Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/627

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PARCELPOST 0ONVENTION—DOIIZNICAN nEPUBL1c. 5 ARTICLE 14. A`RTICUI.JO 14. foght gonventig: shall take (ff- _Eeta Convenlciiéril entrsxés en ,,{§ °"" "““’*"‘· an opera ns er vigor sersn ’ ` shall begin on the iirst dey of sicnongs £p•r:§·<§ 1°d•:\:1eropd•e {snuary, 1913, and shell con- 1913 yoontinuaraenfuerzahasta tmue m force until terminated by que las dos partes contratantes mutual agreement; but may be se jizngan de ecuerdo pers termiumulledattlnedesuweofexthernar Podrssinembargoser of the contracting parties u_pon snuladauncualquiertziempopor stx months previous notice gnvm is parte que asi lo desee, meto the other. diamte previo aviso con seis ment · sqm- to .s t ’°‘¤..¤°° ‘““°"’3°i,1.°.d°"" irmad ¤·····-=— no m and a 0 u 0 0 - Santo the 21s:l%lay of en el dla 21 de Septemberan atWashingtontl1e Setiembregen ashingtoneldia nintl1dayofootobu·,oneth0u- 9de0ctu redemilnoveoientce sand nine hundred and twelve. y dooe. {sun.] -Fn1¢xH. Hrmnoocx, [snr.] S. Onno Ncusoo, Postmaster General the Oorreos Uniiod Stdeséndicu. do Za Repéblwa Dmmmoana. The foregoing Pamel Pest Convention between the :Unit•d States *"'°'“· of AmerieaandtheDominicau Republio negotuted and concluded with my sdvioe and oonsent and 18 hereby approved and mln testimony whereof I have caused the seal of the United States to be hereunto a§xed. [sun] Wx H Tan By the President: ALVIY A. AD 4 Acting Sccrdory of State. Wasmmmozt, D. C., Odobcr 16, 1913.