Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1442

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OXCVI INDEX. Pembimz, N. Dak., Pm- Pen.mcola,_ Fla., _ _ _ Page granted immediate transportation entry apFropr1ationfor publxc bmlding 12, 827 privileges ,,. . . . ; . . 811 or rent I .. : . ._ ... _ ... 12 Pm and Ink Drawings, for remodeling as 81Ck quarters duty 0u_ ____ _ _,,,.,..,. . ,.. 151 for aeronautm station  :. ._ ... 936 Penalties (see Crimes and Misdemeanors). limit of cost increased, public buxlding at. . 376 · Pencils, Penoaykqn Creek, N. _J, _ duty on. ...,... 151 prehmmary examumtron, etc., of, to be leads for .. 151 made . 1057 Pend Oreille National Forrest, Idaho, Pemrirm Fund, Naval, appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. 428, 1098 moneys, etc.,_ from Naval Home to be Perugezon, John S., turned l!1l$0 ..-- . --...--· 398 payment of Court of Claims findings to ad- Pensdzm Ofice, Interior Depqrtgnem, ministxator of . 989 appropriation for Comxmsswner, deputy, Pendleton, Oreg., clerks, etc .. _ . 4 90, 1031 appropriation for public building . 827 for disbursing clerk for pensions, deputy, lunit of cost increased, public building at. 513 etc . ... . ... 490, 1031 Penholder Tips, for clerks, etc ... . . . . 490, 1031 duty on ...,. - .. 129 restriction on Hlling vacancies . 490, 1031 Penholders, etc. , for additional special examiners . 490, 1032 duty on, and parts . . 129 for ger diem, special examiners . 490, 1032 combination .. . ... 1.29 for bor-savinidevices, etc . 490, 1032 Penizentizrries, United Sums, vault ior dis ursing office 1032 appropriation for construction, Leaven- for additional fire protection 44 worth, Kaus ... . 51, 651, 865 for renewing connection with Departfor construction, Atlanta, Ga .. 52, 651, 865 ment central heating, etc., plant,. . 642 use for new buildings forbidden 651, 865 for repairs to building ... 854 for maintenance .. 55, 655, 868 deficiency exfaropriation for new roof, etc., deticienc a propriation for maintenance 222, 323 for b ding ... 218 for R. Brewster .. 572 for labor-saving devices .. . .. 1146 for Leavenworth, Kaus . 222, 572 Pensions, for McNeil Island, Wash ... 572 appr:?riation for Argly and Navy .. 387, 817 for Atlanta, Ga 572 avy, irom na hmd 387, 817 Pmknives, separate accounts required .. 387, 817 duty on 126 for fees, etc., examining surgeons . 387, 817 Penn Yan, N. YZ, for Commjmioner of, deputy, clerks, appropriation for public building ... . 12 etc 490, 1031 Pmnsylvania, for disbursing clerk, etc., for payment contributions to Mines Bureau laboratories, of . . 490, 1031 Pittsburgh, by, may be accepted. . . 251 deiiciency appropriation for fees, examin- Governor of, designated on Oommxssibn on ing surgeons . 230, 232, 1157 General George Gordon Meade Me- for Army .. 232, 332, 334, 578, 1157,1160 moyml . . _ ., _ . . 1 1222 for Navy . . 1157, 1160 Pmmylvama Eastern Judwtal Dzstrwt, applicationof, laws t0Nava1Militiaservice. 289 additional judge authorized for . 283, 581 for death or disability, the result of acci- 110 successor to senior judge to be ap- dent in Navy aviation service, to be _ pointed, . . ., ·. 283 double regular rate - 940 countnes cpnsututing . 385, 713 not allowed for service in Coast Guard 802 terms, Plnladighia. . ._ . _. . ._ .., 385, 713 Pensions, Commissioner of, Pmmylpanm M' Ze Judwial Dwtnct, appro riation for, deputy, clerks, etc". 490, 1031 counties constituting . 385, 713 Peony Bgllba, terms, Harrisburg ... . 385, 713 duty on herbaceous . . 133 Scranton ... . .. 385, 713 Piper, Sqnlgury ,.. 385, 713 uty on, black or white, unground 135 Williamsport .. ._ _ ... 385 , 713 cayenne or red 135 0Hice at Harrisburg; c1v11 suxts . t . . - 385, 713 Pepper, Irvin S., late a Representative in Pennsylvania Railroad _C0{npa‘ny, · Congress, tune extended for bndgng Delaware River, dehciency appropriation for pay to father of 327 Trenton, N. I., y ... 807 Pepper, Hen , Pennsylvania Western Judicial District, payment o?Court of Claims findings to 984 counties constituting .. - .. 385, 713 P per Seed, terms, Erie .. 385. 713 édluty on ... . .. 134 Pltlbbllrgh .. . .. 385, 713 P grmint, principal offices at Pittsburgh .. 385, 713 aft on oil .. . 117 trmls at Erie .. 385, 714 Pemhlydratc of Ammomiz, lddltional judge allowed for . 581 on imo list _____,____ _ ____________________ 153 Penobscot River, Me., Percussicrn Caps, bridge authorized across, Brewer to Bangor. 292 duty on ,________,________________________ 148 Pm. _ P%1'uma·y, etc., dnt? °¤ fo\1¤¢8m ------·--~·-..--...· 129 uty on, containing alcohol ..,... 118 gold- -; ·---- · - -· - -_ ···--··.. _ . ·.. 129 not containing alcohol ..,,,.,,..___, 118 mofalhc, not specmlly provuled for . 129 drawback allowed on domestic alcohol used ¤tY]¤8¤Plnc ... . 129 111 manufacture of, exported . 200