d, late ofCompaI:¥A,0nehundred M*_{¤¤¤¤ ¤- ¤r••— and ninety-second Regiment Ohio Voluntper_ antry, and pay ` him_a_penaion attherateoftvpermonthmheuofthathexsnow receiving. '1'he name of Isaac Jones, late of Companies D, E, and K, Nine- '*"°’°"* teenth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry,_and pay a pension at the rate of $30_per monthinlieu of that he isnow receiving. ,,,,,,,,,_ Thename ofAlioeC. Knee widow of K`l®L1Il’B of Battery AMC- Kin K, Third Regiment New York Volunteer Light Artillery, and pay herapensionatthenteof$12permonth. _ The name of Charles Roeenknnl, dependent and helplms child of m""‘°'”·°"'““""'· A t Roeenkranz, late of Company G, Seyenth Regiment New Yer; Votl§·nta¤· Infantry, and pay hun a pension at the rate of $12 mon p“'I‘ho name of Mary A. Hooker, widowofJamesJ. Hooke,late of Company C, Fifteenth Regiment Illinois Volunteer_Infan¤-Elisa}! Veteran Battalion Fourteenth and Ffifteenth Regiment om Volu:Iteer];-nfa·1;E;a·rl:•4ipayherapg¤1n¤attlwnt»of$20pe1· mon in ’ t is now reoenvmg. _ J-,. _ Th•nameofMaryF. Murphy widowof®r!st¤pll¤‘1{mm;1lat• I"! _ ’ of Company H,` '1‘wmty-nintb 1le?mmt Iowa Voluntec E andpayhegapndtmattberateo szopermonthmheunotthat snow . _ mm R , The nt. nemqs, widow ot n names, late or *· CompanyB,ThirdR.egimentOhioVoluntee¤jCa ,a.ndpgyher apen¤ionattherat•of$24permonthmheuof tshezsnow mu neéviigz Provided/1‘hatin theeventqftlmdeatl1ofPeulR»oun¢@, ‘g¤:_q:7•“=’••¤

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