Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/978

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1920 INDEX. Iaaau, Eluabah (widow), P•¢•· J. P•q¤- pension increased 1204 Jack, I, bgd] ylmm H; pension increased ... . 1198 pension increased". . 1080 ·I“*b°"‘» Al0'0”·» nl IP . ```` °°°°° "" '``'` pensionincreased .. _ .. 1 038 appropriation fdr equipments for. . . 546, 797 J°°uPoym°"’e;tnt’;*fi?;he8,h of hubtnd ________ 1362 I¤¤!<¤¤! Track. dc-. Public Lew. .n¤1·.m Banks, L4., ` ¤·u¢¤0¤ $186 of. mt ¢X¤¢¢<11¤K °¤¤ q¤¤¥¤¤¤’ right of way for street extension granted to section, ¤¤t-hvrized ...----·-·-.. 77 New cmu., umugn. ...,. 439

 surface of c0•.l lands iu, iuthw- 105 Jubtm, Chula,

·-·······---·-··-·---·-····-·-· ` creased 1038 me ot mem of umm. cnmmea, em., _;,Q'Z,°§.,°°c;‘,',§,;, ,S__ oil md en imdn, •¤<>w¤d ¤¤bJ¤¢¤ to reimbursement w 1362 I I jd! uid z·¤rish¤ --·--------------- 496 Jaczm, cgmm m, M3 uu , aeeb ., nsion m . ... pension increased 1183 Japoisqn Qrcek Bar, Ya., _ Idhmshn cm: (ue am cmu zone, Govern- pwhmgew ¤=¤¤¤¤¤¤<>¤ of. to be mde--- 225 meat ui; and Panan? ggnd), tc _ Jagkegu dbd S-, 1448 eppmpmonormlanesoo ers,e .,m ·-·- · ----··----·-···~··-··--···- umn sem . isa ·’¤¤*··¤z·» Em. for incidental expenses, rents, supplies, ¤P€“mJq --·-·----··-····---·-·-· 1040 dp? m Umwd Sum `````````````` 483 constmctidn o¥oli,ndge' acres Snake River additional to Auditor for War Departr 483 in authorized I don ment . r commjsi _ ‘ fund· guarantees uired .. 730 M ees on 483 chewed =;¤ {gt of =¤¤im=?=¤¤¤¤¤ 1>¤>i¤¢¤- - 73*) for labor on the Isthmus ... : ... 483 J“d"°'{‘» J?"'“ -» — for materials, etc., for construction . 483 P°¤m00Im0'€“°d ·····-···—-· · ··--··--·-· 1198 payment for damages to property, etc. 484 J“°h°'{'·» ”f¢"*°"* (W"): for mciciental, etc., expenses on the 484 JP? Dmujéih-3 ·---*--····-·---·-·-----·-· 1075 sthmus .. .» . -v for salaries, civil administration depart- 484 JP°““°0J3;¤z°°d ·--·--·-····-··-····---- 1105 m nt . . . ·» for lalior, civil administration depart- P°¤“0¤ mcm”°d ----···---·-··---···--·- 1052 ¤ “‘°§°..g. ‘‘‘‘ e ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ”" J“p°€$¤J?-?€”r~»¤P" uw Ot cou D Glpeusu, Sup . z ·*··•··· · ······•·• · ···· mgiyfgmmmqsgsumé . I? ...% I g ·7¤·=l¤•¤·y»g··¤1·A-<·¤<1¤¤>. Mm nes, am tion epartmen . -·-·-· ; -··--····------··-·-- for nm, mmueipu aepmmm .. 484 J¤¤¤¤z» Iam K- §•¤¤f<>w). for c expenses, etc., Pcmmnuu? ·•~·~-· · -·-··----···-—~- 1234 nmtauon d ent . 484 J“b°’*· ***0-» mt ,9 be uxd fu. 'uew quumdne 485 Jmndemjnx cannon grmwd to ... . . 511 ¤¤;3f1°:{1iii§1é` E6} ¤¤¤d¢¤¤}¤¤d’?>¤¤¤¤¤ srwwd w --~. - --·- 86. 1% shops, records, etc ...,.. Z .. 484 J *****00 01,000*0 M -·--~··-~·--·--- · -······· 00¤ 1 totag amount ;`;v·s1lable until expendgad 485 '“b°"·0f 3:;; 315 u Pens ]·%tn¤ ..· -··• -·. ... ..•.•..

   _ _   1 _______ g depiigidgleék and deputy marshal to 315

mterchangea e expen 'tures; bd . . --···-··—--··---·--···-···· restriction on longevity psy, etc. 485 ·I“°b°'£*» s?"‘“‘l· ` fm- iorciiieations. I ._ .. ; ., 485 P¢¤¤'°¤ *¤¤¤¤¤¤d ·--·---···-···--·---·-·· 1207 for surveys for military purposes . . . 485 J“k*°"{'*v Ev me memymbqage .. -... 485 p¤¤¤¤>¤ ¤¤¤;<=¤¤¤d ·---·~--·--·---·-------- 1**66 forpeacosst batteries. ... . ..,. , , 485 -,*****0*}: wm*@\ Aw foltbubmarine mine structures ... ‘. . 485 Penmm m¤$€¤$d -·--···-··-···--·-··---· 1107 Eur sem xmasuuom me my ... ess J<¤p¤:•·>t·· F|·· mm cr seacosst cannon ,... , ... 486 ‘ ·--··-··· ·· -·····--· - --·· for '`"` " fcrnscoostcannon 486 J¤***°”°m¢»FI¤-» If ____________________ gg Jcoxalcmned cannon grunted to . 1010 dlnmihn Cerrial Caimnamon., “°" ·-D"·‘“l· _ when m¤s¤.uc¤·,m ,d,,mced· ]P€¤¤*'El!¤¤€¤¤J;d-(··; -··- ) ··--·· · ---· · ·-·- 1 031 . ¤¤· ¤¤ ¤<>¤z·¤ www 561 ,,,,,3,,. ___,______ ‘ _______ _ j __________,,_,, use mmpl . cggz-B: wie ·‘‘‘‘‘‘ Jacnbs,_Lydm (widow). y 1358 1369 " Caml zone by g6vér¤(x,` eu; ,,____ 561 J3;u““°“E, ····—X-Z··:l···i ··········• ’ 1 I {61** .  » » pensionincrund . . ..·- ··-·-· 1¤» ·P;>¤>v¤¤¤<>¤f<>r ·¤b¤¤¤i¤r¤¤ --·--·---- 95.688 1..;:, D.C.(•eeWssh.ingtnnAsy1umllllr1li1)- g¤¤<;retary.ciembas¤y,.,¢...1. .. _;,,,,,m;,¤3,,,{y_ yg, of _ .’°°°°d ’} ‘*‘·‘.Y-·.··» —··· ··¤-·~·;- pmpriamn in im t : rum-

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