Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/507

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EXTBADITION TREA'1‘Y—SALVADOR. Arm. 18, 1911. 1525 Now therefore, be it known that I W'1l1i•mHowu·d Tait, Presi- "°¤*¤•¤¤- dento{thoU{1itodSt•tosofAmu·ic•,l'1•voc•us¤dthossidTroatyto bomsdspublmtnthomdthstthosummduvuzluticlomddauso thomofmnybeobservedmdfullilndwitheood ’t.hbyt.hoUnited States andfhacitisamstlnoroof. In testimony whu·o0f,I have hereunto setmyhmd andcausod thos¤dof&goUnit¤;1vS6t•t¤stob•th•£E;x¤d. of an at 0 ashmgto' n ° Julyin yo•.rc?0urLo1do¤othousmdni11oh1g!¥odmdolcvon, [nn.] mdof th: of tboUnitodSt•t¤s0fAm¤ric• thounoh Wu H Tn·1· Bytheheddmt: Hmrrma1¤¤W¤.s01w Ading8ea·du·yofStat•.