Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/509

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EXTRADITION TREATY—FRANCE._ Januar 6, 1909. 1527 Amxeu I. Arnou 1*. TheGcvernmentoftl1eUnited Le Gouvernement des Etats- ¤•°*P*°°•*°·¤ States and the Government of UnisetleGouvernementfran•;ais °•:1m°(s°$"A°h*;;s France mutuablgoagree to deliver dmgjgmt I se livrer réciproqueu persorp , been ment esindividusqui,poursu1vis cfargedynthorconvx of ou condamnes pour l’un des pf tl'|tL6l'I;D$ or ofencg ou dtelite spans: Partim ollowing article, com- survau eommie a mitted within the jurisdictionof juridiciion de l’un desugtats one cfthecontractmgPa.ém contractants, aurontcherchéun ahallseakanasylumorbef asnleou seront trouvés sur le withmtheterritones of the other: territoire de l’a.utre. Toutefois Provided That this shall only be l’e¤tradition n’aura lieu ue dans done upon such eqidence of le cas ou Pexistence deql’infraccriminality as, according to the tnonsaaoonstatéedetdlefacon lawsof theplacewherethefug quelesloisdupa oulefugitif tryeorpersoneocliargedshall seratrouvé ’ tsonarf¤up.:& would justxfyhis prher restationetsamieeenjugement ap andcommitment silecrimeoudelityavaitéte fol’tl'll1iff¤l$¢l'l1!lB0l’£¢w0llld commis. been there committed. Ammuz II. Asrxcu: H. Extraditionshall begranted for Uextradition sera accordée ¤=¤~¤¤¤1•¢r¤¤¤. the following crimes and offences: pour lee crimes et delits suivants: 1° Murder, amessinstion, par- 1° Meurtre, parncide, assasi- ¥¤¤¤¤·••¤· ricide and poisonmg; nat, empoisonnement, mfanticide; manslaughter, when voluntary; assault with intent to commit

 abortio b' 2•Viol ortem t b' `

ape, n, ngamy. , a en ngamie; ¤•v•· ••¤— 3• Arson. — 3• Incendie volontaire; _ mn 4. Robbe%¤ bmglaiy, house- 4* Vol avec l’une_des ciro¤n· ¤¤N••¤.•••· breakingor p-breakmg. stances suxvantes: violence, menace, efractnon, eecalade, fausses olds; volcommiilanuit dansune, maison habxtee; vol commis par · usxeure pereonnee cu ar im Eildividu porteur d’armes;P ~ 6. Forgexy; the utterance of 5° Fauxeuecriture publique ou rover. forged papers, the forgery or fal· authentique, en écriture de comsificat.ionofoHi<:iaiacts0fG0v- merceoudebaex;3:1e,en6crit¤n ernment, of public authority, or privée; usage d 'ts faux; of courts of pistiee or the utter- Hazdce of the thing forged or falsi- 6. The counterfeiting, fslsify- 6° Contrefecon, falsification cu ¢>¤¤¤¤¤-Weingor alteringof money, whether alteration de monnane, papiercom or paper, orofinstrumentecf monnaie, titres ou coupons de debt created by national, state, dettespublu;lues,billetedebu1que, provincial, munégipal or other sceauxd debflistatj ii: ernmen or ccuponsthsxvusageesoe amncon an ggvor of ba&—notes,.or the utter- falsniés ou altérés; ‘ amiga or of eame; or countnrfe1tm§,falsifymg,cr

 seals of tate.

7. d or breach of trust by 7° Abusdecoufiance,d6tourne- hgggggwt 2, t:.E.‘;;, ‘.:anlw·, agent, factor, ment sort par des dépcsitairea