Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1370

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CXXIV INDEX. Indian Department-Continued. PMB- Indian Depa1:tm,ent—C0ntinuegl._ _ Pawappropnation for telegraphing and tele- appmprnatxon for school fa.c11.1t1es for N avphoning , ___________,___ , _____,,_ 79, 585 a,]os, Anz ... I . c .. 86, 588 for costs, ctc., Indian suits; no,omey’s for watqr sqpply for Navgqqs, . - . 86, 588 foes ... . .. 80,585 for IPZQB-]—Y1§;1i;11¤g, Igtc., 1r¤j1g¤¤A<;¤_ dlke, 588 for citizen commission _,...,,,,... 80, 585 ort o ave qscrvauon, I'1Z..:.. for Indian police .. 80, 585 for water supply, elght _P&pag0 Indlau reports, gtcv of arrests ,_____,___,,,,,, 586 villages! southern Auzona .. 588 for judges, Indian courts ,..,.._,,,.. 80, 586 fo1‘ 381Dg l3.l1dB for CBHIP V9l‘d8 for coxgaiugencios; special agents, etc. . 80, ndmnsi E. . . . . 588 for In I1 Service actors . . a ent rom r1 a. s or r1 es, for determining he?r§I:>f deceased allot- f P gg; Carlos Reserva§ion(1L:ep;aa1ed§ . - 588 meg ________,______,,,,___,,, 80, 586 or investigating, etc., an ar os irrigaclerks in Indian Office . . 586 tion project . 2 . 588 administration of oaths. . ,..,,... 586 for support, etc., of Indians m Californot a, Plicable to Osages and Five ma - 86, 589 Civirlnzed Tribes ... 586 for purchasing lands, etc., for homeless payment of costs by heirs, ctc.; report Indians in Califomia . . 589 to Congress. - ,.,,,.,...,,,... 80, 586 for Sherman Institute, Riverside, Cal. . 86, 589 cogpulsory attendance of witnesses at 586 for irélgation project, Yuma Rescrvation,86 589 earin . . . .; repayment . , oaths of isffice to employees on rescr- for school! Fort Bidwell, Cal .. . 86, 589 vations . 80 Greenville, Cal . ... 86, 589 use for additional clerks authorized; for wagon road, Hocpa Valley Reservaf limit . . 234 f tron; (lgali . .. 86 , or encouraging se ·supp0rt among 11- or re 'e o istress among emiuo es in diana ... - ... 80, 586 Florida .. 86, 589 izgtion of fund; use, etc .. . gg, for supp<3rt, ctc., géalgort Hall Reserva— 9 tation .. , tion ndians, 0 .,, 87,58 for encouraging self-support among In- 80 for irrigation, ctc., Fort Hall Reservad12.ns` .. . . tion .. 87, 589 f c1ée?.1:i01i)0€Tf;1u11d; use, ctc for Iglling treaties, Bannocks in or ara . c .. o 87, 589 for Frederick H. Abbot 81 Gmur d’Alencs .. . ., , , , 87, 589 Joint Commission to Investigate In- for clerical services, Nez Percc Agency- - 87 dian Affaim created; powers, etc. . . 81 for M. D. Colgrove . . ... 589 for expenses of commission . 81 for Sac and Fox Agency, Iowa. , , , , 87 for accountant tolpreparo financial his- for school, Haskell Institute, Kaus . 87, 590 tory, etc., of ive Civilized Tribes- 82 Kickapoo Reservation, Kaus 87, 590 repealed .. . 335 for su port of school for Sacs and Foxes agreement with Wiminuche Band of of the Missouri, Kang __,_,________ 87, 590 Southern Ute for exchange of lands, for D, C, Tillowm _,,__,____,_,______ _ _ 87 for Mesa Verde Park, Colo., ralniied, for school, Mount Pleasant, Mich ... 87, 590 etc _ ·.. _ ...-...·-· _ · . 82 for Joseph Bradley .,... 590 custodg of mms outmde of Park realm- for agent etc., Mackinac Agency, Mich. 87 quxs ed . ... _ .. 84 for school, Pipestone, Minn 88, 590 for su rt, etc., of Indians, Ariz. and for schools for Chi was of the Missis- NFQGX --··------------·-------·- 84, 587 sippi in Minnegoptin. .. . 88, 590 fogglihool, Fxrt Mohave, Ariz . 84, 587 for highschool instruction of Chg/irpewa 0<¥¤iX, fil -·-... . -··-.-···· 84, 587 children, ctc., White Earth, um. . 590 THIXV/>¤ CSHYOH, Ariz --- 84,587 for civilization etc., of Chi was in for irrigation system, Gila River Reset- Minnesota, lrom tribal fury}: . 88, 590 VBUQH, ANZ ----·-----··-.-.--·-. 84, 587 for lands for homelessMi11e Lacs Indians- 591 for examination, etc., for dam and reser· rcinterring bodies of Chippewas from voir in Box Canyon, San Carlos burial ground _______ _ _____________ 59] §§8~¤¢i<>¤, Arm for i¤i·:¤¤¤¤ 85 rm aéumgx fcelepratiou of www smh · ······ · ················· : · · n for yager supply, Papa? Indians, AHZ. 587 gym;. ofogg({;}:;1o]ip§ etc. Bona 887 591 for ]ltl'1g3.tiO`D. system, avajo Reserva- Mimh ’ ’ ’ 591 uou, Ariz.; restriction. ..., 85 - ```` `Z ````'`'`````` " ` surveys Em for bridge 85 for €X{3€Dd1I1g_dl‘8.1I18:g€ survey, Red Lake for bridge, Moencopi Wash, Navajo cOR°s?“Y:§i%’1?1da1£u‘ ‘1i‘ ‘f’ ‘‘‘···· 88 ,R?s€rva·tionr Ariz ··········-······- 587 in Wrhiw Earth B? m Oti for urxgatiou pumping plant, Colorado autho · d esewa °n* um·¤ River Reservation, Ariz ... 85, 587 me °‘‘‘‘ ; *3 ·····‘‘········ 88 lands reserved for farm, Fort Yuma for °{P°HS°¤ of commission ·-~··-·-----· 89 School, Ariz .,,... . 587 fol' hlghét education of ten Chippewa for bridge, Colorado River, Topock, bQyS .. . ... 90

aizgypemtion, etc., of Arizona 8dd}t1¤D3l glloiilmgnti to certain Inau omia . . .. 588 duns on on u ac Reservation,

for bridges across Gila and San Carlos Minh .. . ..____, 90 Rqrers, _Sau Carlos Reservation, for extending water system in White Am.; mmburscment. . ; .. 85 Earth, from mba funds ___________ 591 for bndgo across Colorado Rnver, Ynma lot granted Northam Minnesota Con- Reservamn, Cal., to Yuma, Ama. 85 ference of Methodist Church. ..___, 591