Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/613

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594 SIXTY—THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 222. 1914.

  • ,{•{I*;f§];j§;C*:f,Y”c*;¤t,•$ _ There is hereby appropriated the sum_of $25,000, out of any money

mr. in the Treasury not otherwrse appropriated, or so much thereof as rr;ayhbe1nTece;sary,(§;r the pririplogaie of me fora the benlefg Wim. o the or e eyenne ans: mmded said sum s §l’*‘°"“‘°“°‘ be expended ulijider conditions to be Iprescribdd by the Secretary of the Interior for its repayment to the nited States on or before une thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty-five: Provided further, That ,_,f,‘?{'g‘;‘,S{°*’“‘ °'°" the Secretary of the Interior shall submit to Congress annually on the first Mondaly in December a detailed statement as to the expenditure of this fun . _ N°b*“"" NEBRASKA. _ G°**°° S‘*'*°°*· H SEI¢;d10. For lsgippotrilt edugaiiorxa of gorge hulrlrdged §d_ e:yenty— ve °an pu at 'an oo at oa, e ras in udmg pay of superiiitendentc $60 000; for general repairs and, improves ments, $4,500; for new laundry building and equipment, $4,000; for repairs and addition to hospital, $4,000- dairy barn $6,000; for lgyatory ggnex, $2,500; for industrial building for girls, $4,000; m $85 0 . Sm *%***1 ?*`°‘°§; That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby authorized, Distribution _ re- , , , , , mmder ¤f mbsi m his discretion, under such rules and regulations as he may pre- °'“°°‘ scribe, after; the rggldgson (Sac andélix tribal landi by ° e°trit o.1' `c on ountyier , ave been apgaid and after this Indians whose allotments are within the drainage district shall have received their Lproportionate shares of '°*·*°·P·“°"— Elie a-1 al agree as auaosmghbg are Act of ay rnmgh, rlimedtg un an ten (Tlnrty` -six tatutes at Large page ee un and sixty-eight), to distribute and pay per capita to the remaining members of the tribe entrtled thereto the tribal funds on deposit m the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the Sac and Fox {,‘g{}¤3g*g{gg,{*¤°***· of the Missouri tribe, under the above Act, in the same manner as ' provided by the Act of April twenty-first, nineteen hundred and our (Thirty-third Statutes at Large, page two hundred and one). N°"·*·- NEVADA. m§.YE£$'°' °°°" °! I"` _ Sec. 11. For support and civilization of Indians in Nevada, includ- · in%pay of employees $18,500. °“"’°° C"" "°"°°‘· or suréport and education of two hundred and fifty Indian pupils at the In an school at Carson City, Nevada including pay of mw mtendent, $41,700; for general repairs and improvements, $8, ; in all, $49,700. NW M·=*=°· NEW MEXICO. A1b¤q¤¤rq¤¤¤¤h¤01~ SEc. 12. _For support and education of four hrmdred Indian pupils at the Indian school at Albuquerque New Mexico and for pay of superintendent, $68,600· for general repairs and, improvements, $5,0836 for aglsembly hall and gymnasium building and equipment, $25 ; in $98,600. hm F° B"’*°°*· sppporltil and edlucatiqnsof tl§_·eeNl1unc:&ed_ and nifty pup a e dianscooa anta e, ew exr , superintendent, $59,550; for general repairs anilo iarnflproizerliraeziritld, $6,0026 for water supply, $1,600; for new dairy barn, $4,000; in all, $71,1 . gi·?‘*ii*°**· Mrgigothiopgiar?1;gig§:tI:1cii»1yai1t$msi%riilr;P60i>ut§g1i¤I?Liiig¥Siiiiriqiili necessary traveling expenses of said attorney, $2,000, or so much thereof as the Secretary of the Interior may deem necessary.