1548 PARCEL POST 0ONVENTION—CURAQAO. ·,7 ,,,7;———¤°°° m Ryu] eonesnf b¢ween.t}aeU `tedS¢a¢eso1id0iwu;aa. Signed at 6'z€·•:eao Odobznw, 1911 and ax Waelsington December 20, 1911. Approved by the Prendent beoember 22, 1911. cms.: za. mu. CONVENTION BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND ”°°""’°' ’°·"“· CURACAO POST OFFICES CONCERNING THE EXCHANGE OF PARCELS BY PARCEL POST. ·=·*¤ F theurposeofmakmg’ better `talarrangemtsbetween °:1f¤·':°•EliT:;;’°°Y” the (United gtates of America and the may of Curse: the Postal Administrations of the United States of America and of Curacao represented b the Postmaster General of the United States cd Americaand&eAdministratorofF'inanceofl)(!;mao,haveagr·eed ssfollowaaaregardstheestablishmsntofa pestsyatemof exchanges the two conmtries. Aarrou: L ¤¤·v•·f•¤¤'•¤°*°¤· The provisions of this convention relate only to (parcels of mail matter to be exchanged by the system herein provided for, and do not affect the arrangements now existing under the Universal Postal Convention, which will continue as heretofore; and all the agreements hereinafter contained apply exclusive}? to mails exchanged under these articles, directly between the office of New·York,_ and such other offices within the United States as mag be hereaiter designated b the Postmaster General of theUnited tates; and the omce of Wilimstad, and such other offices within Curacao as may be hereafter designated by the Adminbtrator of Finance of Curacao. Armor.: H. ¤¤¤¤•••¤¤*¤•¢*¤ There hallbeadmittedtoth mailscxcbanged d thisCo °°°°°‘ vention, :rtic1es of merchandhecand mail mattem·—u:x;pt letter: post cards and written matterof all kinds—that are admitted under nqurnanu. any conditions to the domestic mails of the country of origin, except that no packet may eleven (11) pounds (5 kilogram) in weight, nor the fqlloyingmdxmensionsx Greatest length in any direction, three_ feet six mc (105 centimeters); greatest length and girth combined, six feet_ (180 centimeters); and must be so wra ped ormclosedastopenmtthexrcontentstobeeasil examinegby customs officera and by pcstmasters dulgl authoring to do so; and except that the following arhcles are pro °bited:
- —’*¤•• P*°'*”**•¤· Publications which violate the copyright laws of the country of
destination; opium, poisons, and exslosive or inilammable substances; fatty substances; liquids, an those which easily liquefy; confections and pastes; hve orAead animals, except dead insects and reptiles when thoroughly dried; fruits and v tables which easily ecompose, sndjubstances which exhale a b§°0d01'; lottery tickets, lottgmadvcrtisements, or lottery circulars; all obscene or 11l11I10l’l·lll'h_ _; artncleswhrchma manywaydamageordestroy themailqormyurethepersomhandhngthern. . Arrncu HI. ¤•*°•¤v¤°*",,‘• •* A letter or commimication of the nature of personal cun·¤pund• encemust not•ccompany,bewrittenon,orinclo•edwith anyparcel.