Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/777

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1912. ‘ 1743 50. S. 62° 54’ 40" E. 685 feet, thence 2t 3* E? S8' $37% 39 §°°‘· §£°"°° . . ° ' . 5 5 t 53. S. 76° 02’ 00**12. 498 f:•et’ thx: 54. 62: 03: 20;; E. 505 feet; thence 221 SZ 2% 33 E1 32 $222; Z}‘.;°'.13 57. S. 63° 56’ x0" E. 873 feet, thence

   74: 36:     905 feet, thence

6oZ SZ 265** %* 50** E` Egg 1::% thence 61. 47: 01; 00;; 588 feet; thence gg SI 2;** {3* 23** g1 $$3 thence . . ° ’ " . 6 , nce 2*.5 E; 2§° §2' 3B" %· si? iii? 2£2“°° 66. S. 47° 31’ 00" E. 1135 f t then 67. S. 43° 42’ 20" E. 592 {gt; theng 68 S 46°35’40"E 585 feet thence 69- S· 67° 54' 10" E- 393 feet, thence 70. S. 61° 51’ OO" E. 226 feet, thence 71. S. 58° 59' 40" E. 292.8 feet, thence 72: SZ 50** 55* 20**EZ 223 feet: thence Z3. 54; 29: 40;; 231 feet, thence vgf SI 55; 23* 623** EZ r::’e1e¤$ 76. S. 42° 45’ 00" E. 398 feet, thence 77. S. 34° 47' 00" E. 188 feet; thence 78. S. 34° 28' 00" E. 956 feet, thence gg. 24; ig? 233g.5 geet, mince . . 7 26 ’ . 6 eet, nce 81. S. 39° 10’ 00" E. 179 feet, thence 82. S. 39° 10’ 40" E. 64.5 feet, IN I have hereunto set my hand and causedtheSea.lof theUnitedStatestobeaExed. ‘ _ Doneetthe(}ity0fWe;hington t1us3mddago£Ju¤•,mtheye•r of our Loud nineteen hundred an twelve and of the [sun.] Inglependrzrltce of the United States the one hundred and yi! Wu H Terr By the President: P C Knox Secretary Q/'State. B! nu: Punsmzm or um Uurrnv Smile O! Annucn __!_:•_L•¤;__ A PROCLAMATION WHE 4 b Proc] ti , e5 t' Jul first, nineteen h ¤¤¤·N•¤¤¤·¤'¤· dxed endlzgésen hertainfpudgtiggs of t•1(;el€:»eu1·¥lr’Alene N ntinnal FK °“1%L=°'ni• est, together wfth • part of igte Cln•;ler;_v&terthI•t5§>°n§ItaF£•;•m;tid1vle•re “"·""°‘ combined to form the St. Joe etio ores m 0 S m€V’HEB.EAS the State of Idaho made apglicstion nmder the Act of V¤¤·¤·x>••· ` et e' teenth eighteen hundred and mnety-four (28 Stat., 394). A¤g¤ ¤gh . md ‘t eelectioneinT. 41 N.,R.4 E.·T. 41 N.,B.5 E.;‘1‘.42 N., for emm y R. 3. E.; T. 42 N., R. 4E.; T. 42 N., B. 5E.; md T. 44 N., R. 4 E.; and