Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1303

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INDEX; C'om{c: Labor Page. Copper R· and No,·g,m,;,,,, com articles made by, denied entry ... 195 _ yiavfsry, _ _ Railway hn Coowwts, C., _ deicrency appropriation for refund of eppropnsmon for support of, out of the Dis- license tu ... 1149 _ tnct _ - .: ...,. 542, 917 Coppcraa, deficiency apgropriation for support ot, out on frog list ,,,,,_,_,,_____,_,,,.,,___ 156 of the rstnct .. . .. 317, 566, 1143 Coppinger, John, cherseam keeping, in Federal peni— 869 C payment or Court or Claium findings to., . , mz .. . ... o Conway, Ark., ‘ dim, prepared ,___________ , ____,,,____ deiiciepcy appropriation for public build- 560 Coiltliezzlgséthmt shredded, etc mg""""""""’°"°"°""" 0 7 i Cook, John, mxn . . ... . ... ‘ ... 1 45 payment of Coat 3; Claims findings to ad— 903 Paper, 45 P ·-··· · ·~-·--·--··-·.. u on . 1 Cook, Wilhm H Copyrighf O Congress, deiicielpcyeiappmphdon for deignated sm appro for regnstzr/, assistants, clerks, en c . . . · . ·..-.--···- Cookeville, Tfmnlgry _ for gicpenses, branch office, Pmam:-63, mw argnrognation for public bu.i]dmg... . . 7, 6141 823 Paciic .. .. ... 068, 879 Co; tg, mus, 127 f designatioinnpl ertc .. . . gg? u on .. . . or rinting . ··... 673, Cooper, Elam C., _ _ for gatalogue of Title Entries. 678, 881 payment of of Claims to 982 &P.l/Nighll, Cboperatwc Agncultural ;E'zten.non (sos Agri- temporary protection of foreign exhibits at cpltural Extension Work, Coopem· Panama-Pacific Exposition . 112 C B tug?. tW000?0fi§:?%($tit)Dt0b9d9P0lit8diD 1 oo. ay? eg-1 G..·•····... preliminary examination, etc., of harbor, one of foreign author and _ to be made. .. 1061 ubvlished abroad ... 311 Mall Slough, declared nonnavigable. .. 233 Uqquille giver, glreg., Coon Ri , Gm ndA(a_, improving ai to navigation at entrance

 e;aminat.ion, etc., of, to be _ @0, 8\\tl10¤ZQd..; . · ···-·. . . 927

made . . .,. 1MB Drehmlahy enmmauon, etc., of, to be wm Gooaa River Ga. and Fla., 8 ·······-·····-··-··········· - · ’ · · · Coral, "°’°°;,i,°' mP'°"°g’ *° b° "°°"'"‘°d’ 1055 dugg., cut, but not set .. 149 C0 .ba BULL; `````'``°'`'```°`````'``` C3;] list, uncut and unmanufactumed". 156 ’ ve. O ggy °° ‘‘`‘'‘'‘‘`’'’‘‘' H4 duty on hang. . . 140 °P“ » , rstle, Tampnco fiber, etc .., 140 on free list, gum . 158 @0,,54;., Co , du ,.. . 180 rfiitiy on, articles, not tgpecially provided brriaykgzo, etc., allowance .. . . . 130 b tiger. not gold pla , ew --··-·--- . . . {gg packages or bottles; duty on bottles .. 137 o ms .. Cords; , mq braziers’ ... 128 atam tu bottles, etc., f . 746 pulses .. use ol frptigzd gwglet winentin manufacture s .. , permit . . 750 rolled plates ... 128 Cords, 0 sllieathing .. duty (ipa artiilcial silk or imitation hone- M eets ° . . . 1 Sheets or plates with other metal im~ 4 §•;;ton,uctc , . . . .. . .. 140 posed . 12 , li mp, or rami . . . 140

 . 128 witheindia rubber? etc  141

yel ow metal .. 128 silk ._,,.,.. . . ... . . . 144 on free list, acetate of . 155 woolon . . ... . . . 142 black or coarse 156 Cord: and Tamls, cement . . . 156 dirt? on cotton, etc . ... . . . 140 clippings from new . ... si ki ., . com .. . woo on ... . `ti tal f, tc., not specially Corduroy , °°'“‘§°r2‘v¤32d"}§...$..? 156 duty J, mm, etc ... so medals received as prizes, etc ... 159 Cofvandq Sud, old, lit only for remanufacture . . Con flrlpo list ... E . - 162 ore .. - crm jmhodik t phen , r 0 .. . . . 156 County Va.,

il.B.     C paytrlperjg of Court of Claims findings to.. . . 993

eta erm , 11;.1., _ giilphate of 155 deficiency appropriation for public buildunmanufactured, plates, bars, etc., not _ . - ...-.. 209 specially provided for . 156 Corinth, {$1:4:., Baptist Church, _ verdigris ... 155 payment of Court of Claims Endings to., . . 977