Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/8

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X LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS; Pao. P¢mama0¤naleaas¢ tollmm f epealod. .AHAl2TOBm€DdB8ClilDD£V60i"ARACtl1)?!fo·` vide for’th ng, maingenigihd, protection, sind operation of the Panama an the sanitation governmentof the Canal Zone," approved August twmty-fourth,mneteen or · — hundred and twelve. June 15, 1914 -.· _ ·-, --~-----·····~--· ·-··» ··----—··· - - _ 38§ Public building, Harrrbburg, Pa. ·Arr Act 'llojncrase the hmrtof eostior the erectbn and comple~ — tion of the United fates Federal burlding at Hamsburg, Penrrsylvann. June 15, 1914.. .— 386 Bndgc, AnAct'1‘oauthodzertheco¤structaonofa bndgeacrom tlrellmwun Rrverx a. A nerr Knm¤¤City. 1914, ... _ .., Q; .&..i;-.;€&.§£...,..;i&.&ix& 380 pv-•at1om' pennant . Malnnéappro trons_ e ym_ _V¤l¤l· ppmpensiongof the United States for emlrng June tlurtrsth, mnetem hundred and tilteen and forotherpnrpoees. Iune20, 1914.., .. , . _ 38 T Ochoco National Forest, Omg. An Act To consolidate certnm forest lands m the Ochoco Nntronsl Forest, Oregon. June 24, 1914  :.- . · . . ,387 Revenue cutters. An Act.To pmvideliocr the constructrou oi twctrevenue cutters. June 24,1914 t.·, 387 1lcOli·ntic-Marshall Gmahuction Act To authorize and direct Colonel. George W. — 1 = Gcethals, Governor- of the Canal e, and iormerly clrarrman and chretpngmeer of the Isthmnm Canal Communion, to investigate cutam clams of the McClmt•c~Marehsl1 (bn~ ·x ' struction Company. Jug; ... - . fb . E, . E . .. lg; 388 Apmpn@‘ . lung' agpmprnuons" r· 'nsauoerwor _ P defense,or srmameutthereof,icr epncurementofhsvyordnmcoirrrwlaland service, and for other purposes. June 27,, 1914. .. : ... , . 4. 388 Appropriations, Narq. An Act Making appropriations for the naval service for the fiscal year end·~ ~, yn A mg June h d`!i;ftes.1r,_arrd for other purpoffrth June 30, 191-% .} 392 prumamgncul cparlmen. —cMalm:£appr1a¤¢msreDepar¤nerro

 for thehcalymrendinglunethirlie , niirlgtesn hundred and fifteen. June

.. . . . L . . s ... . ... . . . . . . Approgrguzwmi ’ , diplomatrb andcomrulmn An Actlfakingappro tionsforthe D' matic d sui I nsuélgr Serivice for the fiscal year ending Irme hundrelddiind iiftgln. M un 19 . ... : .. . . Mz Im·nwdrhte° Providence, R. I. An Act Extmding to the port of Providence Rhode Island, e privileges of section one of the Act approved June tenth, ekhteen hundred and eighty, gpdveririnlgltihe immediate transportation of dutrable merchandise without apprake ment. y , .. . . 453 Anny,m-mu` toC'i1rilll’m·.AnActTore sectionthrrj ·fourhrmdredand ith

artes of the United States. liify 6, 1914 . .  fg.? . N? 454

Public lands, townrrle lots. An Act Providing for- e rmuance of patents to transterees of town lots purchased from the United States at public sale in certain cases. July 9, 1914 454 App;-opnlrzimrr, kgislatzvc, cucutirgc, and mcpmser. An Act Making adppropria.tions for the egrslatrye, executrye, and yuchcra ex of the Government for e fiscal year endmg _ June thrrtreth, nineteen hundred and , and for other purposes. July 16, 1914 ... 454 Public lcmdr, agrwultural entries on mthdraum lands. Act To provide for agricultural entry of lands wrthdrawn, classified, or reported as contnrmng phosphate, mtrate, potash, oil, gu, Fla or mineralniu July 17, 1914-.XHK.. ... . 509 lheadrrngation act, ontmtnain. ct oexte " ith At fJ'· m¤¢y.ena{°'§°l¤see¤ nplrama spa um (whiny-u¤m1§emi’si°fivi'$ (L¤$e°rav§1.?ma&°` and nmety-two), authorizing amgnment of reclamation homestead entries, and of the Act of August ninth, nineteen hun red and twelve (Thirty-seventh Statutes at Large, page two hundred sixty-dwg, authorrzing the imuance of patents on reclamation homestead I entries, to langzkr; the lgzl ellnrrlgrigaltiongzmjwtg Montgma. July 17, 1914- .. 510 ine rescue station, ester a. ct or t b ildmg` d l ' station at McAlester, Oklahoma. July 17, lglz ... T?. 3 .. . 519 Army, John VK Hyatt. An Act To authorize the appointment of Jolm W. Hyatt to the grade of F I of condlliergtengnz gi; the Argny- é'!u1yf17, 1914. .1; ... 511 ue·o· oame 0- dred d -f ‘ R_ In §·tatute§0ir:.1h¢2;'l}é¤i·;i¤t;<lh seL.°°¥f_§’27,’£§r£f..l? .. ”?T YY Ti. $7 YY}? 511 zgto_way, az , a. ct rantin toth l ith State fCalif `

rght of $
3 ugangrig across the United States fag: Iir§:Bai§d, Shasila

ofma. v . . Public $11 Act To increase the limit of cost. of the public building at Smyrna, 511 3 warg u , ____ ___ _____ ____ ____ _ _,_________ __,_, ,__,, ,, ,____, ,,, , 512 Armysu plustoochoollr etc. AnActT `tsal b th l d artm U U"-; A gl,. ,...1%, matt 1 c.¤.g§.?’°$'.’1r‘y ufl9i4..T’.‘T‘{‘f’?.’f. fi  ?‘f’.°Tf.'if‘?IiT'f“X TTS?. 512 my, ustayrgigthé Aal lxrgrgsstore First Lreutenant James P. Barney, retired, to the active pubgic buqflrfi Mayday. , N_ paL_ A¤]f§{·i·` " `'````` {Q" `° ``````````-```°``` " ````°``'```` 512 _ pletionngl the United States g>ost»ri2liice°b1¤l1i(ll1‘isngff at lldahrl:l1elu?fl€g?hf(l§a&>•Km`?;dly1 &l(34m— 513 Immzgrant_s¢azzon, Baltimore, Md. n Act To increase the appropriation for the erecdon of an imnii; _ gratrorr station at Baltimore, Maryland. July 17, 1914 .. 513 Publzc burldmg, Memphis, Tenn. An Act To increase the limit of cost for the purchhhe·of·a-site 1_ thecousmrctron of a (public building Memphis, Tennessee. July 17, 1914 . 513 Pub.rc’I;rg%z)¤;gé0€1end§e$10$rn,17 rggliln Act To increase the limit of cost of Federal building at.Pe·hdle; .41-my, H. R. mare. An Actlor the rémeiriér$iEfrr.`ii.`i5r§é.` `§ri£1§`i%§ l%uZr`.ZZZZff[][fffZZ I I ff iii