Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1431

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INDEX. olmv Olympuh, Wash. P¤¢•- 0perat·mg' Su lies, Public Buileings 1’•¢•· appropriatiomfor public building ... 12,613 appropriatigll for fuel, lights, water, etc. . 22, preliminary examination, etc., of harbor 618, 832 to be made . .. 1062 . use for temporary rented quarters. . .1 . 22 Olympic Jlfatlhmal Forest, Wash., steam for postal pneumatic appzoprlation for maintenance, etc., of. 428, 1098 _ service .. : . ._ .. _ 22, 619, 833 Olyp nt, Pa., _ denclencx appropriation for fuel, lights, denciency appropriation for public build- 563 f an water . 229, 330, 1153g§1§$g mg . - or expenses . . .. Omaha Czutmru District, Opium, ’ salary of ccllcctcr, mcrcc-vcd ----·-·-----· 790 dnt on. . .. 117 - Omaha Indian Reservation, Nebr., eltlkiilpide, g|;c_, of ______________________ ug Publi? l'0¤¤1¤ 8-l10Y0d t·111’011811 ·-~·~····- ; · 1188 aqueous extractof, for medicinal uses. . . . 118 nom? ILO Superintendent, etc- -·-------- 1188 of, not specially pro- ug , 8 -» V1 r. .. Orzcpgzmgligwgeeiugn granted tc ---- - ------ 1211 ;os¤icu?;1o¤;impol:ir'.:lpg§ ol, not auected . gg n ci ¤•¤•••...••»··· vsyment of Court of 01¤ir¤¤ii¤di¤e¤¤¤¤<1cr 1mpermitted(lorp1:10edic1na1 uso, other than Bowman and Tucker Acts, etc .. 962 eimking ________ _ __________________ 276 8PP1'0Pi'1$l·10¤ W! ---··---··-· _- · ·---··-·· 995 punishment for violations . 276 to €X6Cl1l»0I’, Oil!.] bond l'8q\l1l'Bd§ 6XCCp· hda evi. tion- -~·--···-----····--···--··--·· 996 dence of fraudulent intent .. . 276 to next of kin or bsnkrupts . 996 emekiiig {mimi iii [hg uiiicei gmc, pie. in case of death oi ekecutor 996 gumgd illegally impaired _______ ,_ _ _ 275 corporations consolidated, ctc. . -- · - 996 punishment for transporting, etc ... 276 foeBl;08tt0!'I1€Y`Bl111lllB¢l. ... ... 996 cgnigm fgilingtqrgpogt Pgggngg gm penalty for receiving more . 2 . . 996 vcscl ____,,______,,,__,,___,____ · , 276 jurisdiction of Court of Claims not to m- . innocgnt eg-glen gxcgptgd __________ 216 clude Civil War pmperfy clnlnm ---· 996 admission for tranmbipment forbidden. . 276 c1aim¤_ lor swres cr ¤¤pphc¤ wkcn for exporting, cocaine, crc., unlawful . 2·rs military uqe ·--··.-·-·-------··- ; 996 permitted to countries regulaung entry. . 276 use or occupatron of real estate by null- smoking, absolutely prohibited. 277 tary or naval forces . , . ._. . 2 - -, · 996 foreign laws regulating importation, etc., to claimsbarredl‘:¥ranylaw,notwrthm guns- beebtemed ________,_,________ j___ 211 gicuon Court of Claims ... . . 996 prpmulgatgon pflgrrlations to be made. 227,; Onaga am., unlshms t or portstion condemned camwn granted to Grand Army P fee to iiilfemcr ______ _________________ 277 _ ·--·-·--·---·· - -···-···--··-- 1201 official not to receive. ... 277 OMW41, we _ _ forfeiture, etc., of vessel carrying, and appropriation for Indian boarding school eeeeiiieymi shown on manifest _____ 271 Om M ag bingo, etc ···------------------· 585 intemal rpgrnenue tax on manufactured 277 on , . ., , rn ressed . Oyappropriation for public building ... 12, 613 meuugjeuépe w eitieem ________ 277 wm, regu do .. . . . . 277 duty qu. . ··--··-··.---·---·-·-·----··-- 133 amount rgsllond .,. 277 Onwnskm Paw}, _ _ stamps required 278 duty cu, and ¤m1t·¤¤c¤¤ -·--· · -·------··- 146 general provisions applicable ... me Onset Bay, MMS., _ _ punishment for violations . . . 278 prelimrniagy examination, ctc., of. to be 1055 rgeizurelaznd destrpggion of untaxed . m e , . , ..-.·.--·.·· ormer w repos . . Ontario-Nlilyafa Ctmmclmq B"¢d9¤ C°‘”1P¤’W» internal revenue special tax provisions on, HWY 1>§1d€§ N1¤8¤¤ Rwcr at L°W1¤l°¤» 803 goca leaves, and their compounds, _ . . ‘ gi , fg _____________ _ ___,__ 785 s“bmi5*’i°“ °f Plus tc C°mmi“i°“ °f 3 registmgilriylllf greddlicers, etc. required 785 OI"! FIHGANB 80 rlluty on mosaic cubes of .. 123 uoomzgh _E _ _ ff _ _ _ _____ _ 785 1g3;;111§‘;m» 9*** ···-· · ·············· · · prodmtign, etc.,hwi1grout, unlawful 786 , ··-··-·----··-·· · ··········· l .,.. . 7 6 sawed orgiessed .. . .···-··- - --·---· 123 tzabeemade ..,.,,. . , . . 736 OI:i°lfl“"" T° * °z°‘* 123 sales, etc., except on prescribed written Ope'iik1:J5’4L;·; ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘’‘ ‘ rd order, unlawful]. .. . . - 786 apprgpriation for public building . . . 12, 827 ° · I, _ _ ‘ _ 786 073:%, Diss"' 122 provisions not applicable to professional opcrciing P7i6i»fi2ihié{n§¤] ``````` _ m‘;;°{1;’,f(};1h§;if,lfg} ,,'§;’;?,6;1; j Qgg approoxitron for pay of; employees sggicréls S32 to exports to mlglanuies eh_ 86 ._‘= ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘`‘‘‘'‘‘’‘‘ -‘ _ ’ tries- prornu tion. . . 7 fmgmhing swam for postal Pneumsuc to use by public officials . . ... 787 ube service. . . .. 21, 618, 833 deficiency appropriation for _____ _ ______ U _ 577 order forms to be prepared; sale, record, for assistant custodians and ism- et? ----·--·····—---—··--·-·--—-—·- 787 wie __,__,,__,,,.._, . ... 3%, 333, 1155 use restricted 787