Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/69

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50 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Szss. I. Ch. 3. 1913. In munmruk. M0 4; R ‘ N ti al Park Washington: For protection and Im impr01;*nemen8tl:1¢i:>%i‘1stri:ct)ii>ln of bridges, fences, and trails, and improvet f ads $13,400. _ . ¤¤rv¤y¤1¤•¤¤· ¤*·= mellloroa for extension of the present ron:) frqlm a picgpt pm about Longmrre Spnngisneastward to the §8;Sli¢8l§ ticlllldiliy k, mid { forest reserve surroun g the Mount llamier a n ar or the surve of the necessary trails m said lpark, $10,000. _ "°“ v°'°° P"k‘ Mesa Vzrde National Park, Colorado: _ or protection and 1l11[;.I'03h· v,,,_,,, ,,_m_ ment, urclu the lands within five miles o the boundaries o s 1’··•*·1>·°*· reservation w ch, under the Act of June twenty-mnth,_mneteen hundred arid six, are to be gyoghée same service established f thecusto ° ar , . _ _ mmhh mk Crate(i·rLake National Pgrk, Oregon:} For protection and improvement, and repairing and extension of roads, $7,540. _ , wm °“° hh Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota: For improvement and protection, $2,500. ~ §g1¤v,g¤¤¢¤,* KM- eovmnmmrrr rrosrrru. ron rnm msazm. ¥·*¤*°¤¤°¤· °*°- F rt' and treatment in the Government Hospital for €£'Bs:l:11?8l;.(l10’0f the insane from the Argy and Navy, M81‘lI10_C0lm Revenue-Cutter Service, inmates of the _ ational Home for Volunteer Soldiers persons with or convicted of crimes, agams' t the United States who are msane, all persons who have become insane since eiiatry into the tairlidhnavagdservgce Iqf the UnitedStateswo ve `t to e ospi an woare ' d1gen' t ludmg` rchase maintenance and dl’1Vl11g· of necessary grace izrehicles blind of lforses and vehicles for official use of the superintendent, $302,400; and not exceeding $1,500 of this sum may if "‘F"“d3.f1 i" ‘€°f”w.d”“g.¤§h€r°¤°E»‘Z»°”S° °£ °‘2p...'°“h°`3°* °£t"°""12.i" ‘° en·noex ,mayee emeuase ofcsliiclf books, periodicals, and papers as may be required) for the u of the hospital and for the medical library, and not exceeding P !'P°S°S . . $1,500 for actual and necessary expenses mcurred m the apprehension and return to the hospital of esca patients. pgiiiili mu nd For the buildings and grounds of Govemment Hospital for the Insane, as follows: _ For general repairs and improvements, $55,000. For provision for criminal insane, $30,454. For roadwaysi grading, and walks, $5,000. Fm For barns an Fpiggenes, $25,000. _ mm t0*{?.F°u£$¥f“£.‘¥ my ¥1$&€2E'“’$1ih°E3'3.U°d°"“”' Ei? "“""*3 p , um ouse an foundation; for the erection of the same, andlilosr lhyirrg of the required piping, $11,500. uocdliélilihiibwrifeitv cormmui rNs·rrrrm0N ron mn nan-. °"”°’*’°°°‘ For sugéport of the institution, including salaries and incidental expenses, or books and illustrative apparatus, and for general repairs ang improvement? S£g;?00. f h orrepairstote `dmgs' t t'tt' ,' l 1 b` ‘ and steam fitting, and for repairs tc? glgsviarilieigtlg umm; seams,. $5’000' HOWARD mn E Sum ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤. em For maintenance of the Howard Univ it to be used ° t ri P2; 2;.;*::;.%:.*1228.;: $$:;:::2:;:;*s Pilisis *°z¤hsf*`i° ti: , an or ice an , biggnce of winch shall be paid from donations and other lgdifrrcyes, of