Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1259

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INDEX. xm Arbizratakm g Railgvay C'on¢roverg€g•—yC0n1¤d. P•¤•· Arymta, Ark., Pill- Bosrd of edisucn gud <.bu¢L|m¤qn may ‘ bridge authorised across Arkansas River be nought to ndgust contmvemu 104 from Little Bock to 685 ‘ bs mndg by _ .. 1 04 Argentina; submnmcu to arbatntion 1.f unsuccessful. 104 appro n for ambassador to 442, 1116 pmffor of services in uzgpnt cases ... 104 awaiting reception ... 442 sppHcati0¤m,fo1jcpi¤1on¤¤ntoagree- forsecreuryofcnbasy 443 ments authorized . 104 nlary while awaiting reception .. 443 boards of uibitraticn to consider contra- for second se<:r¤¤¤·y ... 443 vcrsies not settled by mediation and appointment authorized of ambnsdcr ho. 378 conciliation . . ... . 104 Argauim, constitution of; selection of membczm. . 105 uty on ... . ... ‘ . { 128 · selection by ucnunion employees . . . 105 Argmzine AM, , requirements of agreements to arbitrate. . . 105 nppropnition for iuvostigaiing .. . . 433, 1104 authority of arbitrators , . . . 106 Argmzim Rgpubleh (gee Argnutim), agreement to be autbentic•tod· fling _. 106 ATB, board of arbitration; noticew ciwson mem·- uz on .. . . 114 ben .. 106 Arid , selection of other mgmbas. . . - : . : . 106 appropriation br study, etc., of droughtmeconvening authonmd to consider dm- msiaumt cmps, etc. 428, 1093 putes ad to awards ... ·. Arizona, M · of · o1gmization,pmceodmg¤_ ,etc.:--.;.-:-. appropriation support, ctc., Imlims a.wa.rdst0becuuiiedtopu·t1c¤mm· onrasurvsticnsm . 84,587 vcrest . . . ,.»: ...- `. 107 iursurveyorg¤nc11l,ddrkn,etc; 4931034 odjngl ;mdpa¥emt0d1st¤ctc0u;*t.. 107 deicim appmp¤isti<mfor¤mvcyu>rgmcortiiieci C0 81\d ug .,..._, _,,, 1157 otc.,_to of and cnutribulion ctc., inr bri acme Oulu- Gonciliaiiou I .. 107 ndc liivu, at T , required 588 pnper¤informerca¤egtobotramm1¤tod_to S\1IIIBh¥K110`W»iDg]&HdS,€w.:J!Utt0b8¤§({ Board of licdmtion and Gcndhn- lor I1ld1i&\$i!!QDbtl’$d.1!\g0I$ public` tion,ifrcqug-nsted . :..._...:--._.. 107 ‘ dnmainpx·ior14>Juno30,1913 .. 582 awards to be effective IHA! fling III dlB¢¤€¢ 107 townsitg; etc., subdivision in Cozxminn 558 court ...- · ---- unty ... ‘ exceptions on questions of law allowed. . 107 uh ci propristiom ini- allow] lands, until dirposed of .. 107 og, to Indians iu, fcrbiddon .. 78 s to circuit cogrtscf appeals .. 107 Arizona Judyzml 1).34;-;,;;, restricted tg questions of law . 107 dqdcieucy appropriation for pa of Richard dctermirnuon gf, iind-_ , . . .: 107 E. Sloan, as de facto jmgu .. 219 may be set asidclf expepmua gustamed- 107 constitution of ... 203 agreements bmmu cifecuyo ... 107 mms of court, Globe ... 203 no compulsory r to be requucdz 107 Phoenix .. 203 employees under Federal coun receivers prawn ______________________________ mg may submit questions to court . 107 Ayudglphia, Ark., restricuon ou reduction of w 107 q, tion for blic buildi 822 °$° vvwvns 1>¤ compensation and 6¤p¢¤¤€¤ 0W€d W Arkansas and Icrncphh Railwaynsr-Hg: and boards . .·· - - · - 108 Terminal mnpay ¤PP¥°P¥i*m°¤ for °¥P°¤¤°¤» °t°·? *PP’°V¤l time extendcd for b Mimidppi and accongnting ... 1 . : ..··-·-- 108 River st Memphis by .. 810 Board ofMcdist10¤ and Coucxlmugm . 108 Argon". 9;;% Kmyq Commissioner authorized; appomtmeut, g pmprismon for public building 4, 609, 822 salary and tenure".: .. 108 A,.&,,,a_, Enum :;,,4,5,,; p,y,·;,;_ designation of 0Qhei· . 1 108 Desba md (gum; cmmua agmhed go Assistant Commnsswner authorized; up- oumrn division ...·.. 1193 P0i¤tm¤¤¢ ¤*·I°·?Y· wd dime! ···-·· 108 Yell County tnnsfenvd from western dipformer Act repeaicd . . : . . 108 trict to eastern division of . . . . . 1193 pending aigreemenp, etc. ccngzmued., 108 mm of court at Jonesbcrm ...--.--.. 7,13 Architecture: Camizeluwns, Publ1.cBu1ldmgc, Arkanm Nagyjonql Foy"], 4;-];, sp ro riations og, under ¢0¤¤'¤¢¢¤ - · 17»`617» 831 a. pmpriation for maintenance, etc., of. 426, 1096 gr gilv, Haww ..--...- - - 17, 617, 831 Azlgnwar Rive, _ for Portland, Orig ..----·- 831 bridge authorized acme, Iattle Rock w Arshgectural Record _0glpu;*Ly, _ {Amer Argents, Ark.; 685 e cienc a, on or copmso - m1immm·y‘ exsmim. °ou, ., e icalix .. , ...-- - - - - 315 P of, at Bmdeus Bend .. 1060 Arch-iu; Building, D. C., QVGIWMQ Arka-pun; River, Ark. and Okla., _ appropriation for wpluucal services, etc., project for improving, hy bg rggxgmmgdy

 designs for. . ... .  614 etc . . . 1055

Arcfvwv. 0 M-. Ammw www Juauw °·PP¤>PYi¤*i°¤ f°? Pu¥°h¤·¤° of H°·'8”°V° °' salaries of district attorney and marshal Ardmore College, fmm Cluckasuw reduced . .. . ...,,.. 54 funds for_b0p.tding SCIIOOI -..----·-- 597 Yell County transferred to usfzru district. 1193 for public buslding .. . ...- 609, 822 Arlington Nanbml C'mww};, Vg., 4,,0550, p_ Rn appropriation for burial 0 mdngrant soldiers, bridge authorized uCt0S8AI9<Z1~b0 RiV€1' it- - 309 Ofé., iii -··-·-- · -·-—··--·-—-· 31, sw: 843 Arecibo River, for roadwuyv from Highway Bridge, etc., bridge authorized across, Arocibo, P. R 309 T0 . . . . 631