Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/700

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1700 PBOCLAMATIONS, 1911. INWITNESSWHEREOF Ihavehereuntosetmyhuidmd causedthesealof theUnited$tatsstobeaiii{ed. _ Done at the City of Washington this thu·t1eth_day of June, m the year of our Lord one thousand mne hundred and [san.] eleven, and of tge Indepgiigloenoe of the United States the om m Wu H Tan By the President: Huwrnrgrron Wusour Ading 8'ecrdory of Sfd¢. ..l".!:.!‘L.. BYTll·PRIBlDlN'I.‘0D"1'HlUHH'@s!ATI8®‘ATI¤l 4 PROCLLMATICN . °¤*¤*•"•“'°•’ WHEREAS} ppearsthatth blicfoodwillbe ted "r¤°=hi·°a.°°‘ frorh tllie Deschutes Nhtgbxnal qrest certainllgxdlgwitllih hd the State of transf aan other lands from the ·PP·*""‘·’”‘ Deschutzlgetional orest to the _ Paulina National Forests by adding to_the Deschutes Natxo Forest certain g·1{{,,•: lillds heretofore embraced m the Cascade and the n National °¤'¤¤t¤$ ¤•·=¤·*·¤·¤•“•**· N ,theref I,Willi H.Taft,Presid tof theU°tedS w' °°'°`·` of Agniverica, byusirtue of till: pogver in me vgtned by the get of EZ gress a proved June fourth, hundred ninety-seven gtledgo An Act glainhng appropnationsfor snmdry civil expenses of h dngelmasnent or _ e d year ending June thxrtieth, eighteen un , an or other purposes, do that on and after July _, umeteen hun and eleven, e boundaries EE the 1N°:§1onal Forest shall be as shown on the diagram rming e .

 This gzoclamation shall not prevent the settlement and entry of

any lan heretofore opened to settlement and entry under the Act of approved June eleventh, nineteen hundred and six, enxlln f min ct Tonprovide for the entry of Agricultural lands vn o reserves. · ’¤¤¤***,,._'**_ The lands herein eliminated from the Desch tes N tim"] For";

 ___ are hereby withdrawn for classification under mgm Jam twenty.
 hundred and ten (36 Stat., 847), and will, when compatn le with publicunterests, be restored to settlement and entry

ixhndesigttlhgi laws Ppphegde theretg 31 such cgates as shall be fixed by e _ o e _ terior an ter au Dotioe h deem M, mt ;dv1sable.uga1d eliminated lands are indicated dri th?. myrhn a art of the proclamation for the Oohooo National Forest ive J first, nineteen hundred and eleven. It 18 not intended by this p ation to release any other from reservation, nor to reserve any land not heretofore embraced m a National Forest. _¤;¤_&¤:-h¤_=_°¤ A portion of lands from the Oregon National Forest ru, p. uu. a proclamation efective July first, mneteen hundred and eleven, zi oxglthe attached diagram. No public land is included in IN WITNESS WHEREOF I ha hereun° caused theeeal of theUnited $t•tesgbe_aiiixt:1.“t my had md Done at the City of Wahmgton this thnrtieth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand mne hundred and eleven, [nn.] ;::d:;dtl:kdIndependmoeof theUnitedStatestheone By the President: wu H Tu`. ‘ Howrnreron Wuson Ading Secretary of Stats.