Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/936

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1878 INDEX. Hat Wha: and llarht, D. C'., Pass. hw, Ilrblaacl Pan. •pp¤o;g¤{.t.ionL;rmarketmastsra¤dwh1f· gu peusionincreased 1308 mger, e . pug char", to be taken over b¥¤ .. . . 941 Pgnlinn incyggd ___________ _ __________,_ 1176 'solelandingplace Edrandoysters . 941 hb'¤.u’G“_,

  • °•¤· *?°•· °°°··. ·-····--····-··-·--······ ***1 requiring site and erecting public building

·¤¢v<:_; ¤> UNM 8¤¤• 941 .., ...u..,.i.,.; ,.,,,_,,,,,.,_,,,,,,_ 874 r¤1‘"’?é'.’..?°'i{°‘ """"°""‘°°"""°""'. ‘ °‘: ·-----·--···---·- ··--- we ' reased 141 1"»¤g¢ruld,' _ hPs::mDl:niu:F., pension 1312 peuaionjncreasedm. 1215 hwayld, Simple- Ward, _ .hd¤·,El¤ab¢I A. (udev), sppomtment as aecond lxeutenant Coast

  ... .. 1888 _ • _Corps,Amy,  188

Faber, End; (duapwrr), mn Fitspagnet, mm lP°“°¤·. ’ E ··l·E:· ·-···•···•·—-··· ···· ··- EP°“:°PI ip , pemionincreaaad 4 1095 penaum meg 1414 I'uAa,_Hag•dsl P., mw Fuspagndz, Pour A., 1441 PB!lTl0l11DCl’B\d..’ ... F£‘er&onE... ... F6é; ...

 ... . ... 1189 approprnstziondfor expenses sdmmlstering sw

haha-, mma . aiaus . ·. pension. ,. I. ... .. 1844 5orexpe¤sea•leso|landa,etc.,Ir¤m Baker, Thomas, . pmoeedsthereot.; . 531 pension inczeaed. . ; . 1211 no moneys yn be expended from tribal 1\sh¤is•Bura¤¢,D¢psr¤•a•¢¢y‘¢3\>a•¤r¢re•¤nl without specule sppmpnaf 531 Labor, ; exceftmsn ... approprim for Ounmiaiong deputy Ghocte Chi hse schools · { d.;¤.,.., . ’ J 2; [__ e.‘52'I.‘;¤‘§g,{_.:l. . so oieo .. sxpemss llecting revenues

 T: . - . ... 412 from rents? ... 531

fosemployeesat .. . 473 i¤r•pp¤ii¤gandaaleofsurh»ceo£(}Iaocy ic dhuibudon emp ... . . 418 taw and Chickasaw coal and asphalt

 ... . 478 hnch . .  581

{or sucisuce division ... 478 of improvements 531 toc vessel service ... 474 for cemeteries and churches. 531 fordivisiouoflllaskalshazln .. 414 acceptance of dead paymmts for forcontingentexpensss. . ... 474 . townlohioxfsi but not resold. .. 532 for propagation. ... . .. . 474 lor pu capita to Ohickaasws hom tnbal ftzrnuntenanceof venels ... ... M , E ... gg mnss . . . . fuldlling sun Choo . forigqvestiptingbeamorottshtvlixg. 414 for J0h¤ston, forstatistiqalinquina . . 474 saw .. 532 for Bdgeries. .. 475 for trihol schools 588 for Iaskan eriespervme 475 for·suitsto•etasid•e¤nveysncesotal~ tor Philippine Eqnegss reporg. .. . 415 Iotted lands ... 464 defeiencyappmpnauonformascelhneou dedcloncy appropriatim iu- uses .. .. 82,525,937 propertyotminorallottees ... ,996 Iisloaisr, _ of In- actimz`$Ic.l_mvolving lands of, excepted 46 apprupna n or mexpensa eonrt°u:ad' ich ’ . ‘ te:-national Council for . rightofsppesls { 46 _ o(the8e•_mthemtes¤ 102 oIsurhe•otChoctaw FW•¤·i¤.§»`¤!·¤¤¤¤¤¤¤n¤·¤»£ and ‘ ycoalandasphalt pixgrgpnaunrhigr, deputy, club, dc . 471 llaniiism be completed by February 584 hmmary': · · to be mae se o ymmi ‘°°`` L$‘°‘i.;i‘m.¤. `°‘° 1 ``‘` LIZ 44 }"'f mu. as @$..1*:. - $..,...u.., Fulnng Crue, AL C., . etc., by not appliubls to . 679 _ pmpnauonhrimpzwunentd ... ZYLU1 reslzictimon gym; salsa-iesfmmappxv Fcgmgbiberhqs _ _ setasideeon etc. 40 agreement ntl: Bntam, relating to sleof d and timber eutb _ _ gorth Atlantic cc•st.. . 1634 ho: segregated lands .. QW Puinnq usda aurfaee eegxegstsd Chocta

 decbcieessnot 783 _ nwcos1‘zi.daspha1th:d.sntob•s¤ld. G7

phcab o ... Fwanile Greek, ,

 P¤d¤¤¤¤ary" exammh tobemadeot

app¤rpzia§on£or ,d.. 22,840 water-w;ytrornBlackWa:riorBiv¤ Pmclggugmnmdyfygx d. 1677 U .,.,, , ,,_, _ ,,,,,, , ______ _,__ ____ 3 Fnshpny, Qobérl U, Iivarile-Rive, Conn., penqqquirgl, ..,.. ,,.., ... 1148 •ppmpriati¤!os»i1npsov|nq¤:4§|;;gb;g·,, Q F¤l¤•,§oargsE, un examinntim b be l¤d• GU su pnnionincreaned . 1850 passion increaosd lm