Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/346

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SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. SEss. II. Ch. 52. 1914. 327 To reimburse the official reporters of the roceedings and debates of $1,)*51*:1*}* ¤¤l_g•{¤¤¤S· the Senate for expenses incurred from Se tldmber fifteenth to Decem— X Se °°S` ber first, nineteen hundred and thirteen, fiir clerk hire and other extra clerical services, $1,155. SENATE OFFICE Buninnvez For maintenance, miscellaneous items m;°¤°*° 051% Buildand supplies, and for all necessary personal and other services for the Mamtemmce. care an operation of the Senate Office Building, under the direction and supervision of the Senate Committee on Rules, $10,260. _ HOUSE or REPRESENTATIVES. ,,§.‘gS'{s° °‘ R°P’°S°°*· To ay the widow of William H. Wilder, late a Representative fggmkiyvvfg Wilderfrom &e State of Massachusetts, $7,500. y °w' To pay the widow of R. G. Bremner, late a Representative from the gg Gi Bédemnar- St%`te of Newjleigeyz, $7,500.f h f S P la R Y ° d°w` o pa to o e pers at er o . e er, te a. e re- I¤*i¤ $-P¤1>1><~>r- sentativgr from the Stiite of Iowa, $7,500. PP P Pay t° mh"` For allowance to the following contestants and contestees for °<>¤°¤t¤<1+1¤¤ti¤¤ expenses inciured by them in contested-election cases, audited and °xpm°§` recommended by the Committee on Elections Numbered One, namely: H Om Y H. Olin Youiiig, $2,000; Vlfil1.iamJi“§[ll£Den· William J. acDonald, $2,000; °"*·1mM _ John M. 0. smith, $2,000; ga d ;’·S·m*’*· Claude S. Caine , $2,000; wit °· °C°m°y' wuts- M. enmity, $500; °’“·°‘““““°?· In all, $8,500. To reimburse the Official Reporters of debates $400 each and the mgggggglaklgggme official stenographers to committees $250 each for moneys actually gimme ¤,§m,,,Q,,_ expended by them for clerical assistance from September first, nineteen hundred and thirteen, to January thirty-first, nineteen hundred and fourteen, inclusive, $3,400. For pacldng boxes, $852.50, or so much thereof as may be necessary. P‘f°“”·" b°‘°s; The Imexpended balance, not exceeding $30,000, of the appropria— ,,,§f‘s°°“““°°“s‘*°'”’· tion for the fiscal year nineteen hundre and thirteen for miscella- t:i¤¤¤<=¤ r¤¤ppr<>prineous items and expenses of special and select committees, exclusive ° ' of salaries and labor, unless specifically ordered bg- the House of Representatives is reappropriated and made availa le for expenditure during the fiscal year mneteen hundred and fourteen. For stationery for the use of the committees and officers of the S*°“°“°'>’· House, $1,000. . Hmm Om Bump House Office Building: For maintenance, including miscellaneous mg, ce items, and for all necessary services, $8,850.60. °‘“*°“““°°· Eoramc GARDEN. B°t°°l° G°”d°°' For procuring manure} soil, tools, fuel, purchasinlg trees, shrubs, privziiiriileutsind lm plants, and seeds; and for services, materials, an miscellaneous supplies, and contingent ex enses in'connection with repairs and im rovements to Botanic (gardens, under direction of the Joint LilE)rary Committee of Congress, $3,321.35. Govnnmxmxr PRINTING OFFICE. t.§‘e"&$¥"°“‘ *’“‘“" rnmrrxe Axn nrxnrxs. Leaves of absence: To enable the Public Printer to comply with I‘°"“ °““’“°“°°‘ the revisions of the law granting thirty days’ annual leave to the emplbyees of the Government Printing Office, $13,995.35. _ _ Printing and binding, Congress; For the public printmlg, for the ,,,,1;§,l§’,§Y p'“‘“”g"‘°d public binding, and for paper for the public (printing an binding, €¤¤S¤¤¤· Including the cost of printing the debates an proceedmgs of Con-