Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/640

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1658 ASSISTANCE AND SALVAGE CONVENTION. Snrrmnn. 23, 1910. s•pe¤¤¤¤z·.,1•1¤. ,,,pgMwq;° between the United States md othw power! relating to —i___ Oaaulstance and salvage at aca. Signed at Bruaaela, S?¢¢1Db67; 93, 1910 · ratifedion advised by the mate, J_ 18, 1 18; mhikd tlie President, March Il, 1918; 0; the United States, Zpwiced with the Government of elgiwin, January 85, 1913; york of rutifediona cloned February 1, 1913; eorwcntwn efeclwe arch 1. 1913; proclaimed, February 13, 1913. Bx- rm; Pnsmmu- or mn Uxmm S·ra·ms or Annxca. A PROCIJAMATION. dugzwje nd EVHEBEAS 518 Convention betweeh1iith2Es1‘:rilQ:dHStates of Amegga u • Tynxas. ge Unitedugtates Cucisa, Denmark France; Great Britain, Greece, I y, Japan, the United illexican States, Nicaragua, Norway, the Nefficrlands, Portu l,_Roumania, _Russ1a, Sweden and Uruguay, providing for the umgcatnon of certain rules of law with nesgcc to assistance and salvage_at sea was concluded and signed by cir respective pleni tentianes at on the twentyythird day of Seggmbe, one tggusand nine hundred and ten, the onginal of wluch nvention. being m the French language is word for word as follows: Convurnox mm 1.’Umnca•n0x na cmwamm Ricans mw Mxnima u’Assxn·Axcn rr na Sauvrncr Mmmm °°¤*’•¢*¤• *""""· SA MAJESTE UEMPEREUR D’ALLEMAGNE, ROI DE PRUSSE, AU NOM DE UEMPIRE ALLEMAND; LE PRESI- DENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE ARGENTINE; SA MAJESTE UEMPEREUR D’AUTRICHE, ROIE DE BOHIEME, ETC., ET ROI APOSTOLIQUE DE HONGRH1; POUR UAUTRICHE ET POUR LA HONGRIE; SA MAJESTE LE ROI DES BELGES: LE PRESIDENT DES ETATS-UNIS DU BRESIL; LE PRESIDENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE DU CHILI; LE PRESIDENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE DE CUBA; SA MAJESTE LE ROI DE DANEMARK; SA MAJESTE LE ROI D’ES· PAGN E; LE PRESIDENT DES ETATS-UNIS D’AMERIQU`E; LE PRESIDENT DE LA REPU"BLIQUE'FRANQAISE; SA MAJESTE LE ROI DU ROYAUME—UNI DE LA GRANDE- BRETAGNE ET D’IRELANDE ET DES POSSESSIONS BRITANNIQUES AU DELA DES MERS, EMPEREUR DES INDES; SA MAJESTE ROI DES HELLENES; SA MAJESTE LE ROI D’ITALIE; SA MAJESTE UEMPEREUR DU JAPON; LE PRESIDENT DES ETATS-UNIS MEXI- CAINS; LE PRESIDENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE DE NICA· RAGUA; SA MAJESTE LE ROI DE NORVEGE; SA MAJESTE LA REINE DES PAYS~BAS; SA MAJESTE LE !iou1—~For translation nee p. 197.