Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1360

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OXIV INDEX. Hawaii-Continued. P¤g¤· Hays, Sarah, _ _ P¤s¤- appropriztiou for contingent expenses,. 479, 1021 payment of Comt of Clzums Endmgs to for legislative expenses; rostnction- . 479 admmistrator of ... 966 for district judges, clerk, etc 507,1048 Hayward, _W*{s., _ for distinctxvc mail equi ments for . 304 aprmpnauon for Indmn school . 101, 605 for paying claims for gamages, target Hca Tax,_ _ _ practice in . 367,1079 approprmtnon for rofuudmg, erroneously for preservation, repair, etc., fortiiica- _ collected. , . :  : . 65, 666, 877 tions . ... 390, 889 de£c1e11cy approprmtlou for rafundmg. . . . 326 for preservation, repair, ctc., torpcdg90 Headeés, ust 159 structures ,889 on ec ... .· for land defenses, etc 390, 889 Heading B§0cks, for reserve equipment . . 390 on frac 11st, rough hewn, ctc .. 164 for supplies, abc., electric plants, sea- Hqads, _ _ coast fortifications ... 391, 889 1mp0rtatg10n pf, featlgeqs, wmgs, qtc., of for sea. walls and cmbankments, forti.fica· wxld buds pr0hib1tcd; excepuons. . . 148 tions ... . .. 890 Headstmneg for Sohiwrs’ Graves, for automobile, fortixications ... . 890 apxproprmtiou for 30, 630, 843 for highipower radio station in 407, 946 or unmarked graves of civi1ia.ns.. . 30, 630, 843 for Wea er Service expenses in . 416, 1088 for umnarked graves of Confedaratcs in for agricultural experiment station in. 438,1109 _ mtnoual ceugetgrics ... 30, 630, 843 use for coopemuve extension work. 438, 1109 deHc1eucy appropnauou for . . . 229, for relief, etc., shipwreckcd American 232, 334, 577, 579, 1156 seamen in ... _ 452, 1125 Hcalds, for uarantine system expenses; leprosy dut on, cotton, ctc . 140 %10spita.l ,,..,,.._, 624, 837 HGGZEXDCPGTZZZRQII, D. C'., for cthnological researches among natives appropmmon for health officer, inspectors, of 26, 625, 838 qu: Z 539, 914 for Schofield Barracks ... 629, 842 amxgnment of mspoctors 539, 914 for accommodations for seacoast artillery for preventing cogmous diseases, etc. 539, 914 in L .. 629, am for IGDQSIB, ctc., pox hospital; quarfor quarters, post in 30 igqhuc statxon. ._ ..,,__ _ 914 for expenses of district judges, outside for d1s¤.n.fccting service ..,. . .,,..,,__ 540,914 of official residence ... 55, 654, 867 for sanitary emergency fund, drainage of cases in which appeals and write of error lots, etc. . .. 540, 914 allowed dnrect to supreme court for expenses, food, etc., adultarations. 540, 914 from district court of . . 804 for bacterial ical laboratory . 540, 914 from supreme court of .. 804 for chemimlxbomtory . ...,... 914 for review and determination by cer- for contingent expenses enforcing laws. 540, 915 tiorari from Supreme Court . 804 for inspecting dauv farms, ctc. ... 5-10, 915 to circuit court 0 appeals . 804 extension of milk inspection, etc - . 915 final decisions of district court subject to for contagious diseases, isolating wards. 540,915 review by cucuit court of appeals. . 803 for public uemawry ..,. . ... 540, 915 leaves of absence allowed Agricultural De- for motor vehicle, ,,,_,,__,,,,. , ,,..., 540, 915 partment ezpagloyees in . 441 for gotmd and stable .,._,., 540 opium, etc., spam -1::11: provisions appli- Health, ntematiamal Ojce of Public, cable to . . 787 appro riation for umu;] quota ___________ 449 plans and estimptas f<§0Ar§y batglacks and Health (yjiccrj, D. C., uarters in, to su mit . . . - 74 appropriauon for amistant de u ctc. 9 South (kilo street railway franchise, time Hezggnggin Landjntries, , P ty, 539, 14 extended for construction ... 555 appropriation for expenses , . 45 644 855 Huwky, Thomas C., fees for depositions . ,855 payment of Court of Claims Endings to deficiency appropriation for expenses . 230 administrator of . . . 983 232 580 115% Hows, Ben{avr;iv%_ un f Cl _ 6 _ to Hmm, CaZU'0m12z M., ’ ’ P¤Y¤1cn 0 0 0 V mms ndmgs ent of Court of C1a1m' fin .,,_ gdmjgigtmtnr of ___,_________,_,,__ 976 Hgzavgi-b{l'jlg1·[ng Ewng S (hugs to 976 Hawtherno Pork, lll., appropriation for eveiopment of, for fuel appmpmmon for pgrt. of egwnpe of show- ghlp ____________ _ _____________ 408 H cattle quaranuned by ovemmeutat. 1115 Haddles or Hmld.1, Wire, ```` G 1 dut on. . .,,,.,.,,,, _ _________ _ _______ _ dyn? Qu- - ···--·-··---···----···-· - ····- 133 Hejlebzrnwer, Daniel, 125 Hay Mw, payment of Coun of Chim Endings to duty OQ- ·_ ···---·-·-·---·-- · ~-·-- · - ·-··. 127 [ executor of _____ _ _____ __ 995 Hayden J\rgtwna@ForesL, Wyo. and Colon Heingmann gu '`’'‘'‘` ‘ appro nation or maintenance, etc., of. 427, 1097 ‘ ma ri ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ Haymargct, I;aC,};Sa£1£.tPaul’a Protestant Epis- Hgir;};;jb]yg{%n“A}?;g$uE,}Yer’ Newpom Ark' 207 COW W , a m riati m_u·m·¤g Hpaymcéxt of Court of Claims findings to 991 Hm§EeZlPF. S? for expenses of date 586 agmea, sang, ent 1 . 1. payment of _Court of Claims Endings fn Paym ad¤»?i§1is(%;;tor(;§.F. . an to 983 H ?I‘L‘;n*m8““t°’ °f ····· · ···•·---····· 989 Helena, Agkxgirsz Bipém Church, A

  • v Gu lgiing '

x>~y¤=·<>¤¤ qr _<>·»¤& 2; cwms Endings to HFzZ°ZZ` Ari, ow“§Z?wz pmz§£r...,.‘*’““e·$’¤Yi;,;9.; °°5 ¤d¤¤m¤¤¤ .. . 983 payment of Court. of Claims findings to 965