Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/398

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cue. 135, 136. 1913. 1413 The name of Joanna Swander, widow of William H. Swander, late assistant surgeon, Seventy-ninth Regiénent Ohio Volunteer Infantgz, ` andpayherapenswnattherate·of Opermonthinlieu of that e is now rece: . P I 'I`he naming? Martha Pendergrass widow ofJames Pendergraes nm-mruoaun late of Company F, Twenty-ninth Regiment United States Co ered Volutnlteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $12 per mon The name of Jennie Smith, helpless and dependent child of Andrew "“‘”""“"""·

kgdof Cogiepany H,_ Nintéhthl1Regi:·n;’e1¥$%l£ssouri Stag;-e  

v , _ a n a e ra o mon ·‘ ·The name oll·Williamm late of Company Hyg-ne hundred and ¥v°*uuQ“$°n§h°{»°.°”° seventeenth Regiment New Ylork Volunteer Infantryj and pay him a pensionattherateof$50lpermonthinlieuofthathensnowreoeiving. mln but The name of Julia A. offatt widow of Jeez}; L. Moffatt, late of ' Company I, Seventh Regiment United States autry, and pay her apensionattherat.eof$24permonthmlieuofthateheisnowre- mm eeivingz Provided, that in the event of the death of IHKBL. Mo6att, mmm to an ¤• helpless End dependgig ehild of said J gsiph L. ldofatt, additional °°‘“‘°‘ ‘*’“'* shall eease an etermme. Pmlgglixaxinrgirni Case, widow of William W. Case, late of Company Mk °°°` F, One hundredth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and pay her apensionattherateoftmpermonthmlieuofthatsheisnow ngulgne of Henry c. Gi-ay late or Company-JI, one tuned ape Km ° °"’· sixty-seventh Regiment Ohio National Guard _ entry and pay him a penaion at the rate of $20 per month in heu of that he is now mciglhhunime of Charles W. Jackson, late of Company D, Thirty-fourth ch"' W` "°]"°"" Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and pay a pension at the rate of $24 per month in lieu of that he is now repeivmg. mm Hwa The name of Thomas Iaiiggins, late of Companies L and H, Seeond Regiment Massachusetts o unteer Heavy Artillery, and pay a pension attherate of$30per monthinlieuof thathensnow reeeivmg. Mn The name of Marinda Lowe, widow of John L0we,_late of Company um D, One hundred and seventy-ninth Regiment Ohio Volunteer In- 3:t1·Z£andpayher_apensionat ul6l'$l’•00I$20P0fm0Dhl1m1l¤¤0f t ensnowreeexv . _ _ ,8,,,,,,, The name of Arohibudgl Molain, late of Company C, Eighth Reza- " °'°“'“‘ ment 1llinoisVolunteerInfantry andpayhingepmsxmattlierate 0f$50permonthinlieuofthatl1e1snowreee1vmg. Approved, March 3, 1913. cnanxee.-an an eaaeuppqnmmmqneeanaw. g%_§,},°’{· ’ graded mate and H the United l"*'*‘•·"°‘°'~l Bhfztaqf·i?v‘ei.;B&ng»·¢a• j'- HD Beugftary of the Interiorm'an¢%)heist’lc:e;-eli y, the ° ‘ vmom p¤¤¤10¤ Ewa, the namsgoloizlhry Mmm, widow of Arthur Ilaehzthur, late

 United States Army, andpayhcapannmatthe

rate of 31 per month. Approved, Buch 3, 1913.