Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1519

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nmnx. celxxriii United P•s¤· United States tinued. cucmt eo 0 appes1s,appe j ' term . a tion cases hom supreme courts of Maittmsburg, . Va ... . 702 Hawaii and Porto Rico; condition. . 804 Newborn, . 0 . . . 729 commerce court abolished . ,. - 219 Parkersburg, W. Va. . - . 702 court of customs appeals, certiorari from Philadelphia, Pa 385,713 Supreme_Gnurt. .: .. i-. 703 Phihppi, W. Ya .. . 702 d.istrictcourtsgnvenjunsdictionunder1n· Phoemx,Ariz - ,.. XB come tax provisions ... . . . 179 Pittsburgh, Ba.-. .. . . 385, 713 to enforce compliance with subpoenas of Prescott, Ariz 203 Federal Trade Commission, etc . 722 N. C ... . 729 district judges authorized to be appointed- 580 , Bock ill, S. C . .. 961 diverse citizenship as basis of jurisdiction, Salisbury, N. C . r. . 729 may be shown at any stage. ... 956 Scranton Pa . . ... 385, 713 double ieee, etc., to clerks of district courts smuevuie, N. C._ .. . ... 729 in Oregogdontam, andlllashingtou SteubawilIa,.0l¤n. ... . . . . . 1188 repealed mlanuary 1, 1915- 654 Sunbury Pa . 385, 713 equitable defenses admitted in actions at Toledo, éhio . . .. --. 1187 law; procedure . .. 956 Wasbi¤gton,N.G . ..-e .. 729 Erst judicia circuit, Porto Rico included 808 W.Va; ... % m ... . ... ee , . a. . injunction procedure in interstate com- Wilksebeeo,N.C. .<.. ... 729 merce cases - -.. 220 L Wi1liamson,W. Va . 702 marshals mayt:gp;>int, etczoborirxrllsd depu-~ ... 385, $21% ieswi uregard c’serviee ihnm§on' . .. _ 1aws_,etc...&.i)...E .. 2 E8 grvilson, .6 .. lg; railroads mco ra y o · no omrgsmm, ohio. within jrulifisdiction cf, soleiy on dst 804 Ungud gmk, Ihpoyh, account ... ..._.- · · { hwymv (;wPu.“,· removal of causes from State counts in snub aPPm gy; _ _ ______________ 53 T0! ¤}¤¤¤1ii":1‘F<;(l>¤P°Y*Y 97 °°¤1¤°¤ lor Lawyers’CooperativeF.di•ion,1loL58. M8 . °”·m°”» ‘* *9 °V°" $3v0°°· · · ·· 278 for Lawyers'Coop¤ativeEdition,Vo1.59. 866 rights of employees of railroads nmder een- ‘ gm. Vgluma 228 wm __________________ 53 tw! ¤ ,r¤¤¤~iv¤¤ anwmted by - - 107 for vummsszaz mass .. ssa

 ¢1·¤*¤·=*· 203 mveaumsszsezgzee .. » . I .. sw

suits at %w or in equity, if Um"'! (°°° am Swunun bmught may haw r·1e·1·¤¤= * appropriationfor distinctive paperfor. 21, {E2, 835 ed at any °uPg° ··‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ 1 ‘ ‘ I ‘ '.‘ ’ 956 for witnem destruction of .. . ... 21 622 B“P“”%‘;nG?x';;,e‘g¥1‘£i°§(; ”Pl’°ll;;°;¤}':i{,;';':i§; for cuswdyoi dies, rolls, and plates. 21, 622; 835 qiourts, including Hawaii and Porto 804 mr ;§£°dI;??__l_d__m_ ems ______ 835 1c°··.··:··:··. ·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'°‘‘' "' bodsto lati be ld ·vv¤11¤*¤ »·¤···1·¤te¤¤ ¤··>·¤ -·ev~·¤· “ by ¤'2°¤‘i'.°.$“¤, r.$‘;&‘;2’I..»..??.. zu courts of Hawau and Porto Rico 804 B mation to Tram"' _ · _ 268 to m°.§”L‘i‘;‘{€Q?.‘2r‘;¥.f§2 ;r·;es..s ‘···· 4 ee · 2;,; °°‘ ·»°¤i·» ¤¤~¤~··»<¤ by ~···+é`¤Siii&·= Mi ze · 7 ‘! • Ecards of arbitration of railway con- 106 °u:g°°°t 288 troversies . . . ._ . E 'ctg ‘ 269 wa · k urance dis uted claims to be .°°°°°. ° .• ······ g ······· r mdeigsmintd by *£¤"‘°“ °°“”°· -···· "2 °"°`fi}`»Z`.i?i£`§0°€.’&e° . .°.l°iY’}f. .°.'.E.' .Y°iY`?i? so terms, AikenNS. C .. . .., gg; dehwry; fom and chancteh _ 269 A’h°““°’ ‘ C, ‘‘‘‘'` `°°'`'°’ 762 conditions of isue and redemption. . . 269 Bluefield, W. 1 u. . .. tm) por can bonds with circulation Prh_i_ Ch’"l°”t°"* ck, ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘`'‘`‘°``'° Z ` gg; lege may be exchanged by reserve gxlwwnk ° ‘‘‘‘‘‘'`‘ ‘ ’‘`'‘`'`' 729 banks for one year gold notes and . i°“°·. · . ···‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘`’`‘' `' 1188 three r cent gold bonds 269 C"’°m“°u* Ohm ‘‘‘' °‘°'‘‘'’` ' ' notes andm bonds without circulation Clarksbugz, W. Va . 702 privilega l - · _ _ . _ l _ 269 g},‘{},’;‘*;;;,·§‘}§° ······ _ ·_·_·jj; ; ; jjjjijjjj KS2} ¤¤ug»¤¤¤_m`;»1Lrcu¤sé`Aaie; gum ri 9 cuumbué, ohio ..--· - »--------—--· 1188 ,,,,,$‘,‘{,§‘g;,,;g,;,;;,,,,,: 5,,,,: ···· *69 De>’1·>¤· Ohio ' 5 ‘ 'J `‘'```'`` ``'` ug; at threepercent .. 269 Eh%°b°**‘ C’!Y· 1*- ‘ -········· · ····‘‘‘‘‘ 709 exemption {mm mms 269 E“*1¤¤· W- ‘° ················ · ····‘· r - 7 ‘ time per cent na bonds summed. za: Eri°· P°‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘``` ‘ ''`'` '``° 38% 713 payable in thixoty years - 269 gl°r°“°X’ C ‘‘' `'''' '`'``` 1 notes may be exchangedlforl 270 lobe' `'`````` ````'`````'`° 729 . issue of bonds, etc., to purchase ld for g$Ziiiiir;’s.o.fjZZIZZICIZZZIZZZIIZZ mg mintaiuingpariryoivuiredosraces 9_ Greenwood, s. c ·-.-- 2% * mtggggjf ························· gij

 1li:.‘1’in' ... . ... ,702 _ requirement for nationalbanke to deposit

Jonesboro, Ark ,,,,... . ... 713 registered bonds in Treasury, re— 068 Laurinburg, N. C . . 729 pealed . . ... ..