Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/646

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SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 223. 1914. 627

tgoir purchasglof oiigce frlrlrcrzlityrre sigrilar in colic or %d to Rma m e ener s ysc uean otex ,000

msg be erxpended%or rent ldifpbuildings the ]I)istrict ofl%lumbia. Exchange 0, tm ereafter the_ Interstate Commerce Commission may exchange wrlter·s,•tc. ty·pewrit;e¥s, naachines, and other labor-saving devices in part pa en or e c es. Fdlfurther enable the Interstate Commerce Commission to enforce Ei°»I°i°l»lri°}ba¤°§?°°°°° compliance with section twenty of the Act to ryehgulate commerce as zlgzsggy P- 59* Vdamended by the Act approved June twenty-nin , nineteen hundred ` and srx, mgl$rgi)1n);60the employment of necessary special agents or examiners . To enable thd Interstate Commerce Commission to keep informed ,;§§2§?’ ""°°’ “*" ggarding and to enforce compliance with_ the Acts to promote the ,,V°*;8?é·90§*g2t’*:; sty o employees and trave ers upon_ railroads- the Act_reqpmng oé;im.a¤,p.a¤s. common earners to make reports of accidents and authonzrxmvesf V _ trgatrpons themfyoanddtotcseriyalgytecfthe Interstate mrnis- ,,f,'}‘,{,; It “°· v°'* sion mves a an srgral an -co tems · and agpliances intended to promote e safety of railwlely opzration, V I as au orized by the joint resolution approved June thirtieth, nine- v:x'°""°m‘ teen hundred and six, and the_ provision of the sundry civil Act '3°"'3°" plpproveil May tyvepty-seventh, hundred and eight, including e emp o en o mspectors . Valuatigrlnofproperty of carrierslz To enable the Interstate Com- ,,,*Q‘,§§",,_,_ ""“‘““" ` merce Commission to carry out the objects of the Act providing for a :::2 ¤Z»r>·"7:1·_m· valuation of the several c asses of property of carriers subject to the ""‘ * ` Act to regulate commerce and amendments thereto and to secure [ information concerning their stocks, bonds, and other securities, of R t which sum not exceedrngl$20,000 may be expended for rent of build- °° ‘ ingts rn the Drstrict of Co umbia, $1,900,000. _ _ t ti d t shall be the duty of every common carrier by railroad whose s¤'§$°Z,°§’°s;§Y ° °° grrggerty is being valued under the Act of March fist, nineteen hun- . rm ‘hi'*€i?“*¤*°-a“'3“§"°t?“s"‘i°”gi“”'€as"i°l "“°i§’&’·°“d .km°°l“"§ m oyeeso e m ta woareac eng mm gurgeys and other examination of the hysical prbpertsygof said carrier . P . . . necessary to execute Act from point to pomt on_ said railroad as may be reasonably required by m the actual discharge of dunes ; and, also, to move from pomt to pomt and stpre at such points Cm mm M as may be reasonably required the cars of the United States which ’ ’ are being used tp house and maintain said employees; and, also, to carry the supphes necessayy to marntam said employees and the other property of the Umte States actually used on sard railroad m campmmou ml said work of valuation. The service above required shall be regarded er mrs. ’ as a special service and shall be rendered under such forms an reguwirzlns imd for suléh) reasonalgg compensatrop as xy be prescribed e terstate mm onan as insreanaccurate recolid and account blfclshe service rendered by the rllailroad, and such evidence of transportation, bills of lading, and so forth, shall be guntilihed to the commission as may from time to tame be required e commrss . , yFor paymentlllull all authorized expenditures under the provisions d§§'§,,,‘°§"’§’,*g'° °“‘ of the Act of February seventeenth, nineteen hundred and eleven, V°l-*»Pl°V'*· " To promote the safety of employees travelers upon railroads by compelling common earners engaged in interstate commerce to equrp their locomotives with safe and suitable boilers and appurtenances theret0," including such stenographic and clerical help to the chief inspector and his two assistants as the Interstate Commerce Commission may deem necessary and allowances in heu of subsistence while away from official head uarters to persons whose traveling expelnses areozbrggiorized by Act to be paid at not to exceed $4 per ay, $22 , . _