Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/809

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SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cris. 4, 5, 7. 1915. 791 a bridge and approaches thereto across the Eastern Branch of the Elizabeth River at a point suitable to the interests of navigation, at or near the east end of Main Street in the city of Norfolk to a point at or near the north end of Main Street in what was the town of Berklizg but is now part of the said city, in the conmtv and city of _ Norfo in the State of Virginia, in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to regulate the construction of bridges over navigable waters/’ approved March twenty-third, nineteen hundred and six. Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby *"‘°"°"""" expressly reserved. Approved, January 2, 1915. GEL?. 5.-An Act To authorize the Chespeahe and Ohio Northern Railwa Jmmznzglm Company to construct a bridge acres the Ohio River a short distance above the mouth ——-£¥—L——— of the mus seimmv¤,beweep seam County, ohio, me Greenup County, Km. ¤¤’¤*·“°· New-1 tricky, at, or near Sdotovnlle, Oluo. Be it enacted by the Senate and House r¢iZLRepresentati·ves rg the United States of America in Congress assembled, at the Chesapea e and Ohio &*gp§}_{g£m Om Northern Railway Comgany, a corporation o?uized and existing imums anim; under the laws of the tate of Kentucky, an its succemrs an §’€'§‘,'{§}‘,’}$2Y(§’§*;2F'· amigns, be, and they are hereby, authorized to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge and approaches thereto across the Ohio River at a point suitable to the interests of navigation, a short distance above the mouth of the Little Scioto River, between Scioto County, Ohio. and Greenup County, Kentucky, at or near Sciotoville, Ohio, in accord- va. ance with the rovisions of the Acts of Congrem apsroved December 2’· P· “*· seventeen, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, an February fourteen, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, authorizing the construction _ of bridges across the Ohio River, and of the Act entitled “An Act to ‘ "'· “"· "· “ regulate the construction of bridges across navigable waters} ’ approved March twenty-third, nineteen hundred and six. Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby s"”°““'“"°‘· expressly reserved. Approved, January 2, 1915. CHAP. 7.-An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act to provide for the adju- I*°‘;‘§"lé$Q_{°m· dication and paiment of claims arising from Indian depredations," approved March .,_...;. third, eighteen nmdred and nmetyonc. {rubric, No. am.] Be it enacted by the Senate and Hmtseq‘RgB;·esentatives of the United x dk _1 MA V States of America in Congress assembled, at the iirst section of cigiim, “ °‘” " `fm paragraph one of an Act entitled "An Act to jiiipvide for the adjudi— ¤nfQ*;};,_d?°· *‘· "‘· cation and ayment of claims arising from _ dian depredations," approved Mhrch third, eighteen hundred and nmety-one, be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to read as follows: _ " First. That in all claims for property of citizens or inhabitants of °,C§;{g’jn*Q_°{,,P¥,j,*{,‘§,§g[ the United States, except the claims of Indians heretofore or now in ggrsvgkegbytigidew tribal relations, taken or destroyed by Indians belonigiug to any M in `°“ ‘ tribe in amity with and subject to the jurisdiction o the United States without just cause or provocation on the part of the owner or agent in charge, and not returned or paid for, and in all adjud1ca— _ tions under said Act as now amended, the alienage of the claimant ,_,fjgf°”g“ ¤°° ° *** shall not be a defense to said claim: Provided, That the privileges of gr>¤»m.».»._ this Act shall not extend to an person whose property at the time cm§$§?*’“°"’“ °" of its taking was unlawfully within the Indian country: Pmmkledjur- _ ther, That all cases heretofore filed under said Act of March third, s,;}§,“f “·’ °° *•'¤· eighteen hundred and ninety-one, and which have been dismissed by