Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/586

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1604 NA TION CONVENTION·—COSTA RICA. JUN: 10, 1911. own application or bg their own dos, 6 su solicitud 6 por su conconsent, wiI1’be consi ered by the sentimiento propio seran con- United States as citizens 0 ·the snderados por la Regfibhca de BY°°°“*“°*· Republic of Costa Rica. Recip- Costa Rica como_c1u danos de recall , Costa Ricans who may or los Estado: Umdos. Reciproshall gavebeennaturalizedin the camente los cxudadanos de los United States upon their own Estados Ilmdos queasusohcitud, application or with their own éporsucousentimiento propio, se consent, will be considered by the hayan uaturaliaado 6 se naturali- Republic of Costa Rica citizens of cen en Costa Rica, serén consithe United States. derados por los Estados Umdos ' como ciudadanos de Costa Rica. Article II Articuio H ,,,§,·,,,¤¤,,¤,,·=,,’·,,,,**•¤ °' If e Costa Rican, naturalized Si ¤¤ wstanicensc naturaliin the United states er Amerie., wlo pn lcs E¤t•d¤¤ Unigios do renews his residence in Costa Am6¤¢¤» ¤‘Q¤¤6V9 S}! Rica without intent to return to Ni CMM RI¢>Est81¤ mtencnén do the United States, he may be V0lv9r S los ados Umdos, se. held to have renounced his nat- q!• hl Nwhciedv i uralization in the United States. Su paturahzacién en los Estadcs Reciprocally, if a citizen of the Umdos. Reciprocamente si un United States, naturalized in c1udada¤0delosEstados Unidos, Costa Rica, renews his residence D8l}Ul'&llZld0_6l1 Rica rein the United States, without in- nueva su en los Iilstatent to return to Costa Rica, he dos Umdos, sm mtencién de may be presumed, to have re- vqlver 6 Costa Rica, se presunounoed his naturalization in mira que ha renunciado su natu- Costa Rica. rahzacién en Costa Rica. miggg ¤¤*¤>*¤¤¤‘¤ The intent not toreturn maybe La mtencién de no volver se ' held to exist when the person entenderé que exists cuando la naturalized in the one country, persona Daturalizada en uno de resides more than two years m os dos paisea resida r mas de the other country, but this pre- dos ance en el otro nh? mas esta sumption may be destroyed by presuncién puede dlestruirse por evidence to the contrary. prueba contraria. Article HI Articulo IH M*$:=¤·¤¤ ,:·• *¤ It is mutually agreed that the Es convenido mutuamente ue '°°° °m°°°' definition of the word "citizen" la definicién de la palabra Ciu(i1a· as used m this convention, shall daao, usada en esta Convencién, beheldtpmeanapersontowhom ss entendera sifniiicar una r- nationahtiwof the United States sons ligaldipor anacionalidagiie or Costa ° a attaches. Costa ° 6 la de los Estados Unidos. _ Article IV Articulo IV 0g;¤:¤·I¤¤¤a¤*¤•¤ A recognized citizen of the one E1 ciudadano reconocido r M part , returning to the territory unadelas artes ue vuelve alllro- { . . . . li .q of_ the other, reuiams liable to rntonogle a0tra,queda sujeto al trial and legal punishment for an ] amiento cast' legal por action pumsha le by the laws of cil$quier hecgo nmihle que ha a his original coimtry and commit- cometido antes die su emigrscidh, tedbeforehisegzi1gration_;but segunlaleydesupaisoriginal, not_ for the masnop0relhechodelaemigi·a- ¤¤"!¤8 dnb UR n es- cién m1sma;salvc siempre las