Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/95

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six·1‘Y·sEOOND CONGRESS. Sus. 11. cu. 139. 1912. 1109 The name of Robert F. Wilson, late of Company I, First Rgment ¤°'·•’*'-"”•°¤~ West Volunteer Cavalry, and y him a pension at rate ofthirty ollar;;g;monthinheu oft&heisnowreoeiving;`m,

 ezerSwartwood late ofCompan K,0ne dred ..E,°.{"°“' °"""

and seventy-mnth Regiment New York Volunteer Liang, and pay him apensnon at oftwenty-four dollars permon inlieu ofthat he as now receivmg. _ p,,,,,.,,,_ The name of Maud A. Ordway, w1dow of Georfe H.Ordway, late of md M>¤**•¥· Company I, Seyenteenth Regiment Vermont Vo unteer Infantry, and pagan a permon at the rate twelve dollars month. ,,m,°¤_,m__d_ name_ of Dolyle, widow of Barnarg Doyle late of Com- mnvoyle. pany1xC, Th1r1ry·eighth egiment Indiana Volunteer and 5:.% sg; a pension at the rate of twenty dollars per month m eu of B · a is new _ The name of George . Nichols, late of Comlplainy K, Fiftieth Reg- °°°"° w‘m°°°1‘ xmeut Volunteer Infantry _ and pay _ a pension at the rate of thirty dollars Iper month m lieu of that he is now recom . mm H. Mmmm The name of John . Dickerson late of Company F, Eleventh - iment Kentuc? Volunteer Cavalry and a pension at_the rate of thirty ollus per month m liens t he is now receiving. wuuuarm-at. The'name of William J. Partin, late`of C0mpan§A _E1ghth Reg1~ - ment Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, and Company , 1ihrst_R•ement Tennessee Volunteer Light Artillery, and pay him a pension at the rate of thirty dollars pier month in lieu of that e is now recewingi 'l‘he name of Joselp Reece, late of Company]C, Fourteenth eil- ¤¤·M>¤ Rmment Kentuckg Vo unteer Cavalry, and pai 'm a pension at_ e rate of thirty ollarsger month in lieu 0 at he is now receiving. The name of John o1-nish, late of Company B, Ninety-sixth Reg- '°““ H°’“"“· iment Penmylvania Volunteer Infantry, and paiohim a pension at the rate of fol'l$%;li0l.l$1B month in lieu of that is new receiving. mm _ The name of win Mpcgllillan, late of Company B, Ninth Regiment " °‘°“‘"“" United States Veteran Volunteer pay him a pension at the rate of thirty-six dollars per mon m heu of that e is new recewmg. ename ard . , tee omany , ourteen · •¥· Th ofEdw G la fC p GF th“"•’°°**'** Rgiment_Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and px him a pensnon at the rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu o at he is now The name of Albert Brunner, late of Company E, First Regiment Uhm ”'¤¤¤¢*· Missouri Volunteer Cavalry and‘pay hun a pension_at the rate of thirty dollars per month in of that he is now receiving. The name_o Mary A. Baxter widow of Eben Baxter, late of Com- ""Y A- ’•***· psgy H, Third Regiment Rhode Island Volunteer Heavy Artillery, an pay her a pension at the rate of twenty dollars per month in lieu of that she is now receiving. _ _ 'Ihe name of Abner Wilkins, late of Company E, Eleventh Regr "’“” "““"'· ment Kansas Volunteer Cavalnz, and ay hun a pem1on_at the rate of thirty dollars FT month in eu of t he 18 now rbceivmg. A The name of nos S. Krauss, late of Company K, One hundred "'°' ""‘ and forty-eighth Regiment Penmylvania V0 unteer and pay-hinrapenaion at the rate of tlurtydollars per month m u of that he is now receiving. _ The game of H. I§°Ru2ef gage of Compgny C, Rg- "”“·'°¤·”-*¤¤'• iment ennessee unteer un antry, an pay a pension at the_rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he is new Yllhenameof arrenBm·eh, late a¤tinge1%U1nitedShtg¤sl§'avy "*¤*¤”°*°*- andgpyhimapeneiqnatthenteoffiftydo permonthmhsuoi unt l’¤°'t°°°"u¥· . ( anu: r. can- _ ThenameofAlbert . lateofComp3B,S•eondRcg· N,. iment Massachusetts Volunteer vy Artillery, pay hun a pen·