Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/901

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INDEX. 1843 Comenuons, etc.-Contin ed. Psa. Ooons, Soul A. dbs ts; _ psnnon written authority requllnd fw peying ex- -·-- ····-·. " ... . 1042 _ penses of empgoyeee •tte¤·dmg.. 488 Cooper Edgar H., yolubmon not spp cable to postal service pendon increased 105 s propristnons .. 560 Cooper G¤br·klle(•ib•), modi£ed’ as to omcials of Depertmsnt of pendon ... ... .. . ... . . 1241 Agriculture 854 Cooper, Henry, Corwene, Lowa S. widow), penlwn mcre•s•d' 1436 pension increased .. 1444 0*:P* 0**1*- L An _ _ come., rome 11. (eww), lm ** •=*•*¤* *¤ •¤· m gg-::¤;P·» pensionincressed ,... 1160 ······°·am..€·it .w.····"* . .f‘¥1.‘Z‘?f.?f.“";e W <~·,·;,¤=e,·;,,1,····e»,,,,,,,g·,;&········ ·*~·········· M d E ’ riazi f su port of t. · '`'°`°'`'``°'`’` ° °°3f%·2*”¤9i'&¥¤¤·..?Z¥.??...K .. ‘ .°i·*···¤•¤» °°°",...:°£°$..‘31.‘??.}T°‘“*‘“'* . . .. im wrnmx and Yell Counties, Ark., Cooper Joseph L. . may ridge Petitloen River, Pont0on,Ark. 29 pension I . 1338 Conway, Arkgu ‘ c"°?”z I"i ·E·• 1343 ' f bl` b ild t FEW--• •·•·•· ---3- -·~·· · ··~--· ·• ····-·

 I  sn mw, 1f•5r¤¤ E {MM). s

00:;;,, S· ca . cpensnon ..: .. . . . 1117 genuth0nr»edscr0sK1¤ge00¤ Lekent. 493 cmu, yl! bddgcooa Bckd-yawn, Wim P . · ·•••••••••-•••••··-•·-•••••.-•: pension iigcreased . . .. 1137 (,5,,, 3%,,, M Lt m Cook, Edson A., npproprishon for improvement of .. . NB, $5 pension increand . . .. 1438 Cboper, Sagmrel, Cook, Edwrrd, pennonrnueassd . . .. » IIN pemion . . 123 Cooper 8ad L (vibes), Cook, pnily (widow), pension increased.: .. mw pension . - ... ... .. 1353 Cooper, Teresa O. (mdow), Cook, Jooob L., pension .. . . .. IE6 pension increased . . .. 1087 Cooper, Tllorms, Cook, James Al., penswnmcreseed _ . Z . . 1440 pensgmincreased ... . . .,. 1198 CoopaomsRurolC'r•N Umons,elc.,B¤o- Cooks We Pnnr too .. 1294 appropriation for expenses ol comrniniu Coxoigxrlglnln H., to study, et., of .. 855 peneiiggninrréreased .. . . 1125 diplomatic coqrtesnee to be requded he um Cook . commission , ’ creased . ... 1324 Coon B Oreo., (ln%i?sL?1;a;:¤e, eppnzriation for improvement of harbor, pension increased 1417 and eqrnppmg, etc., bor dredge 810 Cook, Milan G., nee of contra unions by locsl mteruts. 819 pgnjgnipcrgigd ,.,,...,. . ,. 1211 preliminary enmmnuou ol, and ber en- Cook, Robert R, _ tance, to be made . 230 pension increased HB1 Coos Rwaj, Qreg., _ Cook, Roeoline K (widow), spprlrapneuon for improvement oi.- . .. 221 pension increased. .. , 1417 Cooso wer, Ala., Cook, Willard D., 1243 C epprppnstagz fggmlfvemmt of 810 pension . . ooso wer, _ . _ ., Cook Wilhbm Cormeuieul Volsuuasn, netronloermpeovement ol, lock pension increased 1113 wpmpmd dam., lsyce Bee, ness Rome. . Zh, KD Cook, Wilton, Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1388 for improvgmept of, between Rome md 809 ' creased . - .. Dam o. ... . . .. Colzflmlgrlllam C., Iorimpmvement of Dam No. 4 209, 809 pendon increased .. ., 1058 iorimpr·ovempnto(DamNo. 5 21% Cookers, Charles F., contact with Ragland Were Power pennon increased .. .. 1305 Comyny extended ... Zh Cookeville Term., _ Coo¢a,_ Jolgn ., mm. of mn-; ee; moms requxred . 314 pension mcrsessd 1058 Cooley, Jaques E., pension mcmagd .,.,,..,,.. . .,.. 14l52 pension increased 1412 coouy, Jenn, Copeland. }T¤•¤¤ IL. pension increased .. . , 1296 pension increased . . .. 1381 coolq, Kay F. (widow), un Capone, {obs B., . uu pennon .. pep mcrvssssd . _ , .. , Reuben, j Records, Inlenor Department, “°,;’.'7.'...,.. ...,,.i ..,,,.,,..,, no &..n...i... or (bon, Urbcn, Copley, George IK, Pagan inereand . . .. IID4 pennon mcresssd 1418 cooma, Jem, Copley, Jrgvb B., ggjgn inueued 1124 pennon increased ... . IE