Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/81

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62 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3. 1913. mm s me Speartish (south Dakota) station: S(uhperjiut.¢i{1d;:;1'Z;0(f1»500? 6*** ’ l · . Q ID 1 , culturist, $900, two laborers, at $$00 9% ) Statigm Supormmpdum t sun mu White Sul hur Springs (West u‘S’*m*’· °”v‘;‘lg’%v`V°'P $1,500; fish·d)ulturist, $900; three laborers, at $600 each; m 8-0, ,2 . , . . • ,,.,_p,,,,_ mm MTUOSBIO )§,tm0u; su1?s{.;¤y1n¢;ein;bg1,w0, Esh-cultrmst. • thygg 1 1_ ° _ Boothbay Hmm- sggoohthbay ?'I8l'b0l: (Maine) Stagg] §&1Pf>1'?:*’¤d°gé0$1£§hggé gg ' · . · · a rer ’ um cultunsm $900’ uigmccn s1’%§0]i;bs1,s1- ds, $720; two laborers, men, at $600 each, cusiggan 1101111 A llammotb Springs. atMammoth Station: Supe1jni;ohndg1i;0$)1,500;£Sh· M; as Alaska. culYes gay (Alaska) l§)aPi·c9h%1;;f Superintendgnt, ’$1,500; foreman, °“ ’· $1,200; two skilled 1,,;,0,.,,.,,, at $960 smh; three lab01‘¢1‘S» 11* $900 each; cook, $900; in iu, $8:220- . . S ti :S tendnt $1500·foreman $1200 W: ““"‘ t..%‘.@"‘.s £·‘b%“.%.’2, .*2*.;*.2*.. 121..;...;., site ...1.. .;..1; Homer, Hm- $9%0dm1§rdlhgg§;%ta) Station: Superintendent, $1,500; scieutiiio assistant, $1,400; scientinc assistant, $1,200; foreman, $1,200; xi nszyli $1,0.036 two firemen, at $600 each; two laborers, at $600 , in » $8, - . ~ . 1,outsv¤1e,Ky. Louisville (Kentucky) Station: Superrntendemt, $1,500, fish- · . Ibgrgpg, t$600eacl1;mal1 $3,600. omssb¤:g,s.c. ’ (tS:?1tl*i Caroliiia) Station: Superintendent, $1,500; £8h·C\11t\ll'iSt•? ; two libgfgfgy 8-* $§00 g;u”%H» H I suiwp Sara (I] II]! lg ’ Ou: u Wu] 7 3 wm culturist1(;g$900; tivo laborers, at $600 each; in all, $3,600. ’ _ sassm stations. Biological station, Fairport, Iowa: Director, $1,800;_supermtend- I"“"P°"· I°“‘ ent of fish culture, $1,500; scientistic wsistant, $1,400; scientific assistant, $1,200; foreman, $1,200; shell expert, $1,200; emeer, $1,000; two firemen at 8600 each; two laborers, at $600 each; m all, $11,700. B¤¤¤f¤r¢.N-¤· Biological, station Beaufort, North Carolina: Superintendent and director, $1,500; fish culturist, $900; two laborers, at $600 each; m all, $3,600. _ _ hm Em I t l : Two field station superintendents at $1 800 Employees.; each; ltvggeghgculixtgggsm, at $960 each; two HSlI·G\11tlI1'.IS;S, at each; five machinists, at $960 each; two coxswams, at $720 each; m 13 560. nsmsum em- aulgstiiibution employees: Five car captains, at $1,200 each; six car P'°’°°°‘ messengers, at $1,000 each; five assistant car messengers, at $900 each; five car laborers, at $720 each; five car cooks, at $600 each; m 23 100. Division ·»r1¤q¤¤·y. aubivisiou of inquiry respecting food fishes: Assistant in charge, $2,700; assi.stants—one $2,500, one $1,600, two at $1,200 each, two at $900 each; c1erks—one of class one, two at $900 each; in all, 14,000. _ _ _ Dtvlsioucfstatkstics, 3 Division of statistics and methods of the fisheries: Assistant in °‘°· cha;-ge, $2,500; clerks-—two of class four, one of class two, two at $1,000 each, one $900; statistical agents-—one $1,400, two at $1,000 each (one transferred to office of Secretary of Commerce and Labor); local a ents-—one at Boston, Massachusetts, $300; one at Gloucester, Massagiusetts, $600; one at Seattle, Washington, $600; in all, $15,300. _ Xg§;gg$_g*5¤· Vessel service: Steamer Albatross: Naturalist, $1,800; neral ` assistant, $%,2g0iiiish£1yCe¥)per{:);)$1,§‘;)§>(; clerk, $1,000; in all, %,200. “Fish Hawk." St is aw ; 8_ m y, _ "°¤¤·¥·" Stgggi Osprew Master. $1.500; engineer, $1,100; cook, $600; two firemen, at $720 each; seaman, $600; m all, $5,240.