Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/427

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1442 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sus. HI. Cns. 138, 139. 1913. ¤¤ W¤*¤· The_name of Ellen Wecker, widow of Charles Wecker, late of Troop D, Third Regiment United States Cavalry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $12 ger month. Hm ¥¤¤¤· The name of enry Moore, late of Troop B, Ninth Regiment United I lm L hm Stiitles Cavalry} pg? a ppnsiox; sto the rate of Eg peg month. ° - enameoo .arnsateo‘ ,·t8gl.m· t Colorado Volunteer Infantry, war with Spalilnltagrld pay him a pensgixn at the rate of Stlgger month. ¤¤*¤¤ ¥·D·•¢•¤· The name of _ ward M. De¥an, late of Comp G, Two hundred gud secorad Reghiiilplent New orig Volunteer Ilsgntry, War with pain, an a a ’on the rate of $6 th. ¤·¤¤· H· UML The nam:o¥Henry Lord,·late of Hospital Illnited States Arkny, g :1; gexgion at the rate of $30 per month. pprov , , 9 . xmas, ma " _ _ _ , _ _ _ ·—·=»$$·$§  :.v.+-.;·`§¤?.¥*.*·§.€*`¤.t7·°*:.`i?r?`§~’,.¤;.x :.¤·“".·:...m*-··· 1... `“' -··'..”**>’···-··.;,,."""‘°““··<* ·**`*~·—°°'···""`··'*""“’·»····· P S£:8i¢0;_n§aedl>yt;g;S5nmeanda8€mne3I?1g£>;:si1hi¢aHouq{the Umled Interior be, and he is heregy, authorized’and directed to place 3; gg pfnsion roll, subgect to the provisions and limitations of the pension rmmuxemaec. ws" Mary nausea oe- 'l‘he name of M Rebecca Carroll, `d f Zechariah . (Bum "’“· late of Company"}, Twelfth UnitedwSt?t;: Regiment, I%Yar witk Mexico, and pay her ai pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu of "°"°'*°" ”“'°°" th¥hl>hria1;i;uol’vFrede`i·1i!;E•Bmnett l te fl‘mo M Eigh United States Cavalry, and pay him a pensionpat the rattgdl $12 :4:: molngh in lieu foévthat hal is énlcg `. . . ?¤*m°° _ · to Co C, ‘ ‘ wlmml Hmm District of Columhis Voluntee‘;·ylnl'an(l.ry Elngtg go;-gg? fifth Regxlrgant United States Volunteer Infantry Nar with S ain MWC. ML angvtpay zgisgpp at raite of 312 per month. P ' enameo _. ,_epeneutmth {Ch] . ‘ gte of 0ompany N, First Regiment Tennes(;eemV:l>lunte‘le.rBsInI`far1§' ed, anhu Sum. ar with Spain andlpay her a eusion at the rate of $12 er mom, 00The nam]; oi’1_§:;rH—atha§e Stadcionla widow of Julian Staddilgn late oi mpap , _ egiment ennsylvania Volunteer Infant War with Spain, and a t th ’ with $2 permontli adciitignslr 0:1 lzlcwcgiilriltlnf ea§hr:i‘l<?ilr$1i1lnI:>l·rc§il)dlrgEn Au Hm. ofrgile soldier until they respectively reach the e of sixteen yum _ e name of Ada Hurst, widow of Curtis Hursiggate of Com an L i:1t}ii¤§elg;11§nte}1lSnitedtSttiates Volpnteer lnfautisy, War withp Spllin’ io · ' .d.ni1 0.. ‘£m..i‘t°..r .§§1‘§t2£’ {Si? €T.f§$}°2l*i1ul"tl”.§2.¥,°’ °‘Y§E°" until they respectively reach the e of sixteen years. 8 so Br ’“"’ “·“’““""'· The Mme ¤ J¤¤;•=¤ H Williamsllate of Battery K mm, R · ,, t

T;xt£d)£§';tee Artillery, and pay him a pension at, the rate°€>]in$l10

·*¤¤’!'—'¤¤¤¤¤* ThenameofAnnE. Timmons wid fP tgikiimm landsuian, United States ship (I}erm•i):i't¢i)wn,·Uri:ited Sta(t:x:’N§:° · War with Mexico, and pay her a pension at the rate of $12 Z: °‘“"‘ "“’· The name of Georgia Kelle , widow of Albert Kellpor Eli;} of gonipauy G, N‘mth Regiment Iiinois Volunteer Infantry6§Vu- with pam, and pay_her a pension at the rate of $12 per month with $2 per month additional on account of each of two minor children the soldier until they reach the age of sixteen years. of