Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1014

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996 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 140. 1915. m¥;g_¤¤* *•P*°•°¤°¤· Sec. 3. That in case of the death of any claimant, or the death or discharge of the executor or administrator of any claimant herein named, payment of such claim shall be made to the legal representagfggwé, adming tives: Provided, That where a claimant is dead the administrator, cmgr. executor, or legal re resentative shall file a certified cplpy of his bond, which bond must lilo at least equal in amount to e sum hereby °”°"‘°’°°*”°°‘ appropriated, except that where the claim grows out of service rendered the United States in the Army or Navy and the pagment to be made under this Act is less than $500, and the pprson w o rendered · the service is dead, and no demand is presented y a duly appointed legal representative of his estate, payment may be made to the decedent’s widow or legal heirs as is provided by existing laws relating V L 34 P 750 V 1 tt; the wttlerrganltl of accormts of decesésed ¢;?,cers or enlisted men 0 { »· *°· e an a , 'y-0 tatu atLarge,pageseven °°"’ “"" imamr yand fiftyryand rmay-san states at Large page three oiiigr ¤*<=~ini¤gm{ hundred and seventy-three: Provolied further That in all cases where mpwilm the original claimants were adjudicated banlcrupts payment shall be made to the l al representatryes or next of kin instead of to the “¤g,*;¢¤,;*=;*{¤°¤;g¤éu·g§;;¤ assignees in ba§rrr£tcy: Ami promkiedgrther That wherever under ew. this Act it is provi d that a Sayment made to an executor or an administrator, whether origin or ancillary or de bonis non, and such executor or administrator is dead or no longer holds his office, pay- ment shall be made to the successor therein, his title to hold such office being established to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the m¤g¥¤¤¤¤* *°¤¤¤¤>¤- Treasury, and wherever under this bill it is provided that a payment ` be made to a corporation or quasi corporation and such corporation or quasi corporation has bee.n_mer·ged in or consolidated with another corporation or quasi corporation, pagnent shall be made to the corporation or corporation with w 'ch the consolidation or merger SS bm Illli eo art f th f d Limit ¤¤ v·v¤¤¤¢ nc. 4. at no o e amount o an item appropriate in °° m°m°ys’ °°°` this bill in excess ofltwenty per centum thereolr shall bggaid or delivered to or received by any aégent or agents, attorney or attorneys on account of services render-e or advances made in connection with said claim. { rzgsxvmgt excessive It shall be for any agent or agents, attorney or attorneys

§°,,,,{;“‘°“ * ° °" ““' to exact, collect, withhold or receive any sum which in the aggregate

exceedstwenty per centum of the amount of any item appropriated m bill on account of services rendered or advances made in connection with said claim, any contract to the contrary notwithstand- P¤¤¤¤¢v· mg. Any person violating the provisions of this Act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined m any sum not exceeding $1,000. fgqdgtgfmhew Sec._5. That from an after the passage and approval of this Act um not to memes the jurisdiction of the Court of Claims shall not extend to or include 2,§_‘g““‘°" "‘“' °”“’“‘· any claim against the United States based upon or growing out of the destruction of any property or dam e done to any property by the m1l1tary_0r naval forces of the Unitzil States during the war for the suppression of the rebellion; nor to any claim for stores and supplies ta en bylor furnished to or for the use of the military or naval orces of the_ nited States nor to any claim for the value of any use and occupation of any real estate by the military or naval forces of the United_ States d war; nor shall said Court of Claims have jurisdiction of any c which is now barred by the provisions of any law of the United States. Approved, March 4, 1915.