Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/64

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1078 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sus. II. Ch. 113. 1912. ¤¤*·¤l ¤¤¤¤ -'l'hePname of How`?} lailegf Coéznpanyilli Twentieth t 0 av , an a a ensaon a get: of cllgllllacs peruxlhonth in lieu ol thatyhgisnow """’ "· '°‘· The name of Dav1d_W. Fox, late captain Company A, F1fty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and pay a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month m lieu of that he as new receiving. ·*¤¤••¤· *¤~¤•— The name of amos R. McKee, late of Company G, First Regiment Minnesota Volunteer Heavy Artmllery, pay him a. pension_ at the rate_ of twenty-four dollars per month m lieu of that he is .now recex . m°"°·'°‘*‘ name of Ellen C. Welch, widow of John, alias Johnson Welch " late of Company I, Fourth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pltyher a pension at the rate of twenty dollars per month in lieu of that e ns wreoewmg. · · ”"“““' °""°‘ 'lhsxlame of Leandu Chase, late of Company A, Eleventh Rgment Pennsylvania Volunteer and pay lum a pension at rate md. oftlnrtydollalzfpermpnthmheuofthathensnowrecuvmg. _The name _ Dame! Clark late seeond lieutenant Company H, lhfteenth Regiment Michigan Volnmtea Infantag; pay him a sionatt.he_rateoftwmty-fo¤n·dolla:apermon mlieuofthat na now reeea . °°*°°•'“”**'•“· The nam“:€»f Gordon Kimball, late of Company D, Sixteenth Begiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and pay ham a pension at the rate ofthirtydollarsggglnonthinlieuofthatheianowreeei . , °**"°'*·°"“'“°"· 'lhe name of es E. of Company Efifth Bejmenhryand Company K, Sugth Rexmmt, Wat V`u·§ima Volunteer Cav _, andpayluma_pmsxonat_ erateoftwenty ourdollarspor L ul month m·l1eu of that he 18 now_reee1v1ng. The name of Adelbert E. Bhs, late of Company·C, Twentieth R ' ment Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and pa him a pension at K Mun. rateoftlnnrtydollansggnonthmlieuofthatlleisnowreeeiving: m?L'2,?.“?z€.'l°¤3{e‘L“h¤..m;"'f;3’ °?'“£?£’ aGpens1’Thpoty '”{’€¤.R°"W 1 8 B II W twenty-four dollars per month in hlzluyof that he is nov? ,,,',‘,§f"""‘°"' ‘°"" The name of Lemmons W. Brattain, late of Company F, Swin- ~ teenth Rfment Iowa Volunteu Infantry, and pay him a pemionat I wm the rate thirty dollars fer month in lieu of that he is now ‘ Ug'ht;i1§at1;.1£;;>2:fi}:orge uidsmzthiilate of Troop {l£hSeeend Regiment , a m a pam; - M H lk four dollus per mom in olthat he as nogrrzceivlhgw of www "°"" ·" "· The name of Alburtus H. Walker, late of Compan G, Fort sixth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, and Chmpan 5, Seoon Regiment Massachusetts Vohmteer Heavy and pa him a pensnon at rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu 0; that Jmm_A_m¤”_ hexsnowreoeivmg. _ R The name of Jeupme A. Shirley late of Clprnxépany K, Twenty-sixth eglment Connecticut Volnmteer infantry pay him a `on at g;ir:1fegoftwenty-fourdollarspermontlninheuo£tl1atl1:ianow naym u. nm. ‘ ee. name of Lafayette M. Bratton, late of K N' Jing R¤81mi•;1t_ andVCpmpanyI& One hundred ty—l’ou]1PthtyRegimen , diana ounteer antxy, apdpayhima_p¤mwnat_tlnet•k• mm,. 1,.,,-_ of l¢W¢¤1ty-fo¤l‘ dollars per month m heu of that he ll new . m_ThenameofW`1ll1anr'1‘indem·,lateofCompmyK,0¤e a¤d _ ty·6ith Regiment Illmozs Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a

p:at_the_rate of twenty-fourdolluspermmthmhmofthatglne

·¥·¤·*·¤¤¤•· Eigalmmggqf iqlm De;&:;¤late seeond lieutmant C0l¤p•n! C , B¤$¤¤¤ Mi¤l¤gan_ tee Infantry and lim '