Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/687

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668 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. · Sess. II. Ch. 223. 1914. United States in the Panama-Pacific _Internationa1 Expositioing ···-·····"°""""°° °' °°“’ i=t2..%“aE.“t?2“?i‘h§‘t.i’i%§3 %?;°°’ tl`ht%‘ '°“d§ “§uf°i?WS‘· ·· ° _,m,p_,n mended au_ o to et thee civilian ’ officers or emplolyiees from the executive departments as members of g 00 9!1_ w ch isfherepy constituted as·;;1heS1l;l`:i.1up)1;a1hExp?;? on mmissnon oneo said commissiernerswo te '- man of said conimission, shall be_ detailed fiom the aDepartme(i1t of State. Vacancies m said commission shall be filled m the same gnanneg·_as oriigal appointments. Each commissioner shall receive gn addition to original compensation his actual necessary traveling expenses and an allowance of $10 per day in lieu of subsistence. Said commissioners may appoint a secretary at $2,500 per annum, and the sum of $15,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary may be for clerical, officée, andtqtheif netchessary talndfatffual m _ expenses o said _ commission/’ an msc m _ eu ereo · !1"Y¤¤1§\$ulals•nd mg: ‘flfhe President of the United States is authorized so ilegyl °”°° '°"‘ °‘ M" two civilian officers or employees from the executive departments, also one to be appointed from civil life, as members of the commission wlnclgis hgreby constituted ai thseilllaigonal Exposition Cpmniiission; oneosai commissionerswo a e ec o a1 ·

 $3§a.S‘;;“,.‘i§.23‘”fi‘§;’."§i°J¤“‘t.“§ £°%.“’°’”$§”§  

ra of $5,000 per annum until the exposition closes. Vacriincies in said I commission shall be Qed in the same manner as original appoint-

  commissioner detaitlied as aforesaid shalllnreceive, in

on original compensa on necessa trave expenses hmm cw and an allowance o $10 dper dayjn lieii of subsiglzence while on duty ’ ‘ m San Francesco. San commissmnexs may appoint a secretary at $2,500b0per aimum, and tl}; sum og $1%,000,1 0; slougiuchdthereof as may necessary, may expen e or er an actual bgxiggédwml 6x8$>Ipsyc;ig)li:f:n1dci)>atentS1li)rIt•liich office, Panama-Pacific International Expense. Exposition: To defray all expenses connected with the establish- Eegnt; equapmfgnt, ancé maintenance (including necessary printing) of Am uz _ ranc office at an rancisco, California, provided for m sec- ,,M,’·I{·8.,,_ tion two of Act apsiroved September eighteenth, nineteen hundred and thirteen (Pu c, Numbered Fourteen), $30,000, of which "“‘.it1’.§5:..‘2.°.§’.; as dw:-merits sr .';·;;°°:¤e·.a*a:eh¢*‘ ba as 0 r n o e re o e 1or Sgirprggwu or ¤» gis 000 or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be di. eniildd P°" ‘ under the direction of the Librarian of Congress, each of whom is autllioriged pag (tilhleg Public the cas; of alpy gortion of I ¤°_m_suc rm an m_ require o e hih payee. "° I guy be ordered by him from the Gdvemxiizlnt Igiliiictzing in _e from among the emlployees of the Patent Office and Copy- · §§g.,"r.. EE:.‘§2.P$.%Z"§}’aZ“$e.°“€}$Z°33vi.ii§?s"0F°t§§“*"d"b““% sm ran Mdmml. pofiicea one hp; gbemploye&. so frpm elach of sai;1 bureaus ac as ursmgo cer·an seec an em ti Anon d to time at San Francisco such additional persons asptflise eruiigiencilg ¤us.;.m,¥§,?,§€’ °' of the worl: there may require. Atllxpeisons from the Patent Office and Copyjnght Office thus designa for service at San Francisco shall receive no corzpensatmn other than their regular salaries, but S35 5t..b°§@’§“..f t§’Q};‘§‘§t°.'3&d1l,‘S°“°¤Z °¥¤°°Z,‘t'.l°»$’“$§.; A`}? we re ranc office ow euactual and necessary traveling expenses, together with a per diem allowance m heu of the cost o_ subsistence to be fixed by t a Secretary of the Interior or Librarian of Congress designating such persons, not to exceed $3 per day.