Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/20

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PUBLIC ACTS OF THE SIXTY·THIRD CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES. Passed at the st session, which was beiéwn, and held at the city of Washington, in the District 0 Oolumbia, on 1l[0nday,t seventh day of Apr·d, 1913, and terminated Monday, the j?}rst day of December, 1913. Woonnow Wnson, President; Tnoms R. Msnsrnm., Vice President; James P. CLARKE, President of the Senate pro tempone; F. M. Simmons, Acti'e%President of the Senate pro tempore, September 15 and 18, 1913; J orm Rannonrn omrron Acting President of the Senate pro tempore, November 3 to 29, 1913; Crum- Cumr, Speaker of the House of Representatives. CHAP. 1.-A.n Act Makivgoappmpriations for certain expenses incident to the g!isié'i¤°71;i iirst session of the Sixty-third ngress, and for other purposes. [P¤b]b N., L] Be it enactedIyytheSenatean.dHoztseofR esemativesof the United] A iv States of America in Congress assembled, Tigtithe following sums are pam. ’ ?*°" °" appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appro- · printed, namely: UNDER LEGISLATIVE. L°¥‘“"“’°· The appropriations for mileage of Senators, Members of the House ’“'°:§° °PP'°P'*•· of Repreisiintgtives, and Delegates from the Territories, and expenses Q1§i¤iii¤¤s3:etg°i§°i°n°i of Resident Commissioners, made in the legislative, executive and ° viii. s1,pp, mms, `udicial appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and iourteen, approved March fourth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, be and the same are hereby, made immediatez available and authorized to be paid to Senators, of the ouse of Representatives, Delegates from the Territories, and Resident Commissioners, for attendance on the first session of the Sixty-third Congress. nousn or nnrnnsnnrxrrvns. .,R2,°l° °'R°"'°""" Fer stationery rm Members me neegms me Resident Commis· "*•"·*··¤· gioners, at $125 each, for the iirst session of the Sixty-third Congress, 55 000. Fior the following em loyees during the first session of the Sixt - third Congress, but not liinger than until and including June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, namely: For forty-six pxes, including two pages, four telephone ,,,,,P§,F,'§,§f"’ ‘°“‘“‘°"" pages, onedpressgl ery page, an ten pages or duty at the entrances , to the H of e House, at $2.50 per day each; three telephone operators, at the rate of $75 per month each; in all, $10,535, or so much thereof as may be necessary. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR. ”°P°"m°“‘°"·“"°'· _ For the following ’ the De artment f Labor, ursuant to the .,¤S°'“'°“¤,mf"c].,¤S°°'°°”’ Act of March fourth? nineteeri) hundredo and thirtzen, creating a "°‘· °’iP~"°“- M. A Department of Labor, from March fourth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, or from the date of their appointment and qualification, 91006°-vox. 38—-·r»r 1—--1 . 1