Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/649

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ASSISTANCE AND SALVAGE CONVENTION. Szrrnunzt 23. 1910. 1667 Pour les Ifays—Bas: Signéz P. R. A. Mmmm. vm Curran. Monnxcaaarr. ” LOD Ni . ” C. D. Assn. Pour le Portugal: Sigue: A. D. nn Omvmaa Soaaee. Pour la Roumanie: Sigue: T. G. Dauvna. Pour la Bussie: . Signé: C. Naaoxorr. Pour la Suede: Sigue: Amnr Emmwsvnn. ’ Enua Luzon. Pour l’Urug·uay: Sigue: Lms Gnaannu. Pour oopie conforme: Le President de la 0'onférence intcmationak de Draft marithne. A Bnaxnarr · EtCerti.tié réar le _Secrétaire Général du Ministbre des Afaires rangeres e Belgi ue, Bruxelles, le 1* d&embre 1910. B°" van on Ewr [san.] And whereas, the said Convention has been duly ratiiied ? the °°“"“*" ““"‘“¥· Government of the United States by and with the advice an consent of the Senate thereof, and by the Govemments of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Begium, France, Great Britain} Mexico Netherlands,.Roumania,and ussia,and the ratiiicationso the said Govern- ¤£{’°"’ "' ""‘“°°‘ ments were, by the provisions of Article 18 of the said Convention, ***· 1****

 by their respective plenipotentiaries with the Government

o um; . Nowgltherefore, be it known that I, W`1lliam Howard Taft Presi- "'°°""‘°°°°‘ dent oi the United States of America, have caused the said Convention to be made public, to the end that the same_and every article and clause thereof ma be observed and fuliilled with good faith by the United States andy the citizens thereof. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States tobe sized. _ _ Done at the City of Wasbingfm this thirteenth day of February in the year of our rd one thousand nine hundred and [sun.] thirteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hmidred and thirty~seventh. Wn: H Tan By the President: P C KNOX Secretary of State. [Translation used by tha Senate.] Coitvrnrrrox ma mz Ummcnaou or Cnrnm Roms wrrn Raenor ·m Assrsraxca me Sanus:. xr Sm. His Mayi the German Emperor, Ki1;g·of in the name °""‘°“'"°"* of the German Empire; the President o the Axxntme Republic; His Ma' the Emperor of King of hemia, etc. and Ap0eto1i§.ng of Hungary; His Majesty the King of the Belgian; 8‘l818°-vox. 87-rr 2--42