Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1412

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(31XVi INDEX. , G1- nd, Pegs- Morin, Catherine, P¤G¤- Mg;te;L0;g:£,,;;0;f(;c(ftammigw; to _,,,__,,,,_ 442, 1116 payment oi Court of Claims findings to ad- Eug secretary of legation ... . ... . 443 M m$1$gT8·l70!' of --·--··--·· · -··-·-··~ 969 Naf ZF t,Cal. omeau _ q , _ Mgiiicigmtggadiior rirrsiintenarice, etc., of.427, 1098 Meppropnauon for informer’s fee to . . . . 666 M<m¢ev¤iw' , i n-, °’°°°° . . . . appmpriatgnnfor public building ...-· 826 9·PF!‘0i)¤8ii1t;¥:yi0!£ to -·--··---·- 442, Emma, ,·,,g,,ay or secre 0 a on Mzbpmsgumuvcs tp ’Ps,n American Sanitary for Cape Spretelelight. .. 445, 1119 (joqfqeucg 8;, to bg dggigpgbgd __,_. for igttgrpreters and guards at conspgz 1125 appropriation or expenses - _ ·-··-· ; ··-·--·---·-·--··-··- Mmuswmn Natiknml Form, Colo., Mwphw or Morphine. SMIPMM vf. ’ approprigtion for maintenance, etc., of.427, 1098 0¤( · - - E6 bi); ····· ik-) -·-······-··· 118 yr , nada inquea rume., __ _ wei gums quarters for Immigration restriction on sein, by citizens m M Scévgoce 3;,, authorized _______ _ ___. , 666 M _ Cclllllg consular districts . .. 819 ontrose, 0 ., 0""*{ QW Wm- _ _ deiiciency appropriation for public build- 562 Pmhmmillé <?:£1!&i¤t1§¤h ¢lF%,t0f» fo be 1056 ` ing _______ _ ___________ _ ___________ , · 3V D KT 0 . granted land i blk: k- ‘ .. 375 Mmuwwn N. J. M forme;gr;.1i§) .’. .. 375 Mapproprinitign foi public building . . . 11, 826 ir . - · °""” . . ”””· . . . Mggpiiigriaidon for improvement of 34, 634, 846 Mnppmpgdfrign 25*.0 . 11, 612 OT!/|l'lI'l€Nl3, s aw _ _ u 1 8 pm 1-ation for Home Shoe Battle yment of Court of Claims findi to 991 P pGrounds, Ala.; conditions ,.,. . . 311 Meiitncmlle, Va., Methodist Epwoopldis Church deficiency upproggiation for memorial in South, _ _ gnvhrrgg or numbis to Women or um 233 Mp¤ym¤;¤8;:: Cond of 01=¤¤¤¤ d¤d¤¤z¤ iv ---- 992 ‘ ‘ _________________________ arrow Manumonis, etc. ju payment oi Court of Claims findings to heir Mduty on , etc .. . .. 123 M ··-·-·~-~ - -—·-·-··-···--—-·-·-- 967 onuments, ih, °""°'w 0 you {Ri.; list, gm-ks of m, for ______________ 155 Mcondegnnui canhixpy granted to. . - 1209 g;{ne;?;; Qgrut Ojfmaims §ndjngg to ad. 984 Mzpgropjationifor construction of . . . 388, 887 ` istrat .. . .. rs, rmy, Moore, Jglhlvji J., Hx 0 tmnsfell of four l2·inch, to insular possespaymentdof Cpurt of Claims Endings to 964 M t sion; ¤PP¤>V¢d ·----·-···----····-- 890 ‘ _____ _ ,______,___________ or gages, e ., _][00rg’ ]z&1£;wT?, _ _ income tax to be withheld from interest Mpaymfznggi (iourt of Clmms findmgs to 995 M mm $1-131ii ·---·-·----···.---·····-. 170 re, 0 , 0 , il -, _ _ payment of Coixrt of Claims findings to 969 payment of Court of Claims iindmgs to ad- Jloorcjield, W Va., Presbyterian Church, _ 1111¤1¤¢1'8t01' Of- --··--··--··-···--·- 980 yment of Court of Clmms Endings to 995 Mosaw Cubes, Miiblrhead, Minn., duty on marble or onyx . 123 MappC1;Zpuri'atio1n for public building ... 11, 612 Mcssley, VP;¢l§•%m`3£, fc _ H _ to ad _ , p ymen _ 0 0 0 s ndmgs - sity on cotton, ,_,,,,,,_,__,,,,,.,. . 140 m1m,51;r3t0r· of _,_____,_ _ ,_,., . ,..., 977 Moquette Carpets, Mosier, Walter, Indian Farmer, duty 0n_ _____,___,, , ,,,,,,,,,,,,__,,_,, 142 appropriation for reimbxusement to ... 99 Horan, Willis J., Mosquito Creek, Va.,_ _ payment of Court of Claims Endings to sd· preliminary exammauon, etc., of, to be M h .. 977 M made . 1057 ' . . e is pwoo‘ oss, · me C Chiiradh South, , _ _ pa on free list, crude, etc., not otherwise proyment of Court of Claims findings to 980 vided for ..·.-. 160 Mggeno, First Lnkrut. A., _ Hose and Sea Grass, deficiency appropriation for credit in ac- 56 Mduty on, manufactured or dyed .. 151 counts. ... 7 ones, Ilvfyrm City, LG. d“tY °¤; drugs -·-····--·· , ·-·--·--·-·- , ---· 1 16 ssscispcy sppiopriation for public buns- _ ¤¤ fred 1£;i3;¤&d;;r¤¤¢ edible. rm ¤1>¤<>¤¤11y 157 y lirgc,} m` 3},} Qi- ````'``````'``` M" Mother-¤}ZPwrl, H i ioiif` ``D- ggggkncy appmpriatiéil for contested duty on, buttons, blanks, etc ,. . . 147 erection expenses _____ _ ___,____,_,_ 575 m¤¤E)f1=}¢¢¤¤¢¤ df. not spwdlly pr¤v¤d<=d 151 M0rgaé‘m’€`(¥` O', {wd MOM}DJé,·····-•-···-—--_·'··----..··.- °°“ °““’ °°°°¤ 8**** *° ~···- · ·····- 1206 seems Sunday in May degig-noted as ,,,,,. 170 M<”9<m¢¢Wm, Ky- observance to be requested by the Presicondengal cannon granted to Grand 1209 dent ______________________________ 77] — Y P0¤t -----·--·--·---·-·-·-·-- Moths Gy and Brown Tail, Jl0f9¢¤¤m{¤’¢,_ W Vc., sppiopmziityion for eluamntining, etc., appropriation for public building . . . . 11 against spread 0 ... . 433, 1104