Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1280

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xxmv INDEX. Bureau o{ Imerparlurmentavy Arbitratum (rec Pm- Bureau of Ordnance, N¢wy—Continued. Pezenterparliamentary Union for Pro- appropriation for ordnance, etc.;purchases motzing International Arbitration). of projectiles restricted 398 Bureau of Labor Statiatua (see Labor Staustics emergency purchases abroad; free Bureau, Department of Labor). entry . 399 Bureau of Iulghthouses (see Lighthouses Bu- for smokeless powder . . 399, 934 reau, Department of Commerce). price of powder restricted ,.. 399, 934 Bureau of Medvbine and Surgery, Navy, purchases restricted to full operation of appropriation for surgeons’ necessaries and Indianhead plant . 399, 934 civil establishment . . . 402, 937 for Naval Gun Factory . . . 399, 935 for contingent ... . ... 402, 937 fOr naval proving ground, Indianhead, dental outiiltis . . - 4:02, 937 f Md. ... . 935 temporary os ita s, etc., or eets a ormodrfy1ng' , e .,guns ..., 399 Panarna-Pacific Exposition . 402 for new batteries for ships .. 935 for transporting remains .. 402, 938 for ammunition for ships . . ... 399, 935 not deducted from six montl1s’ gratuity for torpedoes and appliances .. 399, 935 ay ... 938 for torpedo station, hode Island . 399, 935 for C};l‘KB, etc., Navy Department. . . 487, 1028 for experimental work, projectiles, powdeficiency appropriation for contingent. 321, 1156 der, etc .,..,.. , , _ 399, 935 for transporting remains . ... 569 for Naval Militia .,.,.,., , , _ _ 399 for Medical Department . . .. . 1156 for repairs .,. , 400, 935 Bureau oé Mine; (ace Mines Bureau, Interior for contingent ,, , 400, 935 eprartrnent). _ _ for clerks, etc., Navy Department., . 486, 1028 Bureau eg aturalizatnbn (see Naturalization draftsmen, etc., may be paid from ureau, Department of Labor). "Ordnanceand ordnance stores " . 487, 1028 Bureau o{)£Va·mya¢1Zan(aee Navigation Bureau, deiicieng appropriation for ordnance and artment of Commerce). office stores . 230, 232, 320, 331, Bureau of 1$rvigat1b·n, Navy, _ 334,577, 1156, 1160 appropriation for transportation .. . . 394, 931 Bureau :2/ Permanent Court of Arbitratzlm or recruiting 395, 931 _ asc International Bureau of Perma. evidence of age required; release of mi- nent Court of Arbitration). nors on request of parent; condi- Bureau of Soils ree Soils Bureau, Depart- . tions . 0. . . 395, 931 ment oi °cultur~e). advertising agencies . . . . .. 395 Bureau 4% S (sca Standards Bureau, admission of enlisted men to citizen- gpartment of Commerce). ship .. . 395 Bureau of team Engineering, Naw, for contingent . . . . - .. 395, 931 appropriation for machmery, repairs, etc, 407, 946 for gurmery exercises . . ... 395, 932 Coast signal service ,.,. , 407, 946 for steaming exercises .., . 396, 932 engineering equipment ...,,,.,,.,_,_ 407, 946 for outfits, enlisted men and appren- incidental expenses , 407, 946 tices . . .. 396, 932 clerical, ew., services .. . ..._ 407, 946 issue on second enlistments. ... 396, 932 limit for radio shore stations and limit of cost 396, 932 laboratory ... 407, 946 for naval auxiliaries. 396, 932 for lug}: power radio stations, Canal Zone, for equipment instruments, supplies, aliforuia Coast, Hawaii, Samoa, etc ... . ... 396, 932 Guam, and Philippine Islands 407, 946 for ocean and lake surveys", . 396, 932 for heavy-oil engine or fuel ship ... 408 for training stations, California 396, 932 for engineering experiment station 408, 946 Rhode Island ... . .. 397, 933 for machinery, increase of the Navy. .- 414, 952 Great Lakes . .. 397, 933 for machinery, additional Erst-class bat- Saint Helena .. 397, 933 tleship ... . . 415 for Naval War College . ... 397, 933 for clerks, etc., Navy Department. . . 486, 1027 · for Naval Home .. 397, 934 draftsmen, etc., may be paid from unclaimed moneys of deceased in- "Bteam machinery, ” etc . 486,1027 mates to be credited to naval pen- denciency appropriation for engineering sion fund: . 398 experiment station . , 570 pensions of inmates ... 398 for steam machinery ... 570, 577, 1146, 1156 for clerks, etc., Navy Department. .. 484, 1025 Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Navy, deficiency appropriation or transporta· appropriation for pa of the Navy .. 403, 938 tion . . . 230, enlisted strengtii construed ...,., 403 232, 320, 331, 31%, 579, 1146, 1156, 1160 chaplains, appointment rank, etc 403 for gunnery exercises ... . 230,331, 577, 1156 restoration of retired omcers to active for outfits on first enlistment 230, 1156 list ... . ...,. . ,.,,,,,_, , 939 for naval auxiliaries 230, 331, 334, 579, 1156 aviation service . . 939 for recruiting .. 320 naval reserve provisions ...,..,_,_, 940 for service badges and ribbons . 320 for expenses of naval reserve ,...,.,,_,,, 941 for Naval Home . . .. 577 admirals and vice admir-als for {lest forNaval'l'r·a.iningStation, California.1156, 1160 commanders ._,_,______, _ _ _ _ 941 ior outfits, naval apprentices . . . . 1156 pay clerks, rating established, appointnaval reserve organized under 940 ments, etc , , ,...,,,__,_ 942 Bureau ofprdnmwe, Navy, for provisions .,.,,,,,__.,,,_ _ 404, 943 appmpuation for ordnance and ordnance commutation of rations ,________,,__ 404,943 Stores . ... 398, 934 allowance of suspended nurse corps Clerical, etc., services .. . 398, 934 accounts ,,.,,...,..,,, 404