Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/403

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1418 SIXTY·SECOND CONGRESS. k. IH. Ch. 137. 1913. ’¤¤¤·•’- ‘¤¤¤¤- The name of Thomas J. Thorphflata of Comgzuny E, Hghty-Efth Regiment New Yorlr Volnmteer antry, and tenant colonel in One hundred and thirtieth Regiment New York Volunteer Infa.n¤·y, andpayhimapensionattheratoof$50per1¤>uthmheuofthat he is now ¥¤¤¤ ¥¤•¤· The name of Jo Muster, late of Cosilgany H,_Twenty-seventh Regiment Indiana Volunteer pay him a pension at therate of $30Eermonthm11eu of theianowrecennng. ,§:·_§}•;¤·s I The name of mma Schuette, helpless and dyendent d of Frederick Sohuette, late of Compan&rE, Secon Regiment urn Volunteetril. Light Artillery, and pay a pension at the rate of 812 per mon · _ _ P=¤¤*¤¤• *¤¤°“°°·" The name of Henry Vas , late of Company E, Second Regi- H°°”v ment Missouri Volunteer and pay him a pemion at the rate of $30?>er monthinlieu of thatheianowreceiving. www V- Fm The name o V. Fish, late of Compang H, Seventeenth Regiment West Virginia Volunteer Infantry, an pay him a pension at the rate of $20 per month m hen of that he is now ¤¤==¤¤·*¤'*`*°**· The name of Elexander Tittle, late of Company D, Third Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him.a pension at the rate of $40 month in lieu of that he h now receivmg. '*'*·¤¤¤•E·¤¤*“*- Til? name of Thomm E. Smith, late of Company H, First ment Arkansas Volunteer Cavalg, and pay him a at rate of $24 per month in lieu of at he is now recei . ¥•·••¤¤ D- "¤*¤*° The name of Joseph D. Fulmer, late of Company `Aznsne hundred and seventy-eighth egiment Pennsilvama Drafted Militia Infanhg, andpayhirn_apu1sionattherateo $24pu·monthinlieuofthat e` is now recei . H•¤¤ °· *°•¤* The namengf Henry C. Adams, late of Comiiéy E, Second ment Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry and pay a pension at e rate of $30 per month in lieu of that he is ‘

  • '•¤¤¤ A- 1*** The name of Nahum A. Reed, late of Compan&K, Seventh Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Mm, and mpany I, Second

Regitlment Massachusetts Vohmteer uz, and pay him a pension at erate0f$30 germonthinlieu ofthat eisnowrecei . §,':°g$“,,wh The name of Holbrook, former widow of Fredericlruig. Weton, late of Company F, One hundred and sixth Regiment New ork Volutniec Infantry, and pay her a pmaion at the rate of 817 per mon "‘”"*’°""‘”"°‘* 'The name of Henry Selover late of Company G E1gh` th Regunm' t enr Belover. 2 p H Y Minnesota Volunteer Infantry and pay him a pension at the rate of $3&er month in lieu of that he is now . ¤¤¤¤¤ ww- _ name of Marion Ridgg, late of Company E, Seventy-eighth Regment Ohio Volunteer antay, and pay him a peamion at the rateof$30peru;onthin1ieu ofthatheisnowreceivmg. umu mrmna The name of Michael Normile, late of Company D, Fourth Regimmt New York Volunteer Heavy Artill , and pay him • pmaion at the rateof$30pemonthinlien1oftha‘flZeianow , 1•¤¤l¤¤¤¤•¤· The_ name of James Mansfield, late of Com Om; hundred and mnetyythird Regiment New York Volun%antry, and pay hnnapenaion attherateof$24pu·monthi:nlieuofthatheisuow recewmg. “°'°“‘°""'¥· T1\6I1£1Il90f1‘h0mlSK@.D,]I%OlF -fourth mpany Second Battalion, Vctunn Resege Corps, mgm .I,c0‘1‘•renty:

 Regiment P  Vohmtoer Infan F3 pay him a

§a1onatther•teof permonthinliu1o;':lrhathe1snowre- '*"¤¤•·°‘*°'¤•°*· _'H1ena.meof'Hmnn lateoflndxdnglaetq-Q Pmngrlvania Volunteer- a ° apumon' a ' rate $20p¢monthinhmofthat Wsngwyreceiving.