NATURALIZATION 0ONVENTION—NICA.RAGUA. Dnomnsan 7, 1908.1561 2. Reci rocally,citizensofNic· 2. Reoi rocamen - sysxwqua aragua who have been or may danos de Nicaraguatlgulaozolulhlizhe yoluntsnly naturalized in the riamente se hayan naturalizado 6 United States in conformity with se naturalicen can los Estados the laws thereof shall be consid- Unidos conforme I. I _ as leyee de ered and treatedby the Govern- estanac16n,scrs.nconsideradosy ment of Nicaragua as citizens of tratados por el Gobierno de NicatheUnited States. regua cotrjisdciudadanos de lcs os os Anrmu II. Anrfouno II. 1. If a citizen of the United ‘ 1. Siunciudadano de lcs Esta- K1 •¤¤"¤¤l•¤¤¤ M States naturalized in Nicaragua dos Unidos naturalizado en Nica- N °°°‘ renewshiaresideneein theUnited ¤8¤•»restablecieresuresiden¢:ia States without the intention to en los Estados Unidos, ein intenretmjntoNicaragua,ltshall be cMndevolveraN a, se considered that he has renounced reputartque ha ren' o a su his citizenship in Nicaragua. cmdadania en Nicaragua. 2. Beciprocally, if a citizen of 2. Reciprocamecnte, si un nica- Nic::.igu.s naturalized in the ragnensen•turalizadoenlosEsta- Uni States renews his resi- des Unidos_de América restabledenoein Nicaragua withoutinten- cgere su en Nicaragua tion to return to the United States sm mtencidn de volver 6 los Estait shall be deemed that has dos U1;I1d0B, se resutars que ha reneuncedhiscitizemhipmthe renunciadosucm adaniaenlos United States. Estados Umdes. _ _ 3. The intention not to return 3._Se juzgara que exists la m- ,¤}{*,*;{¤°*°°¤¤¤ shall be deemed te exist when a temcién de no volver cuando la person naturalizedinoneof the persona uno de two countries resides for more os dos paises res1d1ere mas de than two years continuously in dos anos continues en el_ otro the other country; however, such pais; pero esta circunstanma no resum tion may be destroyed excluye la prueba an oontrano. gy evidpence to the contrary. Arrronn IH. Arricum III. A mm dscimeos of mention Le =i¤¤v¤¤ <i¤<=¤·s¤¤i6¤ d¤ I- i¤· ¤.§.":a"..:’J...‘!,°.:‘•’•· to become nammuud in githey tencmlm de naturalizarse, en cual- <>0\1¤t1’y shall not, in either coun- qulhfl de lg! des faises, 110 try, havs_ the effect or legally suyhré gn trgmzurui 315;:1 acquired cntizemhxp. iglgmwl h:°·dq‘1‘}€l° “ * Annu Iv_ Arrriouyo IV. Citizens nauualized in one of Im ciudadanee de cualguisra the two commas, and qegurggg d• ks dc- 1>·i¤·¤» ¤·v¤r¤¤¤=_·{·i3¤ to thecountryof theirongm _ ¤¤d_°¤°»Yq¤¤¥¤$Vt:•;.§¤ wt: bssulgjsetwwidmdpunuh- ¤¤5>¤s¤¤,_ ¤¤JP °¤ ment in the latter for any Sun- WWW ‘gm°*°H° Y P°¥ *°d°d ishableactcommittedbenfoie WW , . ° mt? ° ernigra1ion,bt;n·:.]fno:.l£ort.Ii•act€ ¤¤ P°¥`°,°¤ eumgra i , aye excep °•*°, m“m*· hglcagaflgoflnnitadqnwmy Sm°¥Pb9'¥°q“cud€"l“t;•f o remhlnll of liabihty. Pnscn lsbn Y .5 gum ° bilidad.
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