Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1278

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xxxn INDEX. British and American Pecuniary Claims-—Con. P¤8•~ Brown, Mathew, _ Pagedeficiency appropriation for arbitrating payment of Court of Claims findings to adoutstanding 313 ministrator of . - ... 982 agent to be appointed by the President. . . 449 Brown, Stephen E., British Gum, payment of Court of Claims findings to 968. duty on ., . ... . - . . 117 Brown, Talton E., _ _ Broad Run, Va., Baptist Church, payment of Court of Claims findings to pa ent of Court of Claims findings to 990 heirs of ... 971 Brodhvgzld, Wis., Brorum, Wqllzhm, condemned cannon granted to . 1201 payment of Court of Claims Endings to ex- Brolrers, B oizcdutgr Of. . . . . 982 isl tax im on ... . ... 751 rownw , ex., spgdt req ed bankers ... 751 appropriation for public building 5» Brokers, Comrnercnzl, Brurwt sland Bridg Company, special tax on . .. 751 maybridge Ohio iver, at Pittsburgh, Pa., -810 Brokers, Cust , Brunswick, Ga., special tax imposed on ... - ...,... 751 loan of tents, etc., authorized for Confeder- Brokers’ Notes, etc., B ate Veterans’ Reumon at. . 237 stam tax on . . ... 761 rushes Brominlj duty bn .. ., 147 on free list . . ... 156 hair gncil. .. . ... 147 Bronx County, M YZ, Brussels, elgium, _ appropriation for clerical amistance in appropriation for annual contribution Innaturalimtion cases, to clerk of ternational Bureau for Publication of su reme court ,...,,..,,... . . . . 667 Customs Tariffs at .. 446, 112} Bromz, N. g1, for Bureau for Repremion of African deficiency appro riation for public build- Slave Trade at _ . 447, 1121 ing, site, agditional lang. .. 209 for Bureau of Interparhamentary Union Bronze, for Promoting International Arbitraduty on, brocades. ,. 128 tion at .. . ... 448, 1122 flitters. ... 128 Brussels Carpets, leaf . .,... 128 duty on. . .. 142 metallics - ... . 128 tapestry .. . ... 143 powder ... 128 Bryan, T¢g¢.,_ _ _ _ Bronze, Works in, appropriation iorlpublic building 5, 610, 823 on free list, produced more than 100 years Bryantsville, Ky., ethodist Episcopal Churdn before importation . 166 South, _ Brookjiew, Mo., payment of Court of Claims Endings to ..,. 970· applropriation for public building . . . . 5 Bubonic Plague, Broo 'ngs, S. Dah., . appropriation for prevention of epidemic. . 25, appropriation for public building 5 _ 624, 837 Brooglyn, N. K deficiency appropriation for prevention of appropriation ior post office building, . . . . 610 epidemic. . . . . 379- condemned cannon granted to, for McCar- Buchu Leaves, ren Park .,... - ... 1210 duty on. . ., 117 Brooks, Isaac, Buck Harry H., _ payment of Court of Claims findings to son deiiciency appropriation for services .. 326 and heir of . .. 978 Buekey, Mary ., _ Brooks, John C., payment of Court of Claims Endings to 993 payment of Court of Claims findings to 982 Buckingham, W Va., Broo s, Octamb P., condemned cannon granted to, for Con- B paymgnt of Court of Claims findings to 982 Buble; federats monument . . . . . 1200 room orn, , appropriations for study of, and improve- duty on belt, iron or steel - .. 128 ment ... . ..-···-·--·... 422, 1093 gewelry . - - , ... _ . . . 1 49 on free list ... . . 156 trousers and waistccat, Hon or steel 128 Broom Handles, Bucklin, William H., B on free list, wood . . ..,,..,... 164 U £ayment’oiS_ Court of Claims findings to ..., 980· 70077*3 W*'”W"» u°m·’h'·P> duty bx; ,_____,,_.,,.,,,.,,____,____ 147 of name of, authorized ..., 282 'us , _, w t, B deficiepgly appggpriation for services .. 227 3121119 free list . . . 156 rown, won ., , yment of Court of Claims fin to,. . . 988 duty on cassia ... 135 Brisvn, Coleman T,, drugs, not edible .. 116 payment of Court of Claims findings to 968 on free list, crude, not edible, not specially Brown, John, provided for .. - ..,, 157 B payme;1§u:f1§7ourt oi Claims findings to 982 B’I3¢L1‘ll’fLg Knives, 126 rown, o ., uty on .. - . payment of Court of Claims findings to Buero, Angelo, heirs of ... 988 payment of Court of Claims findings to ad- Brown, Lindsay L., ministrator oi. ...,,_,,.,.. 981 payment of Court of Claims findings to Bujalo B ou, Tex. (see Houston Ship Chanh¢11'¤ of ... 971 Ilgi Tex.).