Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1523

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immx. oolxxvii Volrinucr Force•—Continued. P•U•· Von Hofen, of in P¤:¤· su ject_t0_Regular y regulations, etc: payment 0 urt d1.ngs' to sdhmnatwn . , 347 ministnator of .. . 973 romotions, brevet ranks, etc .. . 348 line signal units . . . 348 W- organization of land forces into brigades, W wg gamma- gm, com y, _ d¤¤¤m¤¤. 6*4* -·········-·-~··-·-·-·— 348 may brid? Suwanee lliirer, at Fowlers assignment of medical personnel .. 348 Blu I F1, _______________________ 953 other ¤ep)m t1¤¤s._ ... 348 wozmh Raw, officers to ¢P emml =;§§>¤mtm¤¤i¤- - - 348 bridge authorized moe, Miami County number and grades limi . : ... 348 [ud ________ _ _________________ _ _ 235 commissions to be m arm, not reguneutal 348 Wabaaln Igioor, Ind. and I ll., 110(:£P01¤¤11<*¤*·¤_¤·l>0V° ¢9l0¤€l-; ··-·-··— 348 prehmmary examination of, and tributastlafl _ cers autlaonzedl; ratio; limit ... 33:; W n$m bg my}., _________ _ _______ 1060 c pa1ns;numeran rank .. buhq, ‘ _, selection of cilicm for; Regular Army ---- 349 zondemneidm cannon granted to ... 1210 t6glElJGl'0d eligibles .. · ·.-...- 349 `Wafgrg, gtgq couutryx -..----- 349 uty on, oork . . 147 (brgamz upon recomme gwg8tg¤gd_ ___________________________ 132 Hai Of gov;r11<é2d<;¢lc. Z - - if ·-·-- on fre? list, edible, not specially provided p nate rn _ u 11 or ,,,,,__ _ ______,,_,_,___,______ 155 preierellces in app01l1¤110l1i'8 at l$Ig6· - . - M9 unleaveued or not edible, ,,,__ , ,,,,_,_ 163 ¤¤ig¤111611t of Army ofli¢$1‘¤ 90, with V0l\1¤· Wage: of Seamen (vu also Merchant Seamen) , teer commissiorw imit --··-··------ 349 visi ns rela to. entof .. .. - 1164 regular commissions: etc., not preju- 349 rp§•;·ic1iionsont;q;me1Iit.i}in{};1adv•nce, etc. . - 1168 diced . ·--·· regulationsto made (lomrmmioner iillingh vacancies created by. · W Bof Navigation .. ¥ .,,,,,,..,.__ 1169 m etmls .. . agen looks, limit to .. . . . .· 349 ·on free list, rough hewn, etc 164 permanent oommimions etc. not va- Wagon Service, Portal Service, cated .. Z . ’ ...·- 350 mpegropriation for regulation screen, etc 300 disposition of returns, muster rolls, and d approplriation for ... . . . 573, 1150 medical rgdturns .33 . W comb cig co Elctionanddelivery servmaximum arm strength mam- o icewi ,au o' experimentally. 300 tained in time oi war, etc . . · 350 substitution of,foreleeu·ic etc., carasrvice, mamsnmme ····· 1 ········· 3 W :.%**3 ····· 1 ·* ··············· *2 itio vo unteer cers or .- · agen: arts, · instruction organizations .. 350 on free list, farm .. . 152 instruction of Organized Militia ... 350 Walapelon, N. Dak., employment from retired list . 350 appropriation for public building 14, 614 volunteer commissions . 350 0t_ ndmn school. . ; . , 92, 595 service restrictions; pay, etc.: . 350 deiic1enc¥_appropr1at.1on for Indian school. 332 status resumed on termination of 351 Wake_feId,_ tg; for _ _ _ nds _____,___,,,,, . . n ro na n maintaining grou , oflicers sullgtgct to assignment of duty, etc. . 351 PP pWashington’s birthplace .. 35, 635, 847 authority of medical officers . . . . 351 for watchman, monument and dock, detail of medical inspecjfhrsx ... W Hm 133. . 483,1024 t , to rrespo rm ... a , . ., ggrirililvtiing lazgs re §edvw ... ... 351 agpzopriation for public building . 614 Volunteer Soldier! gonna (aes National Home Wa p, Mtllmlon, _ _ for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers). payment of Court of Claims findmgn to sel- Volunteera, mmistrstor of . 967 appropriation for back pay and bounty. 649 zggkcr, Eielgnpflo of C _ findings to 985 ... grme · ' tut' f ti ns 43, 642, 853 a , John L., _ _ deli);i§1(ig1ym‘ippi(5‘j11>r(iati?>n0 for back pay, payment of Court of Claims findings to orbounty, an commutation of rations. 319 _ ecutnr of . . ... 969 Volunteers, Naval, b d wd { _ Wgl:1t*;€)gancs, 152 examinations to 9 con uc or comme- ·---- _ -------- _ -------·-- _ ·----·--· ’ h ha N val Mil`tia.. . 289 on free list, sticks cut m lengths for ... 164 eligiliililtsy1l31i0n:p1€ili;anl1s..? . 2 89 Wallace, Jesse A., _ _ regulations; certificates of eligibility 289 Wpayment of Court of Claims findings to ..__ 985 regular Navy commissions in case of war. 289 alla Walla, Wash., _ _ _ rank restrictions; recognition of former appropriation fogyubhc building 15 Ben,-has __________________ _ _____,.. 289 Wa lawalla. etc., I wm, Ofey., commissions for engineer or staff duties. . 290 Waggmprgraaigipn f;>rFsups1;oxbt;;t»c., of 97 · · a wa uma or , Wag, ri?>71i@t1i1cin for payment to . 598 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. 429, 1099 wm gulsan Isadore Wa WVU,

  • 1 · · _ _ 134

payment of Court of Claims findings to ad duty on ... . ...·.. . . . mipigl: f, ,,,,,_,_ , ,_______ , _ _ 966 Walters, jlmy E_, von Balsan, Rignlgg 0 payment of Court of Claims Endings to heirs _ payment of Gourt vf Claims ¤¤di¤g¤ to ¤d— of ------ - -···-------·--·--·----·· 980

 of ______ _____ __________ 966 W'gU]4am’ Ma3g_,

appropriation for public building 15, 614, 829 von Balsan, Robert, _ _ Pp P md 1,,04 payment of Gcurt of Claims f·¤d1¤g¤ wm- 966 ¢¤¤d¤m¤<><l m¤¤¤¤ sm to ------·--·· - 91006°—vor. 38-rr 1-95