Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1448

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ceii mnnx. Plowa, P¢¢•- Point of Rocks, Md., Saint Paul’s Episcopal P¤B0· pim {T? HstZfi ``````` ``````````````````` 152 Cimidébm r our 9 tr t 9 5 , 'nt im, paymen 0 0 I1 mgs o 7 ggiy ol: stoclli, etc., of . . . 133 Point Pleasant, W Va., _ _ _ Plumaa National Forest, Cal., appro nation for public building _ .. 1 2 Plappropriation for maintenance, etc., of. 428,1098 Posnt Pieasach ng Slfoimza., Methodzst Epwoopal mbago, ur gu free list ... 161 payment of Court oi Claims findings to 995 Plu·mbers’ Knives, 127 Poggl Wngepte, Cal., m h 92 dnt on, . .. tan og signal' tion aut 0 at., 7 Plumging Inspection, D. C., Points, _ appropriation for salaries, division of. . . 518, 895 duty on steel, lathed, machined, etc .. 127 for motor cycles ... . . 518, 895 Po·lson0*u.s_Foods, Drugs, ctc., Plumee, _ _ appropriation for expenses preventing sale, Pinigrettes, etc., prohibited; exceptions . 148 P etylgfl . . ... 431, 1102 uma oiaonous te dnt}; on Myrobolan, seedlings. ... 133 appropriation fdr physiological and fermenm§£,i’§I1’,‘L*91‘2*??;;:;;::::;:1::::;;:;:::;;: iii pm- ,?£‘3““”°fj““°“°‘ ····· · ···· *2‘·1°"2 , regulati ns as to e, etc., of, nsular duty on, cotton ribbons .. 139 districts in China .. 817 hattars’ ... 152 Poker Chips, Plushes, _ duty on, ivory, bone, etc . 147 duty on, angora goat hair, etc 143 Poland, Alexander, _ Salton, etc . paymen; of Court o§ Claims findings to . . . . .. mmist for ... 989 Pl woolenjéa ... . . 142 Poland, $oh7¥C0m gina End d gmou¢h . t urt ' to · cficiciicy eiipwprialicu for public build- 563 paymenlirniisuawr gt . .. 989 mg --··--···--··---·.-· P les condemned cannon granted to Grand Army (zluigy un, teleyzph, eu; ,,,,,,,._,, 130 ..··-·---··--- 1206 Police Court, D. ., Pl ,_ Maw., _ _ _ appropriation for salaries ... 541, 916 appropriation for public blulding .. . . . 12, 613 gr expenses, witness fees, jmors, etc. - 541, 916 Pflwnwilq Tjwbél, _ deiicienc appropriation for witnessfees". 566 appropriation for mamtenlanco, eg]; ap- police, 1), gw ra1sers’ stores an custo ouse, ‘ ti { ‘ , {Ii 7 t _____ 537 912 im York city ... 16, 616, 830 °PlZ§°Ki3° t<(inNgi.ioni1a:il)l13i)1rei1i%1rsoie(?riminal ’ Pneumatic {Mme, Postal Smaiw, Identification ... 537 912 appropriation for musiiissipu of mail by. . 300 for mel, repairs, em. . 537: 912 joint commission on feasibility of purchase, for contingent expenses .,...,,,,,, 537 912 etc-, ¢0l1tl¤\16d ·--- - ··-··- - ···-· _ · · 300 detection of crime ... . . . 538; 912 steam 0PG!'M€, fllY{!i¤h9§l f!Q0¤1 ¤PPY0P¤¤· for car tickets for o£cia1 use .,... . .. 538 ¤<>¤¤ for public bu¤1<l¤¤s¤: x>•y¤u0¤¤ for motor vehicles, maintenance .. ses 912 fol' ·····-··--··-·-·····-·-·-·· 22. 619, 833 for additional motor wagon. ’ 912 Pcwwllv. Id'§"°» , , , for reconstructing station cells .. 538 ¤1»1>¤>0¤i¤¤¤9¤f¤rl;•ubl¤¢ buddms --·-·--··· 12 for motor for detective bureau .. 538 P<><¤¤¢¤ll0 N“{*°‘”“l °"€”» Id“"° and mdb for house of detention ... . 538 912 gcgproprnation for maintenance, etc., of ..., 428 for harbor pam] ____ _ ___________ _ ____ 538, 913 P tb°°"·"· deficiency appropriation for motor vehi- ’ duty 00, lwbcr --·- - ··----·-··-··----·- 150 enee .. . . sos, 1141 P°°k*’”"’“”“» free transportation on street railways to P · · ·-··•-···--···-·····~· 126 _ _ members of, when on duty . . . . - 900 m3yb[idgC£%td8é»ivGr,L°m¤w M tax0]?T';cfI··___·___.___·.__________ Point Arena Lighthmue,_C'al.. Polishing Clog, deficiency appropriation for completion of duty on COWHL _____ · _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 140 md t°· ······ · ··········-········· 225 Polishing Powdcra·elc. · H, P °1"“ I·’“b‘l¤ Tao duty on not specially provided for 115 prelim%;axH1te:axaminati<;:l=; )E0 gm Polk, Allen, J., _ · - H I U royo Colorado to ... 1059 paymcgi of Gout of _ &“d“‘g’ to hem 965 Pointhludzth Pond, R. 1., be Polk 8,,,.,,;, gf: ‘`' ''`‘'``°``‘```'‘ pre 'minary examination. etc., oi, to ’ · · · P l JuI‘?3g€kmIWak0H°ld_.Hun".--U 1056 payme&tofCourtofCla1mstind1ngstoheu·s 965 mnt . 'Z '`°`'``` `'`'````'````` · i ’· — Polk, Octavia R. “p"”"r'e’?£§l'T.f$YT'?”fl’T'fY?l'T`?'}Y}’i,}T’TTlT`YYT? 37 ¤¤v¤¥¤¤¤*¤f¤<i¤¤¤¤i<>l¤i¤=¤ ¤¤di¤z¤¤> ··-— 984 Pom; Lookout, Mdq Pollution of lVat··igable Slrcnrnwfmd Lubes, _ appmptreigion for care of Confederate I ¤PPmPSg*:lg§: ;;f1mV°m8“m8 ¤¤¤1t¤*;§¤é24, 837 .. . .. . . . . , . 848 ···---- · ·----·-··-- » Point Lookout, Midi. Pomades preliminary examiination, etc., oi, to be duty on . . 113 made --... . ... 1060 stamp tax on . . ... 763