Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/411

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1426 SIXTY·SECOND CONGRESS. &¤. III. Ch. 137. 1913. "'¤*•¤¤·¤•*¤•· The name_ofjYilliam B. Fleming, late of Company D,_Fifteenth Regiment Hhnons Volunteer Cevalryinand pay him_a pension at the rate of 830 per month in heu of that is nowmeem .

  • “°”°' *°°"”¥· The name of Elenor Mcllullp widow of Jamee“§oCul1y, late of

Comgany B, Fourth Regiment ennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, and gagmer apensionattherate0f$20perm0nthmheu ofthatshe ""“'*”‘°°'°•· _ late of Company K, Eleventh Rgment Pennsylvama Velunteu Cavalry and pay a pennou at rate 0f824permonthmh•uofthathe1sn0w . — imc ¤¤¤y· The name of James Giddy late of Company F, wg Regimmg Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension at rate of 830 permonthinlieuotthatheienowreeeivmg. ~ """ ‘“""° `p..%° ”‘““’ °%" ..1.,· "“’ 2.£.{’°¤‘3’;.“’ ’·¤S°°U.k"’ ¤.,,..."*"“°"...‘ vama 0 un , _ pany , g Penne vama' ProvisionalVhmfeerC ,_ d him pension' w____m____ .»_1_t.g:’}.t. ..¢ ?¤w£_:¤¥ in lieu °é_¤."“:ti..‘?; .»£‘..’..;.i;%. name o A Oqmpqy · .5;;;, ·Re€hhnentPeunsylvania , andpayliimapzmion at erate of$30PGI'IIl0Dd1l¤ll6l0ftlIIl’•billIW!@dTlDg. "'“•¤·°'•· Thena{rneho£::ng·LIon,lIahofh(2.•:lmpmyF,§l'wd!thRegmmt un o nhl pgngj ,_,mm,“_ P¤¤TLn;`onthin\§e'};.g:_l,A;,;idL6‘;',fl,;cl:,l · H•Ul»rateof324 name 0 0 , te m , Tlmk th Beg:-'

.·:·:;.¤,,·::·e..¤.1·.z.:·».:.m.*x:*-..z·»·~·· ¤··f··%»·······¤·- ·~·· —···

ne nov reeuvmg. » EY.Q‘L.l°'E».n.¤. Theuame0fEmmaF.Berry widow0fCh¤l¤S.Bqof 1;;,4 Company G, Twelfth Regiment 'lhine Voluntac Intanu-y em] pq- Pm“mmm__d_ her apenaionet therateof$12permonth. ‘ " ’· .— nixugrmazhrep The DIIIQO of wlllltlll kw, [gig ` K;‘&‘.’.°’ F"".fl‘2“£? .l}°¤%i1?,$°" v€l""‘i?';.. »?5.'{1..""' "" . .P°“*° 0 mon in 0 i how reeu . · °°“'•”·°“°· yrcnnne E. sum, nuercem ye, onénmnu and thirty-nmth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteeflnfanhy, and gzyvhgidanplegnsnou et therateoftilopermonthinlieni ofthatheis """° "- °'¥· 'l'he name ol Irene ll. wid of David S. Gary (xm) P•¤)’ K. One hundred Rggment Ohio Volunte\:¢·t°I1lf!•n §¤d P°Yh°!' Q P°¤¤°¤ •* WNW of $20 Pvmonthin lieu otthatlzqi P···¤··¤¤~···v- ‘“&‘·‘{."'°°°‘“‘¥‘¤>»..¤ B n. nt. fe. enemeo_ 0 uc , 0 mpan A,On•lumdi*edand fort-thu-dRegxm tN {rkVlun ·

 .t n. ..2.% go ,.2. mia. ‘§."»£{3'?'fl7;·?'£‘; ?;‘¥..'L“‘..'2

S°'““'"°°""' 'l‘h name ofSaumelM.Beker,1a ofCon;p•.n · mentahovisional Enrolled tflilitia and ga? TN P at the nte of $24 per month m hen of that he is now receiving. "“' ·”°•"""· ThenameofThomas P. Degman lateofoompan H F*i{gy.{°m»q,h Regnnent Kentucky Volnmteu Infantry and pay himla peneien at P the rate of $30 month in lieu of that he is new receiving “j,,”"°§m__ The name of my Bruce, widow of Thomas H. Bruce late eer on transport, and payherapension at the rate of $12 mon §*g;*,;_¥?*,;*g_Fgf* Thename of liomeonllunter, late of C¤mpanyG Eleventh ‘i2.‘}‘£; ‘“`l£°5'i‘}‘£‘.¥.¥p.w.F°"’*i.§‘t'$..R?.$“" “i‘“°‘“ "°‘*"‘**’°' William W. PNZ. is ng: r. por ml in mu ..¤.“1».,°“"’ .¤Prv‘$*"“.¤...Y"v'Z.‘f.l'.f€.;.."¤$°;f °‘ °°""’;"’ "·—""°°**· sion at the rate of $24 per mouth in lieu of alatllliels