Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1525

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INDEX. gelxxig War Depm·tnwnt—Continucd. Fw- Wordmuu, Bonded .Ilm•ufaotw·mg-(‘ lontd Pm gravestE•!i1;}¢;1;It¢g1e:$cfsoldiers_md siilors, 768 articles imported or sulliect to internal- _ or mark? . revenue tax ma e , National Home for Disabled Sol ICI'! Board required .. { . . ; ; fri .. 197 _ of Managers reduced ... 780 distilled spirits excepted . . 197 ordmance pj secession to be returned to finished product exempt from dum etc., _ _ Louisiana . _ 777 wheuoxpcrtnd . ; .. L .. :. 197 Plulippsme Islands mternal revenue tax transfer of materials permitted to, Without ws legalized . . : . .. 1143 tax ..,,___________ _ _______________ W, two members of Advisory Committee for machinery excepted ,,,. ;.. 197 Aeronautics to be appointed from. . 930 supervision of removal, etc . .. L ‘ 197 volunteer land iorcegfrovisions .. 347 waste products, etc. withdrawn for domeswuter to be furnish to, from San Fran- tic consumption, subject to tax 198 _ cisco Cal.; annual rental, etc. .. 250 accounts and returns required . r,. . 198 War m Europe, _ _ statementof intended manufactures, etc.,t> appropriation for relief, protection, and boiled beforoeommencingbixsinm. ‘ 198 tnnsportauon of Ameriesn citizens .. 4 .Z 198 growing outof ._ 776 withdrawal of cigars for homo consumpfor relief, etc., of Amarcan citizens tion; payment of taxes .. . . 1% growmgouto§,andoxpemescon- stamptoindios\och•¤cter,originof necked thqgwih, .,,,_,,,.,,,,_,__, 776 tobacco, ew ,.,, . ,,,,,,,_ , ,_,,, _ , , 1§8 repayment, etc .. . .. 176 general tions applicable 198 use of and Navy officers, vos- reim articles made in, subject to sels, supp es etc ... . .. 776 oiifinal duty . 201 chartero vesels 776 proof 0 identity .. . 201 charter of iore1gnshipswcarryAmeriean supplies for foreign var vemels may be ilagaut.l1onzedtothoAmerionnRed purchnsedfreooftaxirom ... ... 197 Cross for nurses, supplies, etc ... 777 Warehouau, Bmubd Snelling, War Operotioyu Abroad, establishment of . . .. . 198 appropriation for expenses of Army officers ‘ ores and crude metals admitted to, with- _ observing ... . .. 1063 out paying duties. . ... 198 War Rui: Imwrmoc Bureau, Treasury Depart- » smclting and retiningwitl: others, foreign _ment, au dommtic, permitted. . 198 established. . . . . 711 duties charged against bond · ,,,, 198 director; s•lary` . 711 canceled onoxportotmonl ,,_,_ 193 to insure American vowels, cargoes etc., p•3'm0nt_ on metals withdrawn for agamnt los by risksof war imabloto omeshc consumption . 199 secure the same on reasonable terms. sampling and assayi.n§;n arrival 199 to adogt form of policy 711 antimomal lead with wu to pay duty toesta lis{1rateeofprrzrniumon_A:1B1eri4:au as_type metal . 199 vegse 5, et,c,, against war ns . . 711 supervinon, gegulgtion, etc_ ,..,. 199 changes authorized .. 711 Warehouses, Custom; Bonded, proceeds to be covered into tho Treas- articles to repair American vessels may bo ug .. 17 from, treo of duty ... 196 rules an regulations to be made .. 711 goods lfl, to pay duty at rate in force at advisory board established to assist in tix- _ time withdrawn .. 189 ing premiums sdgustiug losses pay. 711 disposition of perishable or explosive. . . 189 claims disputed, to be ecided by district purchases ot supplies from, treo of tax, porcourt in admin-alty . ... 712 mgtted foreign war vemels . \97 not disputed to be paid by the Director. 712 Warm Sprgnga Agency, Omg., speedy adjustment, etc, to be made 712 appropriation or support, etc., of Indians apgpropnation for paying logos, ,,,.,,.,,. 712 &t._._ . 97, 602 or expenses of establishment and main- Warren, Ehyah, tenance .. . 712 payment of (`ourt of Claims iindingn to .,.. 969 suspension of authoritg for insurance, when Warren Farmers of Martin Dies, necessity there or ceases to exist 712 condemned cannon granted to .. . 1210 to be made, at any event, within two Warren, R. I., _ _ years ,,_,,_,,,,.,..,,.,,. , 712 deficiency appropriation for public buildoutstanding insurance or claims not mg . _ ... 564 affected. . 712 Warrmtorn, Mo., Methodist Episcopal Church further continuation of Bureau to adjust South, _ _ outstanding claims . 712 wyuymout of Court of Claims iindings to 979 detailed statement of expenses and receipts arrentorn, W1., Methodist Epuoopal Church to be submitted to Congress 712 South, _ _ to take effect immediately ... 712 payment of Court of Claims findings to 993 War with Spain, Warrenton, Va., Pre:l;yta·¤gn Church, appronpriation for arrears of pay .. 43, 642, 853 Wpayment of Court o Claims findings to 993 bene ts of Volunteer SOldl€l’B’ Home ex- arrwr Rwq, Ala., _ tended to soldiers serving in. . . 853 appropriation for unpmvement of ; locks Ward, Jlarjarie, and dams . _ ... 37 payment of Court of Claims Endings to Warrior Rock Light Station, Oreg., administrators of- . 975 dehciency appropriation for improvements Warehouses, Bonded Manufacturing, and purchase of additional land 225 articles imported or subjgct to internal- Warsaw, Ind., _ _ _ _ revenue tax may e made in, for deficiency appropriation for public buildexport, free of tax . 197 ing .t...-- - ·--—-..·.· 564