Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1388

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cxlii mnnx. Kernstowéi, 5:1., Methodist Episcopal Church Poco- Kiéruéa Indian Reservgtign, Olkla., md f Pogooa e paymen y omes ers _ or Kpayment ¢$C0grt of Chirrnsbgndings 991 gieded Ends of, extended; limits.- 598 ernstown, a. peqaum res tenan u , ons, e . payment of C,ourt of Claims findings to. . . 991 Kirk, Benjamin, _ Kerosene Mantles, payment of C0;1I't of Claims findings to exduty on, , .. 129 ecubor 0 ... . ... 978 Kerosene Oil, Kirkwille, Mo., _ on free lint . . ... 160 apipmpriation for public building 825 Kerr Demi' , or rent ... 825 deliciencgrsappmpriation for extra services. 574é Kiischwasser, 136 115 uty on K , Francis Scott, Kissimmee, Fla., 3/eficiencyh app;·<¥1riaé:ion ger meigiduxéient to, 568 deficiency appropriation for public build- 2 au oro e tar pang anner. ... . 56 Key West, Fla., Kissinger1?&>hn R., appropriaiign for naval station, public 936 Kappropgiation for .. 359,1070 wor . ... iwllen nwes i deficiency appropriation for public build- duty on . ..., 127 ing .. 562 Kitchen Utensils, Keyser, W Va., duty on aluminum hollow ware .., 127 Kcogdemped cannon g·rantedKto . .. 1210 Kza irorioi steel exgmeled, etc. , hollow ware. 127 w poo ndurn ation ans., mnt gency cg. Kapproprgantéon forllndian school. . 87, 590 appropriation lor support, etc., of Indians ic ions mma at ... 97, 602 delierzory of cheicks to individual Indians, Klamath Indian Reservation, Oreg., for moneys due them ... 597 appropriation for Modoc Point irr' tion reserved for minors and Paw·kaw·kah. . . 597 project .. . . 98, 602 Kickapoo Indians, Okla., Klamath Irrigatrbn Project, Oreg. and Cal., appropriation for support, etc., of ... 93, 596 apprplpriation for maintenance, etc. . . 860 Kiesente, _ K`ta·ma National Forest, Cal., on free hst ..- 158 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of- 427, 1097 Endling Wood, Knap_ Narrows, Mdz, _ Kon fr? - -...-...-.- 164 pregmmaryad examination, etc., of, to be 057 ing, enrg . m e ...,,,,.,____ 1 payment of Cclurt of Claims findings to 976 Knights of Pythias, King, Kinchen W, _ _ _ loan of Army saddles and bridles to, for payment of Court of Claims Endings to heirs national encampment, at Terre K_ Hof- ·; ----·-----···----·---·—-—-···· 976 K _ F giiaute, Ind ... 776 ing er , _ _ nit a rice . payment ofC01a·t 0; Claims iindmgs to Sd- 963 Kdu on wdolen, not specially provided for. 142 mimstra r o . it King Theological Hall, D. C., yduty on éilk ... . 144 trustees named; powers extended . 795 Knitted Articles, may convoy property, ctc .-.- - -·--···- 795 duty on wooleu, not s ·ial1y provided for. 142 Kingfisher, Okla., K itti Mach` Needlpik appropriation for Lpublic building 10 Gutylgn 1 .. .. 127 Kinrurird, William ., _ Knitting Needles, payment of Cguyt of Claims findings to ad- duty 0u_ _ _____________________,__ _ _____ · 127 K_ n§·ni(sYtratrix of . . . - . .-----·- 971 Knives, melon, . ., _ _ _ dt . . ,12 appmgiatign for public bmlding _,,_,,, , ,, 825 upggsglglivgg, gu; _______ _ ______________ %26 12; Kimi, of C _ findings to 984 imported, tp have nam; of nzaaker and counen o o · ________ KiI$vyal:1Cqnwn;;»::2aand Apache Indian Reserva. Km,V;;;:y%;d60n(§,1a];,;}g;LW1:w,;dl?E%,;}ch’ *26 bmw · t dmgs` homestlgacé entries eirggnedgsly allovggd for 12 9 Kglzylgzgan out o 8 to 975 n sin, rati an co 1 ’ · ¤ , - additionagtigzymmt required. _ o _ 0 _ O _ 1219 K;%p1r;pnr%;»(;1 for Seamen s Institute .. 453 Kiowa, etc_., ’ ins, Okla., dugy on » 134 al;pmp§£;?l;,1n(g.s?§?é;¥_ _ gg, Komg, Cgeoége, late a Representative in Conorsu port,etc.o, m _ _ , _ » _ , _ for sigedfm. dryfhmd. bgfmiing mmm, on defic1e;1;:y appropriation for pay to widow 227 lan gf; tpcredxt ndlans ., _ 1116 ······················-·····-···- sale or unused, etc., lands qt, authorized. . 92 Koowwi Noqrimol Forest, Mont., proceeds forpggmgy hospital fund ,, 93 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. 427, 1097 preferencle right of Comanche County to 93 goregzogaee (éhoserg. urc ase .. , l ., C . . " - setlllera for lands occupied, at appraised m mlandill apmm cfs S Kwan price ... : .. 93 thanksofC ngresst , d Hi d Caddo, Wichita, etc, Indians admitted to of stegmer forgeggicgs t§?£l’T>Ilmi·:nrg: 769 agency hospital .. . 93 gold watch to be presented to 769