Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/919

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INDEX. 1801 District of Cqlumbio—Continued. Pun Distriu qf_Columbrh—Continued. hn appropnatnon for mud-mx board. . . . 141, 940 appropriation for suburban roads, ¤¤¤struoor collectofs 0 . 141, 940 tion, etc . 149, 946 for aud1t0r’s office . . .. 142, 940 part of Twentieth Street NW., desfor cprgarauon cou¤sel’s office 142,940 ignated Park Road and prt W•1· {or sm ngjung 0Ece . .. 1g, 3143 bridgeh Place .. .. .é . 947 orcomnerso ce ... 1 , . ., . dgngggd for market masters, and markets. . 142, 940 "Av:nue of the President". ... 947 for shelters for iarmers’ produce market; for repeirn,_strcets, etc 150. 947 charges ... 940 for invesugnting dedrnbility, etc., ot for operation, etc., of Esb wharf and mar- municipal os halt $1a:t . 150 et, _. 941 for portable sspllialt p t for repairs, 150 { rieedgi 'geqsums, ew -·--·····-·····-~---··- · ·—··-·· °r sgnpg ¤;¤£e;?..?. . FT . 142, sm uw ¤f1><¤‘!•·bl¤ ywphxlr plms wk of for engineer commisioneris office . 143, 941 '°=‘“"1*¤¤8 hmwd W ¤P•·¤¥Y °f for municipal arcl1itcct’s officc . .. 144, 942 1’h’!'· --···~·-- . ·•-··-··--~····-·~-·- 9*8 {0,. special assessment PEER ____ _ ______ 144, 942 chdngrng curb lmes, etc 150, 948

¤r emerges cleaning diwsm .. _ . 1
:, gg f¤r ¤¤d•=w¤¤§:¤:¤:Eitc¤¤rb•. G<>*¤r¤¤w¤{m 948

o ex ners, m neen 1 , . · -··--··-······-··- · r3£.,,,»,i¤.,°‘1Z.¥‘,.,.l ... ??T'?‘ . 144,942 ro; ¤·»· ¤¤*¤w¤¤k¤».P¤x¤¤¤¢0*¤¢· ¤=¤·»¤¤ for insurance department . 144, 90 P (mice Bmlding ················ 948 for su.rveyor’s office . . 145, 942 fw r°P°u”» suburban lad! ·····*•··•· 151* 9*8 for free public library and Takoma Park f°' b¤d8°¤·· -···-•·-~•·-•—-· . --····-- 15 I: M8 bmch . . 145, se R<><>k ¤¤=¤k» ·¤ 1’¢a·¤·v1¤¤¤e 4v¤¤¤•s ger mum sor are uma . . im, m ;_¤:;;;¤·1u_<;fk€:tr;¤¤1 ’1`¤·¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤- M contm thexpenses . . ... . · ············ : ······ crrestrictigsan on use of horses . 146, 943 *“rh°¤t.Y W P'°P¤¤% ¤°' h*8h'*! use for fire insurance forbidden . 146, 944 P19! -··-··-·-···--·-·-—-··-··~··-- No specided residence telephones allowed 6 9,: °P°1 Pl-¤8h“‘;:;h*';5“; e§°"f°m W ,50 pegtnge . .- 14 , » : ·‘‘·· · ···· ponpqdng pawn`; mus ___________ 146,944 for exponent of crndemnsmn proceed- 950 gudrcnal expenses .. 146,944 1**8% -·-···---·······-····· » for sewers, cleamng, etc .. 151, 950 coroner s, etc., expenses ... 146, 944 . advertising. .. 147, 9 :4 {W ¤*'°°*¤· 9l°*¤¤*8·¤¤°" *’°¤*°“l· °*°- 15% *60 enforcing game and fish laws. . 147, 944 *1%*** ***2*:8 T ***1 for survey, etc., of dangerous, etc., bu1.ld· P-‘8¤ °P*· °"*° m ing! .. . . · . 147,944 for {°°·····(;i;:i£·}é;l;·• ············ i5,) Q? for erection of tablets to mark lusterical for ~ Emmy, in '`‘'‘`'`'‘' ISQDM vl¤=¤¤ ··-·· - ·····—-·-··-·-~-··-·· 1*7-**** rm ‘gb••sn... . ````` uzfou for copies of wills, etc., to asesor. . . . 147, 944 uumnu lu"',) forve 'c1etaEs._.._ 147,945 wbmi,“d_______________ __‘_ 951 fw npnn w “‘ld'°g’ }“·“u°°d by .147* 945 for public scales. 152 961 for surveys to determine old subd1vn~ for phygmuh. mm Damn nw ’ for r;i°'!'r;··é£é · ·········· :2 _ nues ... . .. .. 152, ::1 ·¤§;g¤: '¤>·v•*r¤¤···» ·~¤-» v- H, roiifligli ‘€.?',.$.,.i...‘.§1*"'t;’§.l.;l. ‘ ye oo; me w¤.;;e;..a market .. or g;;·_·;,;;·¤·¤·¢,_,_,,,_,,,_·¤·¤·_*;g ________ 9;; ,;;,5 gg; fm_*°¤*l¤8 **:::*::1: P“’°I?:’:g;i• ··•···· 48, m for lighting expenses . 154, 952 for wlgrk on streets and avenues, schediw M5 Mp° yb0x_; 968 °'·: ···· · ·` ··············· : ·‘··· · etc . 154 953 '¤!°*'i°”°¤ °¤ '°'°°°' P“°d ‘“°‘ F"` for w•¤bmgm‘ Aquea ct . 154, sm _ 1*9 N°°h *1** -··· · ··········· · · 148}*5 fornltntiou and cusgulznt plants. etc. 154, 953 I-umt f°’ “Pi‘·*u P;v°m°°t" ‘‘··‘ ’ 148* 9*5 for emergencis ... 154, 953 for G Sheet E., between - · ‘ · F yggg _ 5% Amo ed ¤=·»····$· '°'“..c"°"“"‘““€ .. . { TI?. le for .--· -·--··-- .. ving NN ¤· -·---·-- schools for gvlllg |’¤•€YW?K, B 8**** Nww Y'! d nonresident pupils, J ef Seventeen Street, and Virgmu chuga, ew _____________ _ __________ lg Avenue to El§h1B?¤¥h S1N•¢- ·--·-- 1*8 furinshuctiorrof deaf-mute persons. .. 162, 58 iw pwinz U¤i¤¤ ¤•¤¤¤ P1¤··· --··-·-- 148 mlaed deaf-muses . 162, ess su.-prev:} CS¤-eet NW-, from $¤W¤- iorimunctimofindigenc blindchilteen to Eighteenth . . 946 dren 162, 968 {¤;r?;•ving0S¤eetNE.,h¤mFirstto M6 forNp¤11cedm...,..: ourth urean ‘ 'hr -third Street NW., cation ... 163, 969 h £ZL°En¤p$:ynqq»ss¤»• me rumsuepumue ... moan poniouqruumsdqdrngwmvyyazd Iurheslthdepsrtment . ... 164,961 wremais; cendiuom ... 944 locmgncfpcund, ¤tc.,•y~v¤d . 962 Ice grsdingstreeo, etc 148, 86 In yang ball of value had hun lu condemning streets, eu:. , .. 10, 946 Banc: revmues. . 902 87618°—vor. 31-rr 9-64