Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/118

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SIXTY·THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 4. 1913. 99 Dakota, $95,000; for subsistence of the Sioux, other than the Rose- §,':}f*{g§°';°g_;“_ bud, Cheyenne River, and Standing Rock Tribes, and for plurposes ’ ` of their civilization (Act of February twenty-eighth, eighteen undred and seventy-seven), $200,000: Provided, 'léhat this sum shall include .Q'{_'f“•si;;)r,_,,0¤ transportation of supplies from the termination of railroad or steam- ° bohsgt transportatiogi, and ghéigzsgorgice Indians shall be employed w never ractica e;in , , . For supiégrt and maintenance of day and industrial schools among °°°°°]‘ the Sioux dians inclu erection and repairs of school buildings, $200,000, to be ex?en under the agreement with said Indians vo, 15 P M vo, in section seyenteen o the Act of March second, eighteen_hundred 2n, p.'sa¥.u;t ' 3.:: erghltby-rélnegivlzhpghi a§r£;p1t:K1§r)eby cxltended to and mcluding ¤,".m_’°°m °"' e ne , e n urtee . Dior and civilization of the Yankton Sioux, South {,,‘,§‘§,°§‘,_“2i,‘§f"‘ ota, 14, . For the equipment and maintenance of the asylum for insane ?;§ ·,,?‘,§‘,,,, Indians at Canton, South Dakota, for incidental and all other expenses ••!*¤¤· necessary for its_proper conduct and including pay of employees, repa1rs,I;1:11provfe•rnen(t;sir0andsa`€<(;r e):&ense of transporting insane uns an m asy um , . The Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to Esxgpprove };,‘,'{°,,,5,‘§'§,*,€,;,,,"‘§§; voucher numbered Bfty-three for the secon quarter of the year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eleven, for the payment V0, 26 M of benefits to the Pine Ridge Indians of South Dakota, under section "°‘ , ` seventeen of the Act of March second, eighteen hundred and eighty- nine (Twenty-fifth Statutes at Large, pages eight hundred and eighty- p eiglhllto eight hundred and ninety-four, as amended). _ · Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and directed c_“,,,'{§’k_w;¤‘_§'?,$}_i,§; to reimburse Hugh W. Caton, C. C. Clark, and Walter Mosier, Indian Hgneggb t tm farmers, for e nses incurred b them for operation and repair of °”°°°° their automobx while said machines were used on public business, pertaining to the Rosebud Indian Reservation, during the fiscal years of nineteen hundred and nine, nineteen hundred and ten, nineteen P { hundred and eleven, and nineteen hundred and twelve: Provided, mmmaes, eq., That_said accounts shall receive administrative examination by the °“°°°“"· Interior Department, and payments shall be made from unexpended balances m apipropnations for "Sup£;>crt of Sioux or different tribes, subsistence an civi1ization," for the al years m which the expenses Evers severally incurred, and shall not exceed, in the aggregate, 1 974.22. $3l•`or reimbursing Frank Philbrick for property destroyed by fire, },":-§P‘b,f,”.g§§§§;n_ 18.25. To reimburse Eugene H. Baldwin for traveling eipenses incurred £°¤Y.:}2l,‘l{'Q°'§‘ by him under instructions from the Commissioner o Indian Affairs in returning to his home at Syracuse, New York, from Pierre, South Dakota, where he was employed as supervisor of construction and furloughed indefinitely because weather conditions would. not permit of any construction work, $39.69. UTAH. U*·**· Sec. 22. For support and civilization of Confederated Bands of adiiid mu Utes in Utah: For pay of two carpenters, two millers, two farmers, $$,§_"§},f°f,{'é_°°· and two blacksmiths (article fifteen, treaty of March second, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight), $6,720; for pay of two teachers (same arti- _ cle and treaty), $1,800; for purchase of iron and steel and the neces- Foul sary tools for blacksmith shop (article nine, same treaty), $220; for annual amount for the purchase of beef, mutton, wheat, iiour, beans, and potatoes, or other necessary articles of food (article twelve, same Em treaty). $30,000; for pay of employees at the several Ute agencies, °‘°’"°' $15,000; in all, $53,740.