Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/87

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SIXTY·SECOND CONGRESS. Sees. II. Ch. 139. 1912. 1101 The name of John W. Warts late of B t Third t ·’°‘*¤"·"¤¤ Illinois Volunteer Light Artillery, and aylhigii gension at rate ofthrrtydollarspermonthmheu ofthatheisnowrecei . The name of Joseph Stone, late of Com B, Seventeenth Regi- ’°••P*·¤¤¤•- P‘“Y . ment Vermont Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate °‘&·:*y "°“··;·vv°*.¤...m°*;&°·is*.‘&:: °&.**··z‘·a.*¤ M name o . e n, te o mpany , Fir Rog;. wnaseaxmea ment Vermont Volunteer Inf d him t the te of thirty-six dollars psr monatlitirliligli ollxat he81'§°::$Ii·¢I>ei §‘*.2;.·zm°—°‘.imRP— °.· %Pai*=‘:»*:*° ··*“:.;·2¤··¤yB- %“°hl’1‘]E.Y°“ W an_y-six n oounteer antryan y'a. pemion at_the rate of twenty dollars per month in lieu ofptliat he is new receiving. o · · C0The nam&ofSEillie Daggettkwidpw of A. Doggett, latzsdl ggj"','§°5;D.“_,,_ mpany ven Regmen uri 0 untee Comgany A,' Iforrtieth Regiment Missouri Volunteerr Inixnahgi and paym er a pension at the rate of twelve dollars per month. _ e name of Charlotte Darnell, widow of Samuel Darnell late of *·¤*¤¤•c,,| 1¤¤¤¤•••¤I" - apensmna ra o en oarspermon m uo $2§“£2I-" B' T*“"* W"; Y2 V1‘$‘.‘£‘i V°*“““’°' CE? ‘“‘% that she is now reoei ’ . ‘ The name of Jamesu3§Mynatt, late of Colxxxyany K, Thirty-seventh Jane- 0·1i!¤•¤·· Regnnent Kentucky Volunteer Mounted entry, and Pay him a pension at_the rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu o at he is now receiving. The name of Green M. Wilson late of Companyulg Fourth Regiment ¤¢•¤¤ ¤.wn¤¤¤. Provisional Enrolled Missouri and pay a nsion at the rate_ of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of tlift he is now recei . Thiaing name of Samuel J. Ewing, late of Company E, Fifty-fourth ¤•¤¤·¤ uma. B _ tOhio Volunteer Infantry, and pa him a pension at the rate of y dollanslpermonth m lieu of that e 18 now The name of uemda Read, widow of Alexander W. , late of '·°°'¤°•¤·•°· Cozpranlyf B, One and eightyaezlenth Regiment Ogiio Xg- ¤¤ an an a er nsxnat erateo twent·our · lars per monlhvin lieiiioithatrsl; is how That in Iqggywmum the event of the death of Louisa E. Read, help ess and dependent awk orcnm. childwaf Alexfldiené W. Bead, the additional pension herein pan s eeae ‘ termme. The Q; iloht1;°rAllI;}i, late of C, Forty-fou;·t3l Regi- ’°'*° *”¤·- men ona oun an ,an a a usiona erate of thirty dollars month inulieu of their he is nogareeei . The name of Jpagab Zimmerman, late of Company C, One hundred ·*·<=·>•> Z¤·¤¤•r¤~¤· and iiitaenth Regiment OhiodV1?lunteer Infaéiltiyhand a pensxon_a_ erateo thirty-six dollarspermon m euo emnow mTl§a1;_a€me of '11`}o;xnas EI4}‘1;vards, ls&edof'Co1;£:ny H, Bjitth 1·¤¤¤¤:.¤»¤a. men xseonsm o an , a a pension a rate of thirty-aix doll:1 r montlizin lieu eil tyhat he is now receiving. The name of Jacob S.¥lunk, late of Company B, Sixth Regiment 1·¤¤¤ ¤·P1¤¤k· Tennessee Volunteer Cavalri, and g? a pension_at the rate of thirty dolla.1 {per month in `eu of t he 18 now _ . The name q Michael G. (Iii-spsaddle, late of Company Q, orty-mnth .;imi¤;¤•el o. me Regiment Ohio Volunteer _ entry, and pag a pension at the rate ' ofT;z;3tydoHa;:mmor§thinheul¢;ft°ths;tC:mno;;v1;·eomvm§r. nd mmkum . oore, o mpan Regiment Wheonsin Volunteer Infantxy, and pai a pension at therateofthirt dollarhpermonthinheuofthat exsnowreeervmi Thename ofhaag Older late eo , Fifteen ‘°°”*·°“•*· Regiment Illinois V unteer Infantry, and pay a pension at the rateofthirtydollarspernionthinlieuof thatheisnowreoeiving.