Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1406

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elx INDEX. M thyl Ale hal Pass- Mmm, Mo. P¤s¤» gn freegiiat. ...,. . .. 153 Mappm]:312iati¢‘;;_1i,forg3’;1bHc blklgldi-1;% .. 11 M , D., extco, . st ristian u

en€(hinCoun og Claims Endings to sd- 972 Mpaymeigdf Cc31;rtth2f1Clai§s findiigs 979

ministrator 0 ... . . exico, o. e Let piscopa Metoyer, Theophile, _ _ South, _ _ payment of Court of Claims tindmgs to ad- 9 Mplagimeipt of (iolgrt of Claims findings to 979 ministmtor 0 . 73 a iver . Metronomes, preliminary exainination, etc., of, to be duty on .. 151 made . 1058 Metropolis, Ill., _ _ _ _ _ Miami County, Ind., _ deticiencyappropnation forpublic building 562 may budge Wabash River 235 bridge authorized across Ohio River at 792 Miami, Fla., Metrolzgiimn Polobe, D. C. (see Police, D. C.). apprc}priation for public building .. 11 Mem , Alphonse, _ _ Munm: ever, Ohm, _ _ _ Mpayhgizntpp Court of Claims findings to 973 prehmmary examination of, and tnbu- 060 eat rancoia taries to e made .. 1 payment of Count of Claims findings to ad- Miomw River,,C0nn., _ of . 973 preliminary examination, etc., of, to be Meutllon, Lucien, made ,, _ ,,__,,,_,___,,,.,.,.,. 1056 payment of Court of Claims findings to Maha, _ sdministmtrix of . . 97 duty on, manufactures of . 120 Mexican Controversy, _ _ unmanufactured. . 120 thanks of Conggss tendered Setiores Domi- Michael, Andrew, cio da ma, Rémulo S. Naén, and payment of Court of Claims findings to Eduardo Suarez, for generous serv- 1228 M I administrator of ... 995 ices m ... u:hae' , Phil' , gold medals_to be presented in estimation payment dt? Court of Claims findings to of their apfpreciated services 1228 son of ,,.. , _,,__,,,__,__,,,,,,,,_, 978 appropriation or expenses .. . . . 1228 Midnpan National Forest, Mich., Mwwan Dwtarbances, appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. 427, 1097 appropriation for Mexican Northwestern Microscopes, Railway Company, transporting ref- duty on ,... . ...,.,,,.,.,..,,,,,.,.. 123 mE‘i2?i;a‘mn,p0 ‘‘‘‘ 3° """""""‘§’{;,.5I“‘· "“’“"""" E'”"°""°' °"“"" _ citizens in Mezgico ... _ 2 38, 346 pa ent of Court of Claims findings to 991 defic1ency appropnatron for relief, etc., of Mrddrlgiboro, Ky., destitute American citizens . 208 a. propriation for public building . . 612, 826 for reimbursing Army advances for relief Mid)dletcrw·n, Conn., of destitute American citizens .. 313 a ropriation for public buildin - . 826 for allowance in accounts of First Lieut. Mitgiietown, Md., Cphrtet Rq"ormedgCongrega— A. Moren, for commission ex- 56 tion, Demos ...- . ... 7 am t fCourt {Cl' fid' t 975 for transporting, etc., intemed Mexican Mi1¢iiet¢$niin,0Md., Gegrnanaxstmviiednigshurqch, refugees at Fort Wingate, N. Mengég 1144 payment of (Your: of Claims findings to 5 G c , qego o ,______ _ ________,____,_ 97 Mmom Kickapvo Iudiimq, _ _ _ Middlezozlgiz Chia? _ _ _ , delivery of checks to individual Indians zzgpropriation for public building ... ... 826 for moneys due them , . . . . 597 M' [grown, pag {reserved for minors and Paw·kaw-kah, , 597 condemned cannon granted to ,,__,,, _ , , , 1208 Meamban Aforthwestern Railway Company,_ Middletown, Va., Methodist Epireo l Church, """"°"§L'?.iL‘I!;s ¥‘35m‘i’i‘$°§2§‘“`g "‘“°”°"'“ at .J2%“?°“° °$»°°“i} °‘ ‘E‘2*'“° ?r“§€‘&°it"E‘*‘ M , · -·--·----··-··- e own a. own um e as pu- Mexicaa Soldiers and _Refugees, copal Church (colored), _ deficiency appropriation for expenses of in- Agvayment of Court of Cla1ms findings to 991 teme .. . .. 319, 568, 1144 uidletoum, Va., Saint Thomas Epwoopal Mexico, _ Church, _ appropriation for ambassador to 442, 1116 pigment of Court of Claims findings to 991 fg; gsggrgtgrgre oxfeeggassy M kwtghurgl'. Va., Methodist Protestant c . - . for third secretary ,.,.,..,. 443 Mpayment of Cburt of Claims findings to 995 for Boundary Commission . ._ . 446, 1120 wdlongl, Mach., _ for ac;;&is1tion of embassy premises, City Mgtilciency alprpropnation for public building 562 0 exico . 451 i en, avy, for relief, etc., of American citizens in. 238, 346 appopiiintment of enlisted men as, author~ deficiegcy appropriation for relief, etc., of 20 ized ... . ... 410 merican citizens in ., 8 examination provisions. . 410 employmeng of armeid forces in, by the 7 0 increasre in gguinpgar of, continued rmtil 03 ent ` . ... 7 une 9 .. 1 hostility to peopie, orzgurpose to make war on graduation ,to be commisioned ensigns, _ upon, disclaim . . 770 or asdgned to Marine Corps or Stai Jlerwv, Grdfof (au Gulf of Mexico). Corps .. 103 9